Drug dealers get more pussy than people who contribute to society

Really makes you think doesn't it?

Scumbags get more pussy than engineers or people who build actual stuff. Why do you think it is? What's nature trying to tell us with this? Is it trying to balance something?

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there are are different ways of being alpha.

I'm aware of that, but what I'm trying to understand is: how is this justified on a biological level?

So enginering is a skill, and so is getting pussy/alpha. some people plan on building bridges and others as janitors later in life

But that does not include free loader pussy/gold diggers. There is always women that want money and will sleep with you to get to it.

>crack addicted whore pussy
If you're addicted to any drugs you'd be willing to sell/give anything. Pussy is not an exception.

Drug dealing implies power and control and lawlessness. Women find that attractive.

It's resource gathering.

Women seek men who can gather resources. Drug dealers have a particular type of resource that improves womens perception of attractiveness of them.

I'm not necessarily talking about drug addicted girls.

Tatoo artists for instance, there's no addiction and tatoos are fugly, yet those guys get pussy.

Gotta have a source for that buddy.

And no since how anything we are currently living in "natural" no I will contradict that by saying the football players might resemble Indian Warriors and displaying their physical prowess but that example is limited

> how is this justified on a biological level?

are you fucking rearded or what's the deal bud

it's perfectly justified on a bialogical level because women seek to mate with dangerous men who can attack enemies and drive out interlopers

engineer and people who build actuall stuff are autistic nerds that get to raise the offspring

All drugs should be legalized not even a lolbertatian

Women dont care about intelligence they like money, power and fame. Look how many hoes are hanging out at a football game compared to a mensa meeting or the chess club.

Those MENSA people are savage, though, they take no shit from anyone


And Judas got richer for selling Christ out, but he suffered in the long run.

Just as Drug-dealers will suffer in the long run.

Point is, don't use pussy to motivate yourself or justify your existence, an orgasm is intense but fleeting, the true joys in life are very subtle and long-lasting.

So don't put pussy on a pedestal.

Getting a lot of pussy is not being successful.
Not getting any is not being successful either.

Having kids that you raise well and bond with is.
Bitches won't shoulder you when you'll be old and dying.
Memories of pussies won't calm the fear of death.

Women also like drug dealers and criminals in general because its alpha. My dad was a piece of shit hells angels guy and he had a kid with my mom who is a brain surgeon. Its not a meme being attractive ad being an alpha matters more than anything.

Violence is masculine and attractive, so is power and wealth.

Holy c*** that picture really struck a cord with me. Who's the painter? Its beautiful. The lunacy and terror in his eyes are just... wow.


Women only want to date famous and rich subhuman retards, which is why they like successful athletes and musicians

All women care about for men is how alpha he is, and the more violent and dominant he is, the more alpha he is. It's why black men and Muslim men are drowning in white pussy.

>inb4 not ALL white women do it, you're entire society recognizes that black and brown men are more alpha and is submissive to them

Rational men are not attractive. Women are attracted to passion, might and lust, no matter how destructive it may be to actual society / civilization.
Even Marcus Aurelius got cucked by his wife who fucked slaves and sailors instead.

>the world isn't fair
No shit. The good guys winning is only a fantasy.

The strong eat the weak, that's still the only rule that applies.

>holy c***

holy cunt? The Netherlands is a strange place.

there was a bit of a scandla here where this drug dealers girlfriend who was like a 10/10 ended up cheating with the officer who was investigating her boyfriend.

i saw a pic of her and she was basically a super model.

"Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581" by Ilya Repin (1885). It gets reposted on Sup Forums all the time.


don't help out the germs kthxbai

Underrated post; well described and written.

Not all pussy is equal user. Do you want crackhead pussy? Or do you want ivy league blue-blooded weekends in the Hamptons pussy?

You're right.

Let's just say I knew this reality, but seeing it applied around me really buggered me.

They get drug addict pussy that hasn't had a real shower in 7 or 8 werks

People who get more pussy than one are degenerates.

You are part of the problem.

Get off my board.

because they show a resilience that will make good breeding stock.

that and rebels are good breeding too for some reason, maybe the chicks think that pablo on the corner will found a nation or some shit

That's a totally different reason, they get + on artist and + on tough dude, usually exclusive ranks

They might have more offspring, but their offspring will be less healthy, less successful, and die young.

bruh have u ever been to a snapchat corporate party tho

>already older than 23
>so broke I'm in the negatives

>Memories of pussies won't calm the fear of death.
I need some shit like this for when I'm about to impale my enemies.

Trust me the least you care about what women think of you the better for your mental health


Women flock to men who display power and wealth. Whether it's for good or evil is besides the point. Heck, it's not only women. Men too follow and idolize people who display power and wealth.

>those digits don't lie

It's just really easy to get laid when you're a part of the drug world. Drunks and junkies don't really follow much of a moral code.

Think of how much pussy you'd get if your job was hunting down drug dealers

Being a proper man is harder that's what makes us different from lazy niggers, just accept most females their nature and adjust yourself to it.

As a software developer, what's a way to get more power?

My goal has always been create and grow a successful company. Can't really think of anything else as politics are fucking stupid at this point and I don't want to hang in the finance circles.

Statistics prove you wrong 100%

Please look up online dating and racial preference. White is king.

I have, I actually bartended a square space event in SF too. Lot of thots, lot of hot girls, lot of pros, you're right. Nothing compared to an average tuesday night at my coke dealer's place.

People have summed it up pretty well, it's alpha, it's drugs, it's being a bad boy, whatever. For me it's simple, bitches love sosa. Shit, I love going over there too, we smoke weed and do coke and listen to lil uzi vert. There's guns, versace, pitbulls, the works. It's fucking fun man, and dumb girls like having fun. Shockingly, the hot girls who aren't trying to wife up prefer hanging out in this sort of environment to a snapchat party where they have to coax beta millionaires out of their shells.

True, but western society is degenerate. People expect young men to stay sane while women are out fucking all the Chads, and then apply your logic to life when women are 30 and now need a "good guy" to settle down with. Young men see this coming from a mile away and rightfully get very angry.

Living in Houston, Texas, I don't really buy into this meme anymore.

If you want proof that "nice guys" DONT "finish last" anymore, all you really have to do drive through River Oaks, Memorial, Bellaire, or West U. Multi-million dollar homes, tasteful cars (generally, these people can afford lambos but instead stick to Lexus, Mercedes, MAYBE bmw).

The men usually have a wife that is very pretty but not as professionally successful OR a wife that is somewhat average but professionally/academically successful (incredible dual-income families). Not very many of these men are "full packages" either.

On the flip side, you can go into the various lwoer income neighborhoods and se what OP is talking about qt3.14 latinas and AAs choosing drug dealers over the guy who is absolutely struggling to get himself through college and working full-time (adn will eventually make it, at least part of the time).

OP, I think you probably live in a poorer neighborhood and are suffering from confirmation bias. The reality is very complex and you need to get out of your head and take your thinking to a higher level.


Make an app that everyone will use, like tinder and facebook and something for drugs. Think of an app that hasn't been made yet and make it.

If an engineer invested his time in creating traps for women. Then cages to put them in he could have a lot of women too.
Maybe start with blueprints of a largescale dairy farm.

>rich men get women
>rich drug dealers get women

Hmmm, almost like most women are gold diggers.


Look up fecundity

I actually live in a rich neighbourhood of my city.

I'm posting this as I was having a conversation with a friend from another country who became a tatoo artist and is now drowning in pussy. Keep in min this guy has no career, no plans and is lazy as fuck.

I'm comparing this with engineers I studied with.

Fast forward 20 years

Engineer married with three kids. Buys a vacation home in Tahoe

Drug Dealer is dead or in jail. His 13 children from 13 different mothers are a scourge on society

B-But pussy

Darwin explained the origin of species not of legacies

>go on tinder
>9/10 upper middle class white girl is looking to get smoked out

Yeah, they're not dating me the white engineer, they're going over to Jamarcus crib, smoking weed, and sucking his dick.

This isn't normal, and it has nothing to do with "biology", it's stupid American whores raised by shitty American culture. And the US government does nothing to fix it.

thats not true at all. most drug dealers live with their moms lol

>Hmmm, almost like most women are gold diggers.

men are vain as well.

you're stating fact as though you're making a point, but gold-digging is a foundation element of evolutionary biology.

>low lifes are more degenerate and susceptible to marxist indoctrination and subversion
really makes you think

Objectively, the drug dealer had a better life and made more of an impact in it. He had more kids, and that's the only thing that matters. Nobody will know anything of what these two guys did. The only impact they will leave behind is their genetic material, and the drug dealers won that race.

So basically if you either need to be a millionaire or a lowlife, no inbetween.

no, it's all the fault of the jews

you are absolutely retarded. literally all girls on tinder are looking for engineers to leech off of, they just don't want to settle for autistic ones like you.

Engineers aren't focused on getting pussy.

It's not much of an accomplishment these days with the state of modern women. I'd be more impressed by someone who said they are 100 chicken wings in one sitting than someone who says he fucked 100 used up roasties

>degeneracy is a foundational element of biology, goy!
>it's natural, goy!

But he's right that college educated white women, usually from a middle class background are going on twitter and fucking black dudes.

Masculinity gets pussy.


Drug dealers have to be macho to not die. Social evolution selects for traits which succeed.

Engineers are rewarded in the manner of the world they CHOSE to enter. You can make money, fuck some bitches/guys/traps/livestock, then retire somewhere not a prison!

>Keep in min this guy has no career, no plans and is lazy as fuck.

that's why he'll continue to get bottom of the barrel pussy for the rest of his life, but will probably never enjoy the most expensive luxuries in life or feel the freedom that comes with being financially successful enough to quit your job tomorrow and go anywhere if you wanted -- but that's an afterthought because, deep down, you love your high-paying technically proficient job anyway.

Tell your engineer friends to make plans to line up a job out of college and they need to start working out, dressing better, and going out. it's not that hard to outplay tattoo artists in any environment if your game is half-solid

that's just your latent cuckold fantasy. most middle class white women have never touched a nigger

you arent factoring war into your all encompassing equation. white dominate the other races in every single aspect of total war

You are very much correct user

Passion, might, and lust built civilization, not NEETs. They can help, but faggotry doesn't conquer enemies, drive them before you, or trigger lamentation of their women.

Warriors can certainly be attractive, intelligent, and good leaders, but many are not.

If you feel socially disadvantaged, change!

Literally wrong. I went to a upper middle class high school and most of the women ended up dating a nigger or spic at some point. Nigger football team and basketball team was very popular with the women. Seeing them listen to rap, twerk, and talk like niggers really makes you think.

you missed the point entirely.

I'm saying that OP lives on the bottom half o the bell curve and is missing the forest for the trees.

of course there is life at the mean and plenty of people find happy marriage and cheerful lives. The middle class SHOULD be the backbone of America, but it isn't fun to talk about the mean because it's just that -- the average.

>doesnt realize that in the same way he will refuse to date, marry, and procreate with an ugly, fat woman is the same way women dont want a guy who's not successful in the long run (unless they themselves are gutter trash).

Lol. This level of insecurity.

When I went to America almost every single black guy I saw was a beta working a beta job with a beta attitude. Even the guys selling drugs were cheesy losers.

Girls want Chad not Jamal. Be Chad

white men built civilization

No, there's plenty of in-between women just as they are men. Now forgive my nerdiness, but if you're gonna hold all the great traits it follows an exponential function. See, I saw a video of some feminist going on about her standards for dating. She used to have 36 items on her list, 36! She later cut them down to about 8 as she got on in age, but I asked myself what does 36 look like?

So lets say it's 50% you hold any trait (not true for being very intelligent, ~2%, but whatever). There'd be 1 in about 70 billion people who fulfilled all of them. Point is, you ain't gonna find a complete person without any defects, because god knows 36 is a small fucking list for all the good traits a person can have. Everyone settles.

Strength through Joy and evolution in general doesn't favor monogamy. Superstitions which favor it use it to control their mindslaves.

Want more whites? Breed like rednecks! Evolution and natural conquest are about quantity, not ideals.

You can't win demographic wars by chivalry, but by masses of people overwhelming the rest. Breed like Muslims and have multiple wives.

Monogamy is part of cultural suicide. White sperm should go everywhere, like a virus.

Dude you're a fucking idiot. Why would I make this shit up?

I'm a 6'2 white guy that works as an engineer. I have a full head of hair and straight teeth. It doesn't get much better.

White women in their early 20s are more interested in smoking weed with niggers than being part of society. They know they can just suddenly turn around and demand "respect for their body" once they hit 24-25 and some beta faggot like you would oblige them.

You're the one that's projecting cuck memes, I don't even think about cuckoldry and hadn't even given it any thought until Sup Forums started talking about it everyday because most of you secretly watch that shit. Fuck off

r selection theory is great for the savannah. not for civilized society.

leave the world a better place and give your kids the tools to succeed.

>grow up into a good family
>good life, everything given to me
>dont take care of myself, play videogames all day
>all the NIGGERS and SPICS are getting all the girls I like
>wow this ONLY has to do with race and not my 3" cock and physical ineptitude
>i suck at life and blame all my problems and inability to do anything on other people
>throw in race as a factor (btw im white and was given everything in life).
>I have a cuckold fantasy, deep down, due to my stunted development in teen years and lack of capable father figure


women love a bad boy so go out and murder as many as you see

Right, cause she know they got da blood of Kangs in them.

Okay? I'm a fucking loser, what does that have to do with white women fucking niggers and spics? Unless you're saying all white men are losers.

It's a good question though, how do you get more "bad boy"? Is it the equivalent of going full "dark triad" as they say?

Fuck, those last years I actually put a lot more value on vertue through my philosophical readings..

Drug addict pussy?


>Everyone settles.
It's not so much settling as it is conceding trade-offs.

I feel like you could really use a friend to tell you to stop being a pussy. I'll be that friend for you: STOP BEING A PUSSY.

If you're 6'2", white, AND a engineer, you have no reason to not be getting pussy.

work on your game, get over your insecurities, and start slaying poon or looking for an nice girl -- the choice is literally yours because youre white, 6'2", AND an engineer.

Here you go you fucking faggot - pic related, a niggerfied upper middle class white girl I saw a couple days ago

I'm former military, kind of a nerd obviously. Sold weed in college to help pay the bills. I have a family now and contribute to society. This whole thread is filled with virgins who are too scared to take a drag or hit on a chick. Just go makr it happen my dudes.

this is why nofap is so destructive, teaching sexual guilt fucks people up.

Fuck I have this app idea that's actually targetted at women. It would basically exploit female narcissism and extract money from beta guys.

I swear it could be a billion dollar app if executed properly. I need to consider it more, thanks user for reminding me.

Loser cuck fetishist

Loser cuck fetishist

>some beta faggot like you would oblige them
You're ahead of the curve here. It's not right to blame women, because pathetic men oblige them. But it's not right to blame those failures either, what we've done is we've lost our standards. There are no virtues, no standards, no big title you're going to prove your worth by getting. Damnable creatures they are, there's no fundamental difference between them and you. Certainly none that's observable from the outside. The problem isn't people, it's values and ideas. Family values are gone, and so the only alternative to social status and how good a fuck you are is money. How hard they can suck you dry. It's not their fault they get the option and that goes for both sides.

The fuck are you talking about?

When girls ask me what i do for a living i don't tell em what i really do, I tell them i'm a model. If i told girls i sell drugs they would think of me as somekind of lowlife thug, Unless they themselves are lowlife thugs.

your limited experience in highschool and possibly college does not reflect reality.

sicne you're a fucking loser with jaded view you, I'm calling you on a flawed opinion.

stop being a loser.

>here's one so they're all this way

Literally nigger with a college diploma teir cherry picking.