What unpopular (unpopular by Sup Forums standards) do you hold?


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The jews are our greatest ally!

I'm for gay marriage and I think cultural marxism is primarily a product of modernism and prosperity, not nefarious Jewish influence.

> Chink powerranger is a leaf
Top jej.

Only people with children in the system should pay taxes for education. Abortions should be mandatory if the parents cannot be shown to provide a safe living space for their child (syringe-free, no unfenced pools, clifffaces, etc)

In a perfect world the inflation rate would be zero, loans would not exist for any reason (but charity is fine), and people who hoard resources (the obese, multiple home owners, etc) would be mulched and fed to the fish farms so the normies can sit around eating dye-free salmon

I love the jews

Roast me fags

We'll need a name on this semen demon

Islam is the religion of peace

I second the leaf, name pls.

I wanna fuck a qt arab

Unpopular what? Please don't write like a nigger.


There's a difference between blacks and niggers.
Blacks know that their culture is toxic so they don't accept it and instead work to be functioning respectable members of society.
>Ben Carson
Niggers live on welfare and get their christmas bikes for their kids from the school they attends bike rack. They have no desire for anything other than themselves and have a complete disdain for anyone else.
>Every nigger ever

chemtrails are real
vaccines can cause autism
global warming isn't man-made

Ekaterina Enokaeva

Most if not all problems in the world are created by capitalism run amuck, not brown people or Islam


sorry user

I'm a centrist.

Everyone is capable of smart genes.

>Kikes did everything that is wrong about my life

That a lot of racial divisiveness is a weapon of the Jews to undermine goyim of all color and creed

Go fuck yourself shariablue.
That's my unpopular Sup Forums opinion, and it is unpopular because shill threads are always full.

"white genocide" is dumb

that Israelis are not "based"

>self-hating jew

You really live up to the stereotype.

Beige future is real and based

Drumpf is a neocon zionist shill who has no idea what he's doing

As an ex-muslim, I agree with you on this.

Settle down. The thread is full because believe it or not lots of people like talking about themselves not because i'm a shill. You don't have to participate in the thread seppo.

"Being white" is not sufficient as a qualification, and white nationalism is inherently flawed if it considers worthless overweight NEETs equal/superior to others simply because they're white.

All else being equal I'd rather have white neighbors than anything else, but some whites are trash.

how is this unpopular

Only land owners should vote and the number of votes you receive should be based on taxes paid

It was a rhetorical question and it's ok, I forgive you.

On the topic; I don't think there's anything wrong with race mixing as long as the same culture and/or values are shared and passed down.

Nu-Sup Forums loves Israel

Traps aren't gay.

I don't mind most Jews


Without Jews in Israel the Third Temple will never be built, Armageddon will never come about, and our ancestors will never be freed from purgatory to become one with God.


The single most effective way to pull the American negro out of their constant cycle of poverty, crime and violence would be to make long term (IUD, shots, implants, etc) birth control available at no charge to any female in the US. Maybe even offer a cash incentive.

thanks user!

It was all fun and games until you rocked up. fucking faggot

You also burger.

White women are worse than Jews

Cannabis isn't a big deal.

I don't use it but don't think less of those who do.

I don't care about your ethnicity and I don't care if you're gay just don't be a fucking nigger faggot

now imagine if the media wasn't (((cucked))) beyond belief

racism is stupid
Trump is incompetent and a literal retard
clime change is real
situation in europe isn't as bad as everyone claims here, it's only to serve political agendas
obama was a good president
everyone deserves healthcare

Britbongs seem to have an unusual attraction to traps

There is nothing wrong with being gay. What consenting adults do in private is their own business.

That said, flamboyant flaming faggotry and pushing the LGBT agenda into media and politics should be violently suppressed

After spending a long day out working in a major CA city seeing thousands of people I can count the whites I saw on one hand

You ever see their women? There's hardly a difference.

don't care what color immigrants are as long as they carry their weight and speak english. We should grant amnesty and green cards to law abiding,to tax paying illegals of more than 5 years residence.

>obvious unpopular opinion


This to a degree

I was talking with one of my black cooworkers on break and he was dropping some Sup Forumstier redpills
>america sending money to middle east
>coporate control by an elite over our economy
He was this close to naming the jew before he started going on about how donald trump wants to start a war

If youre reading this thread and you know who you are, im with you dude but you cant fall for media lies about trump, youre smarter than that

What? The hell does that have to do with the difference between niggers and blacks?

I think your autism might have gotten in the way of understanding

This is mine as well

Would you agree to the statement though that whites should not be allowed to become a minority in their own lands?

Climate change is (probably) real

I'm too intelligent for debates so I often don't argue with people

It has nothing to do with that. There is a paragraph break in between the statements for a reason.

lol kill yourself commie

The ancient Egyptians were black.



Racemixing isn't bad.

Most of Sup Forums is non white.

My roommate is the only red pilled black man I know. He loves his heritage for the accomplishments they HAD but also acknowledges the flaws of his heritage and culture.
>Thug life
>Nigger slang in general
>Welfare queens
You know shit like that.
He posts in Sup Forums sometimes and he lurks a lot. He's a Trump supporter that knows the deep state is at war right now.



there's nothing wrong with nu/pol/.

Pizzagate is real

Cuck beyond belief. That's Neo Con language you're using.

Evading the law for a completely arbitrary time period makes you an american? Fuck off

>Multiracial communities are possible if every person is of the same culture.
>However, societies must be either all for multiracialism, or all against.

>War should be avoided at all cost, but is inevitable. A country should always be prepared.

>We must ensure the preservation of natural environments, as long as we live on Earth.
>Uninhabited planets should be terraformed to suit the needs of Man for colonisation.
>Single countries can lay claims upon entire planets, if that planet is reached by that country first.

Race mixing is okay.

>mongrelizing isn't bad and doesn't produce fucked up deformed offspring

Always. Are you burgers just trying to live up to a meme or something?

After all the anons who have said this i have to ask why? Don't you want different races to exist in the world? Aren't you proud of your white heritage? Or Your heritage of you race if you are not white?

That i don't care about other europeans than Germanics and half germanics


I would say the opposite has actually been demonstrated. Multicultural communities are possible if everyone is of the same race

Black girls are better than white girls


Blacks are intelligent as Asians. IQ tests don't mean shit. White crackers are inherently evil.

Oh no you didn't.

>What unpopular (unpopular by Sup Forums standards) do you hold?

The world is shit not because of kikes but because of leftist WASP's cucks...

>white crackers


Nigger detected

Socialized medicine is a good idea.

>white crackers
I meant it in an endearing way

High IQ people are usually easier to scam so therefor their intelligence is useless

vegetarianism/veganism is redpilled and pro-white.



I see what you did there my nigga

Your detection skills are poor


>High IQ people are usually easier to scam

??? Life is not a 90's Simpsons episode, James...

>Don't you want different races to exist in the world?
I don't really care
>Aren't you proud of your white heritage? Or Your heritage of you race if you are not white?
I acknowledge their accomplishments but I don't know why I should pretend I had some part in it just because we share a skin color.

The whole take on the Jewish question, literally, literally the same thing niggers make when they blame whitie for their wrongs

The orthodox jews are our ally,... the communist ones are the problem.

Another one....white Americans are way more a bunch of druggies than beaners or niggers...


Racemixing is good - introducing genes from different parts of the world strengthens the organism

>implying I'm white
Did you just assume my ethnicity shitlord?