I am an immigrant. Do you hate me? Why?
I am an immigrant. Do you hate me? Why?
An immigrant from where?
No we live in a globalized world. We are all global citizens.
I view you as my brother in humanity :3
Post-ussr country.
Then welcome aboard comrade!
Get out of there. Let the pakis burn that shithole to the ground. Come here instead.
All the close places, nearby cities and towns, but you go straight for the dollar sign. what respect you build will take time.
Not if you're white.
So do you hate chinese immigrants?
In large numbers I do.
I don't really care, but the bongs seem to prefer pakis to eastern euros.
Chinks are subhumans incapable of empathy, so yes. Still preferable to niggers, though, as they aren't generally violent.
Not if they are in small quantity. But Canada, American, Australian or New Zealand levels are unacceptable.
If you are a Hong Konger you are officially civilised if you are a mainlander you need to go back.
Atleast you are not a paki
ur ugly
>Post-ussr country.
You're Polish aren't you? Fuck off.
>British education
you shit everywhere think you are important and wanna do nothing but play playstation.
no we don't, everyone hates pakis. only unemployed working class people talk about poles stealing their jobs, otherwise no one cares. pakis are a menace to everyone and they fucking stink.
>victim complex.
I am willing to believe even people that say they hate you, dont really hate you. It's a meme. stop being a victim and you will succeed.
If you're legal idgaf
Are you here legally and trying to be a productive member of society? No.
If not, still no, but I see nothing wrong with you getting deported.
Have you broken the law? No? There's your answer.
No, because at least you can write and read English.
Absulutely C I V I C
gonna need to give us more information OP
whats your ethnic ancestry?
I hate the ones that speak fucking chinese in public really fucking loudly. God that is one ugly language
Redpill me on pakies. When I was in uni here, I lived with a paki. He usually had 24-25 our of 25 for his homework, while I had 23-24.
Welcome aboard. If you are white you are my brother.
I am not really sure are russians white or not, they have incredibly high crime rates comparing to other white people and africa tier economy.
The mongrol half-breeds are not. And its pretty clear who those are by looks. The eastern europeans are white. I've met one russian/something else, probably a mix with Scandinavian or anglo, and he was very kind, not a nigger of any kind. It just depends I guess, I haven't really met many pure breeds from further east
I think it depends on climate. Russian climate forced people to work together, thus they are mostly collectivists with all the consequences.
My dad researched our family tree. It goes back to immigrants; French Huguenots.
They were Protestants escaping Catholic persecution.
My surname is French.
collectivism is ok, in a homogeneous demographic. Both that and individualism are important. Because purely individualism means people won't fight for anything or defend their people and purely collectivism offers poor incentives to eugenically progress your people's genetic line. I'm ukrainian from one parent, scandianvian/anglo-saxon from the other. Genetically I think eastern european traits blend in or get covered up rather strongly by english traits. I look at my family and just after 3 generations my face structure has very little Ukrainian to it.
So, I will actually tell you the reason, I have spoken to British people and this bugs the shit out of me.
You must understand that middle class white people (most Leftists) hate the working class. Never for an instant believe the rhetoric that they care about the working class and want to protect you from the big mean capitalists--this is a lie. The blackest of lies. They do not like you, they hate you. They hate your values, they hate your principles, they hate your religion (most of you have one) and they hate your lack of "class," though to middle class people, "class" means wasting money to try and seem sophisticated by eating food they can't afford or looking at/owning art they don't understand.
The middle class hates the lower class, but they hate the upper class more. Their political motives are ENTIRELY centered around trying to create what they imagine will be a coalition of useful idiots to help them destroy the people who have actual culture, class and money, who they view with abject envy and loathing.
Now this is key: They have realized at this point that working class assimilated white people don't care about their petty class envy. The working class just wants to do their jobs, have a beer at the end of the day and watch some sportsball. They don't want to have to deal with fags or trannies or blacks, they just want to live. The middle class hates you. That's why they advocate bringing in hordes of shitskins who DON'T work. They want hordes of shitskins dependent on gibs--they want a SLAVE class, not a Working class. The Slave Class will always advocate for more gibs which in theory come from the Upper Class as a sort of wealth redistribution. They imagine this will tear down their hated superiors.
There are different kinds of collectivism, one is like in ancient Greece and other is like in USSR. And let me quess, your mom is ucrainian.
Now, the Upper Class is smarter than the Middle Class (which is why they're the upper class) and so they have completely defeated this plan by rerouting the cost of gibs onto the Middle Class. The Middle Class sees wealth through the lens of wages, they do not understand that the Upper Class's wealth is delivered to them through a system of banks, bailouts, support loans and capital gains. They inflate away whatever gains the Middle Class makes while continually funneling money to themselves, and so they are always one step ahead of the Middle Class Champagne Socialists no matter how hard they try. In the United States, the Leftist Middle Class has actually created the most powerful wealthy superclass in history because the Federal Reserve literally recoups the entire federal budget, +7%, every single year and hands it out to their friends.
As the Middle Class continually loses ground in its stupid fight to attack their betters, they double down in their retarded immigration policies to try and amass the political capital of Gibs to defeat the Upper Class--but this doesn't work. So they blame you. White Working Class Male. You are the reason why the ebil corporations have so much money--not the fact that the State literally exists to give them more money, and the dipshit Leftists themselves voted to funnel more lucre through the State.
So they hate you, and they spit on you, and they try to replace you with low-IQ shitskins who they know will end up on welfare because they see welfare as a good thing, because they don't understand finance, because if they DID understand finance they wouldn't still be Middle Class Bourgoise trash collectors gleaning up the leftovers created by our fuckmassive globalized economy--which is all the Middle Class actually is. The Middle Class is an accounting error, and every year they correct themselves a little bit more by drawing the ire of the Upper Class Accountant.
It's from my dad's side, but the ukrainian genes are through a female carrier, my great grandmother was in ukraine in early 1900s I believe. Came to Canada when Alberta was first being settled and they were looking for farmers. Married with an Icelandic man who fought in WW1, several generations here, eventually met my mom, who was english, raised in a largely catholic and francophone community, moved out west.
Are you white then?
If you're a white immigrant I welcome you. We need more white immigrants to beat out the increase in nonwhites
Polish immigrants always welcome in USA, please come over mój kolega
A majority of them yes
I have no qualms with letting the anti communists live here for awhile as long as they don't have high birthrates but the mass mainlanders immigration is fucking cancer
Russia is a massive country that conquered a lot of nonwhite territory. Most of their nonwhites just stay in their areas
Actual ethnic Russians are white