Are humans the only animals that can't fight without causing damage to our own bodies? Why?
Are we meant to hide behind monopolies on violence?
Are humans the only animals that can't fight without causing damage to our own bodies? Why?
Are we meant to hide behind monopolies on violence?
>Are humans the only animals that can't fight without causing damage to our own bodies?
Interesting. What are some of the others?
Bees. Suicide stingers, y'know?
Deer, felines
Oh, I suppose you're right. Deers and bees make sense, but can cats not fight without sustaining self-afflicted injury? Claws and fangs seem relatively harmless to use
My bad
Literally every single one
you can stomp relatively easily without hurting yourself
also some animals like monkeys use sticks as weapons, so it makes sense that we evolved to be better at utilizing an object to attack with
All of them.
Virtually everything apart from FORD TOUGH animals like rams elephants and rhinos my dude.
Weapons may be built into the body but there's no guarantee the connecting tissue can hold them there with enough force.
Everything fights. Our opposable thumbs were a huge factor. The "tool making" skill. War on a human scale would be the same result for any other animal that evolved sufficiently had they possessed this "tool making" ability.
Human's aren't just their physical body, OP. Guns are part of our extended phenotype. Get with the times, it's 2017 for crying out loud
We have hands suited to grasping tools.
The tools make us better at killing than any other higher animal on the planet.
Use a club, not a fist.
Kek dogs will rip their teeth out on other dogs your retarded
Most fights we see are just play or dominance things. When things actually fight they get hurt, that's why fighting is a last resort in most animals.
>Hands that never had a beating before
Go boxing or something will benefit your health you lardass
Also this
Caterpillars can hurt each other just with words. They're fucken nasty lil' buggers watch out for 'em.
We were just born to own guns.
Bears break their paw bones whenever they smack shit sometimes.
>benefit health
Pick one
We lacked claws or fangs so we made our own out of steel.
I mean the part of the running and getting muscle mass.
Never before have I seen such a retarded thing put forth on Sup Forums.
Knuckles are pretty badass to be honest. With a little training you can hit with them and not feel pain.
Human are not animals.
Nothing's stopping you from grappling if you don't want to punch.
If you put a roll of quarters in your palm, you can punch like your fist is made of stone and you won't dislocate your bones. Also, you can toss the roll before cops show up so they wont count it as you using a weapon
The modern man isn't as hard as he should be. Those hands would ideally be covered in a protective layer of calluses
>Using your fists to punch a man in the face when you're fighting bare knuckle.
If you're punching someone in the gut its one thing; but if you're hitting them in the face then you should be using an open palm.
>what are sticks and stones
>benefit health
Pick one.
We have tools, having heavy armored hands would just slow us down, also get some calluses you couch warriors.
How about you use a handgun. Either kill or cripple or don't bother fighting at all
Sharks lose their teeth all the fucking time. Sharks only do one thing, they bite, and yet evolution is unable to provide them with a sustainable attack frame. So sharks do the next best thing, they lose the teeth and re-grow them, just like how you bruise the skin on your knuckles and then grow it back. Nothing unusual about it.
We are the only beings that im aware of that can use grappling techniques and use those hands to hold weapons.
nice meming
Humans aren't accustomed to doing it like animals are. That's basically the only difference, animals harm themselves when fighting too.
Bees kill themselves to defend the hive.
Running is a death sentence for your knees
>Are we meant to hide behind monopolies on violence?
No we are meant to live in harmony with each other and nature and share
Oh Australia
I love your humor so much
>Bad for health
You must be a burger visiting ivan land.
You're right its all those damn genetics.
Grappling you fucking inexperienced faggots
If he was fighting properly he wouldn't have broken his knuckles, bad punching technique
Only if you are a dirty russian who runs into the middle of the traffic to get run over by a car and collect insurance money.
that has got to be the dumbest image i have ever fucking seen
>I've never seen a nature documentary ever in my life.
Your issue with it is what exactly? It's entirely correct.
Go punch walls or something. Get your hands used to hitting things and then get a blackjack to completely undermine that nonsense.
all of them. most animals, when contesting their own species for mates/resources, will typically only play fight/do dominance rituals because they know if they really fight both might end up dead. Deers are the most obvious example for an american to understand. Animals dont have hospitals, one little scratch can result in an infection that kills them so they tend to be pretty careful and not fight if they dont need to.
You're a fucking idiot. All animals sustain injury while fighting. In fact, most animals are less prone to fight because they know that if they are hurt they will just die. Beats don't have medical advancement like humans do, and they know it.
Stop striking with your fists, retard.
Animals hurt themselves fighting all the time. Bees even die by design.
You can also try a kung fu palm if you're up close. It can carry much more force.
Violence is never the answer.
Not true, but even if it were, our amazing ability to cope with shock and to heal from injuries that would kill lesser animals would make up for it.
>then who was camera
Eat more omega-3, faggot.
What the fuck are you on about faggot
Animals injure each other all the time fighting.
No, virtually every animal risks injuring itself to fight anything.
There is a reason that predators tend to not hunt more often than necessary or they hunt prey that they are extremely overpowering of.
Humans are the only animals that can fight without hurting ourselves.
Humans are interestingly enough one of the only animals to have developed our arms into fighting clubs as well.
>muscle mass
>good for boxing
nice one schlomo
>Humans are the only animals that can fight without hurting ourselves.
Australian sexpat*
Suppose he's got a pointed stick?
Nope. Only goats and their ilk. So ram was correct.
Which animal do you intend to catch and take down with punches? (or expect to defend yourself from?)
Honeybadgers do get hurt, they just don't give a fuck.
Shut up!
>Arguing with betas about sports
I need to stop.
Oh, they do hurt, they're just are too alpha to show it.
Giraffes occasionally break their necks fighting other giraffes for giraffe females. How ignorant can you be?
This gave me a boner.
>Human beings are scary
but it's not really that impressive.
the persistence hunting thing is cool, but i don't know many animals that can't take some damage to their extremities, and we don't really eat ourselves when we can't get food, like, to a point we do, but then we die, so why bother saying that?
the second part is neat though
You can still break your wrist if you don't know how to punch infographic fighting expert. Shit you can still break fingers that way.
Humans are made for wrestling. Stand up fighting is for when you are part of a nog swarm.
That's a Bas move right there.
Humans don't even have to know what they're killing to kill it. Opposite of any form of damage to human.
Real bait or real retardation?
You decide.
>toss a roll of quarters
nigga you got ten bucks worth of quarters to just throw away? shit
They snag and get ripped out. Fangs get chipped too. An old tomcat that lived near my dorm looked like it was torn to hell. Missing teeth and one paw was mangled into a stump. Surprisingly friendly tho and still managed to kill a racoon once.
no, that's why the majority of animals pursue dovish or mixed conflict resolution strategies instead of brawling.
You're intelligent enough to use a computer. Surely you can figure out a better way to defend yourself and your territory.
No. Depends on if you run on your foot or the ball of your foot. Nature is brilliant in its design, despite what Dawkins says.
The dude who invented jogging died jogging. Stfu
Not 100% true. The best unarmed counter for any animal who attacks primarily with jaws is to work a clenched fist down its throat.
Rip tongue out when opportune. Will bleed to death quickly.
Actually, I suppose that is wrestling. Just wanted to mention that.
>Can't fight without causing harm to our own bodies
Jiu-jitsu master race reporting in
A side note, bees generally only die after stinging when attacking creatures with skin. Skin tends to bee too thick for the bee to be able to pull its stinger back out, and insects don't really have receptors for pain like other kinds of animals do, therefore they will fly off like everything is normal and not even realize they'd just ripped out their entire intestinal tract.
Against other insects, the stinger is a fucking deadly and vicious spear that causes considerable damage through the barbs that would otherwise be caught in skin.
Grizzly Man provides a good example of this. He hangs around bears every summer for 13 years before an old desperate bear bites his head off.
Basically, animals do everything they can to avoid a "fight." They want a slaughter.
as you probably know some one killed a full grown male grizzly doing just that. One of two known times a man has kill a grizzly without using weapons.
Though i think he just suffocated the bear instead of ripping the tongue out
>Invented jogging
>*Insert inventor who died from his own invention*
Nigga please.
Just choke a bitch, if they're smaller pick them up and slam them. No need to get damaged