What can be done about white women?




They contain encoded CP.


That whole 'illegal nudes' thing was such bullshit and a total PR move.

All these photos come out right before her new movie, give me a break.

Not only that some pics were photoshopped to begin with (removing skin blemishes). What user would give a fuck and wast the time?


this bong is factual. my cousin is in prison now because of emma watson jaypegs

dat asssssssssss

Why are those door handles so high?

Our knockers are chest height

fucking Bongland man

REMINDER : Emma dated any Asian guy

Why do we care about Emma Watson again?

because penis

>REMINDER : Emma dated any Asian guy
If any sex pics of Emma leaks, it would probably be her sucking on Asian cock since these hacks are from 1-2 years old.

>>REMINDER : Emma dated any Asian guy

>Why do we care about Emma Watson again?
Beauty & The Beast will open to $170 - $180 Million in the US this weekend.

Let them rot in hell for their poor decisions. Voting was the carrot which they clearly fucked up big time. Now its time for the stick. Guys need to stop trying to turn cunts into women.

is that back-tattoo a shoop?

>Oh look white man my new round ass, but pls no share on internet, i'll sue. Hint: I totally look more feminine than the last Barbie they made out of me that looks like a man. Make sure you notice it, i am a real pretty woman, get it!
>Those evil white men, i am going to breed myself out of existence now with niggers and Asians, i will show you white man

Well, taking in mind the "size" of asian "cock, it was her lesbian phase.

I want to sniff those panties on the floor.

1: gas the kikes
2: race war
Come on man, we've been over this so many times

Emma Flotsam

Go mgtow an letem have bbc...while u bang escorts

Sad but true
Can't believe she's beauty, she's Belle?!??

Holy shit. That sucks.

She's so ugly.

44 year old here, Harry Potter kids all grown up and are ultra popular with the new generation....I feel like that generation has been cheated out of so much.

On the flip side, massive red pilling freedom of information is causing online is glorious.

Reality destroys the left.

Stop puting them on a pedestal.
You cant "dominate" them as so many people on here suggest because you will never be more influential than the TV.
RedPill them on Cultural Marxism and see if the can recognise the influences.
Just better yourelf and know when women are manipulating you - call them out on it - and if they disagree or are unaware they are being manipulative, ignore them / stop calling

Is that tattoo real

This can't be real

Abandon thread everybody /r/asianmasclunity is here.

>>>REMINDER : Emma dated an Asian guy
Whether when you take your kids to see "Beauty & The Beast" in the theaters or pirate it from the interwebs, when you see Emma as Belle, just remember that mouth has tasted Asian dick.


Emma dated 20 white chads before and continues to date white chads after her short stint with a shrimp dick chink.

Nope. She's a diehard Steve-O fan.

The next time I fuck my korean FWB I'm going to be thinking about all you virgin 5'6 asians "men" from r/hapas and r/asianmasculinity.