Why am I still seeing people glorify this socialist cuck? I doubt he'll be even standing in the next 4 years

Why am I still seeing people glorify this socialist cuck? I doubt he'll be even standing in the next 4 years.

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because oy vey

Because socialism will work this time. I promise!

Because people are faggot, whom are blinded by jews. This old fart needs to die already.

Bc free

because he was a guy that american leftists could rally behind, however briefly? you don't see that too often

i mean, like him or not, the bernie movement had some real momentum going there for a while. him being snuffed out by hillary's billion-dollar media campaign blitz only served to highlight his underdog status, and the fact that the democratic party is a quivering, rotting belly about to burst with flies

whatever could have been asked of him (realistically) has probably happened already — in the wake of his candidacy and trump's subsequent victory, many americans disillusioned with the democrats have shifted further to left. they still strike me as a rootless (and ruthless) bunch that are only good for two things: infighting and demonstrations

i don't know under which rock they'll find the next sanders (old, wise sage kinda guy, easy to get behind), but i have a feeling they're gonna have to search high and low before they kick the right one over

Because liberals are insane.

>The DNC rigged the entire process to thwart him and after it was proven he was kneecapped by a corrupt system he bent the knee and sucked their cock but he is still a great man!

It's madness.

Bernie Sanders should be the dictionary definition of a sellout.

If I was a Bernie Bro I would have melted off my Bernie tattoo with a red hot butter knife and I would vow to never be duped so easily again.

But he was an awful candidate.

Debating -------D
Charisma-------D- (would be an F, but his hair had a slight pulse)
Rally's-----------F (they where increadibly boring and overhyped)
Stage presence/command of the stage-----------F (got his rally taken over by two obese Shaniquas)
Speech--------------F (just word salad, made hillary look like Obama)

He was a fucking strawman scarecrow that 20's somethings could pin their impossible political daydreams on, and never get them questioned because no one ever listened to what he actually had to say.

If not for being fucked over by establishment democrats he would've kicked the shit out of your boy/bitch.

only goes to show how desperate they are for a leader/figurehead of some sort

He's fallen and can't find his pudding pops.

cuz no college student watches the news outside of vice and buzzfeed

they never seen Trump destroy him, so they can't blame him for losing the election

>get trashed on in DNC primaries even without super delegates
>people think he would have won the election
Lmaoing @ your life


He was cheated, it's been admitted. But morons like you will never admit it. If he had been the choice (as he should've been) trump would be back to reality show programming where he belongs.

>b-but muh bern's socialism isn't the same D:
>b-but feel the bern
>b-but muh social obligation to pay for everything for everyone

>He was cheated
>it's been admitted
Can't cheat a popular fucking vote son. The only thing he got cheated on was airtime.

he has been one of the most nationalist spokespeople on the left.

I would still rather have him than hillary.

but then again it took mccain loosing a primary to totally sell out. maybe its the same with bernie.

What state do you live in? I'll bet it's one of the dingleberry flyover states.

Kansas hbu?

Forget about correct the record?
Forget about the superdelegates making a decision before the primaries even began?
She won because her supporters were willing to break laws to force her in.

I was right. Fuck Kansas.

Oregon. Bernie won.

>Correct the Record
Forget about Reddit shilling for Bernie non-stop for fucking FREE?

>Forget about the superdelegates making a decision before the primaries even began
Forget about he was losing just from popular delegates and the superdelegates didn't change a thing?

He lost fair and square. No laws were broken. Sour grapes don't change shit.

Portland fuck off.

Fuck all of you, Iowa

Kansas is a shithole, I will agree
I can't wait to move out
I hate oregon though, fuck that place too. The best state is easily Illinois you cuck

He's spent his entire career trying to help the common man.

But that's despicable round these parts. How dare he.

>He's spent his entire career trying to help the common man
He spent his entire career on welfare bux and ultimately did nothing. Do you know what's really despicable? Taking a fuck ton of political donations and using it to buy a vacation home.

No. It isn't, ill is full of niggers

Supporters are different than paying people to claim pedophilia to get pages shut down.

The media used her superdelegate to show how he'd lose even though all the polls showed he was the only democratic chance for winning.

Portland vs. Whereverthefuck, Kansas?
Yeah, try again. Enjoy the planes flying over to places that matter.

Got some proof there? I hear this meme a lot but there is never any proof and I've looked it up.

All I know is there's hours and hours of him speaking in Congress about real issues that American's face meanwhile every other dickwad up there is just running for reelection 24/7 and doing dick all.

Johnson county Kansas is actually pretty comfy if you don't mind the shithole surrounding it
Kansas as a whole is pretty damn shitty though

Cause he's big with millennial, gen x, socialists, and communists. He's the underdog who took on the corrupted DNC and still won something like 20+ states in the primary. Obviously I disagree with many of his policies but to pretend people don't like a guy who says he's gonna help the average Joe and look after them when the GOP and DNC have gutted America is completely shortsighted and a misinterpretation of why Bernie was so popular with the Left. This is also why Trump was elected, because he too said he was fed up with the corrupt system and wanted to help the average Joe. Both candidates visited the Rust Belt and both candidates held tens of thousands of people at many of their rallies. It becomes a much clearer perspective when you look at Hillary's rallies, which were garbage in size and density. He's still wrong on a lot of things and he's a Jew, but he's got good intentions - albeit retarded ways to go about them.

Anyone who voted against the bailout is a hero in my book.

>He's spent his entire career
>40 fucking years...
>two post offices named and one veterans bill passed

even by below average lawmaker standards he should kill himself

This may be an autistic opinion but I think normies consider Jews to be white and are charmed by the free-flowing vocals of him 50-50 with his "have vs have nots" rhetoric. White American men in particular are a bit too self-aware of how we sound when we talk.

>he does it for free
How much money did you lose? Remember, no refunds.

>The media used
Irrelevant. He could have won through democratic means but he lost the shit out of that too.

>Whereverthefuck, Kansas
I don't live in Kansas. Again, Portland fuck off.

He has a whopping 3 bills passed in his entire tenure. Two of them do nothing. Sup Forums thinks my link is spam but look up bills that Sanders sponsored that were passed on congress.gov

That's a gross over simplification, he is above average on roll call votes. Also he's a true liberal and thus pretty much on his own out there.

The fact alone he got a veteran bill passed is good to me. At least he does more than pay lip service to veterans unlike the rest of their ilk. Too many politicians talk that talk but when it comes time to swing they always cast veterans aside.

Dignity isn't in your vocabulary is it? If politicians worked half as hard as he always has in the face of adversity we'd be living in a utopia. Instead we have assholes looking to get rich by any means necessary running the country.

>Also he's a true liberal
He's not a true liberal. He's a socdem.

I'm saying in relation to others.

2 post offices and 1 bill is working hard? Nigger, I don't think you know what working hard means.

In relation to others, he's not a liberal. He's a social democrat. You need to learn what liberal means.

>If this guy can be lazy his entire life and spend most of his time begging for free stuff and actually get it, maybe I can too

Ooooohhhh, please tell us what culturally significant state/city you live in! I bet it matters by the way you haven't mentioned it.

>doesn't have an argument
>makes it about location
It doesn't matter what state I say, you aren't going to be happy with it. You've lost. Pack it in champ. I'll give you a hint though: My county is more relevant to this country than your entire state.

Are you claiming the accomplishments of your county? That's some "we wuz kangz" shit there. You don't do shit duderino.

>user says everyone who isn't in one of his predetermined states is irrelevant
You can fuck off too.

Did you know when you surrender, as you have, you lose?


He's the best Democrat you've had in 60 years.
There simply is no competition.

>still has no argument
It's okay to admit you have nothing, lad. I'm sorry he took your money and ran. I really am, but getting BTFO on a Siamese Mosaic Website isn't going to change that.

this from the same network that reported an increase in Hillary's chances for beating Trump from 78% to 91%.

Trump would eat Commie Sanders alive.

It's working out alright in Europe.

Because the song of gibs is a sweet, sweet tune to the lighter thinker.

>Says the person who probably believed all the campaign promises Trump has made.

There are seriously some impossible ones even more unlikely than free college/healthcare.

But the wall is cool!

Just like this one...

He's the most honest democrat at least. Most of them won't admit to being communists, unless they're in the company of other communists.

>Oh, I'm pretty centrist democrat. I just think we should ban guns and nobody needs to make more than 50k a year...

>Everyone is going to have coverage!
>We are not going to leave anyone behind!
>It's going to be so awesome!
American Healthcare Act :^)

the reason he looks so nice and clean is because he wasn't relevant enough for them to bother digging up real dirt on him, he was controlled opposition whether he realized it or not. if it somehow came between Trump and Bernie I still don't believe he would have won

I still don't get how none of his supporters were pissed that he literally stole their money and handed it to the Clinton campaign. During the last leg of his campaign tour he knew he was going to drop out, but insisted on a big push for donations before hand.

Then he took a payoff (a new house) and disappeared

B-but first let's keep trying trickle down reaganomics.

>It'll work this time i promise.


Because as much of a snake oil salesman as he is, he was screwed by the DNC. If the Romanov's ended communism and executed Lenin,Stalin, and Trotsky then we would all think that Communism/Socialism is the best thing ever

Maybe it's because, eventhough he's a cuck, he's right on many things? Or at least, they think he's right.

>gibs me dat


If you're joking: nice one

If you're serious: come live in Southern Belgium and try to take the train for a month. Socialist unions are ruining this fucking country.

I've never been in Belgium but Germany was pretty good. Netherlands was also okay.


He's not a cuck, he's a kike. A cuck is someone who works against the interests of their own people. A white bernie supporter is a cuck. Bernie himself works to secure Jewish supremacy in the west.

You're comparing short tourist time with actually living there. A tourist in Chicago may think the city is okay, especially if they only visit West Chicago (where all the tourist shit is). Someone living in Chicago realizes that it is not. Touristing experience =! living experience

>especially if they only visit West Chicago
er East Chicago.

Hillary was anointed by the Dems before the primary even began, couldn't find anyone to run against her. Enter stage right literal who communist Jew to pretend at party opposition. Probably went to the same synagogue as Wasserman Schultz. Can't believe these Reddit tards fell for it.

He should go into selling products

I was in Germany for a short period of time but I spent a really long time (5 years I think) in Istanbul and even the Turkish way of socialism works quite alright. Yes the quality is low in most public services but it's not as grim as "I've fallen down the stairs now I will have debt till I die".

>bolidigal revolushun :DDD
>burd landed on bodium so I win :DDD
>vode Hillury :DDD

he sold out user

>I think
You think? You either did or you didn't and your statement affirms that you didn't.

He's jewish, that's why.

Because he is the only senator that works 100% to help the people.

Watch Bernie getting a room full of west virginia trump supporters cheer from him:


Why do people make fun of him endorsing Hillary at the end while completely ignoring the cuckoldry that took place after Trump was nominated?

They didn't even get a voice, they only fully subjugated. Bernie actually asked Hillary to compromise and was successful which is why he kept going and which is why I was a bit hopeful because making compromises and actually agreeing with your opposition is necessary in a democracy and it is something missing from Republicans of this election cycle.

4.5 or 5 I'm not sure which. 2008 to 2013 but I started in sep 2008 and left june 2013 and actually got through some medical procedures such as wisdom teeth removel (for free too). Satisfied?

>Israeli Bernie shill returns

yeah he's literally jesus.. fuck off, goldenberg.

>4.5 or 5 I'm not sure which
That's a significant period of time and it wasn't very long ago. Surely you should remember. I remember everywhere I lived over the last 10 years and I move every few months for work. Bullshit meter off the fucking charts that you can't remember how long you lived somewhere 4 fucking years ago.

He is not jesus you moron, he is Elohim

There is a difference between I don't want to deal with calculating exact number of years and giving simply false information. Ask me anything about Istanbul if you want confirmation. But this is hardly related to the subject at hand.

Buddy, let me tell you something. If you were telling the truth, you would have just approximated it and left it at that. Instead you gave an I think and proceeded to waver again. Never have a run in with police because they're going to eat you and your story alive.

>Art of the Deal overdose

Not an argument.

There is no way of convincing you after your initial disagreement. Whatever I say you are not going to be satisfied I was just giving a joking closure, so you'd better look at how social security in Turkey works.

It was okay for a couple decades, but now those utopias are going bankrupt and shifting away from socialism.

It's only a matter of time before they abandon the experiment completely.

Let's not forget that it's our military which protects them as well.

>makes suspicious claim
>wavers over it
>wavers over it again
>when challenged posts no proof and makes another non-argument

We're not socialist, were welfare states. Also, you do realise that the far right is going to dominate all national governments of our continent within the next decade, right?

>Make a claim
>Don't want to sound like an a hole with being too strict with dates
>Try to joke your way out of a very pointless discussion
>Get called sarcastically cool

What proof do you want? Anything I give you will be deflected because somehow you thought I wavered by not giving exact dates.

Do they pay for medical care at government hospitals in Turkey? No. When you are unemployed you pay like 400 liras (150$ maybe I'm not sure [not wavering I don't know the exchange rate]) and you are basically covered for pretty much everything at government hospitals which are not that great but still work fine.

When you are employed, your employer pay for the premium which may or may not be cut from your salary that I'm not sure. Government operates hospitals so they are the provider as well and require mandatory service from all med graduates, which keep their costs somewhat lower.

You failed to remove his credibility. Everything he said is pretty true, and verified by my own experiences traveling around the world. The issues with socialism right now don't involve healthcare or public transportation. Those are areas where it is, actually, pretty successful compared to the USA.

Feminism, the authoritarian left, and too much immigration threatening local cultures are the problems. It's just that they're pretty major problems.

Continental European elections shifted left in the wake of Trump tho. Austria, Netherlands, Brexit is literally the only election in Europe that was technically more right than status quo.

You lived in Turkey for "5 years" and have no photographs? You wavered not once (I think), not twice (I'm not sure which), but THREE TIMES (hurr it's irrelevant since I got called out on it). Either way, if you are unemployed in the U.S. you pay ~$20 for a hospital visit if you're uninsured or you pay fucking $2 because you're on Medicaid. With that said, I'm out. Remember the lessons learned here user. If you don't remember those, at least TRY to remember how long you have lived in your CURRENT location.

That stupid jew commie look on his face..

Would love to strangle him and watch his face go blue then throw him into an oven

That shift left won't last long, it will only work if it's a libertarian left, and not authoritarian.


But I didn't learn anything. I was just being honest and you were being suspicious. I don't understand what I should've learned.

Bernie claims to be a Libertarian Socialist, but obviously bows to his authoritarian left masters. This is an YUGE problem. It means he'll be washed out the second he gets in office.

Satisfied further? Please do search them online, I took these you won't be able find them. It's not like people take photos this bad.