The Republic was a mistake

the Republic was a mistake

Portugal should have stayed a monarchy and today been a Constitutional Monarchy like Spain or the Netherlands

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I disagree. I think our system needs some fixing, but changing it altogether is a huge mistake.

Kill yourself.

Mário Soares literally designed a system around the answer to this question :
>"How can I leech off of and steal the highest amount of money from this country?"

When you look at it this way, you realize it leads to all our problems: constant IMF rescueing, nation-wide deficit crysis, bankrupcy, legal loopholes, unaccountability from all political class for literally anything they do (ordering the destruction of the wire taps on Socrates was an illegal action but as a magistrate he is IMMUNE to the law).

>How else do you even explain the fact that so long as you got enough money, you can ride any suit against you till it becomes legally unpunishable after 10 years?

>How do you explain Ricardo Salgado suddenly being on the TV spotlight as a good guy again?

>How do you explain anything bad that's ever happened in Portugal which can even tangentially be related to corruption?

The answer to all these is Mário Soares and his shit-stain of a family and all the PS as a political party.

I agree with almost everything in your post, but those problems would still exist in a monarchy. Just look at Spain.


If you're going to insult us at least spell it right. It's portugUese.


Portugal and it's people are horrible. Every "pork chop" as well call them here are greasy retards with low iqs.

Y u do dis ;~;

You're right, but this goes a little further beyond Soares.

Southern European countries are mostly socialist for some fucking reason, which keeps us stuck in a cycle of poverty, bankrupty, and foreign assistance at crippling costs. We need some of the liberalism of the northern countries, we need people to start taking initiative again like we did 500 years ago, stop relying on the EU or the government or the state and get shit done, now.

Republic or monarchy, we need the head of state to more powerfull.
He needs to be able to dismiss deputies and governaments without aprovall of assembly.
And to fully veto laws.

I think TUGA's are cool.

That would be an open invitation to a dictatorship. We need checks and balances otherwise the country is bound to be ruled by some lunatic. Power corrupts, etc etc.


some commie posted this on my feed today

Is France or the USA a dictatorship?

They have their own secret societies, we know because they literally admit it here, maçons they call it, boys (we had ministér that said the frase "no jobs for the boys")in apreal as we see it.
Before they had the freedom to do this here they were making friend trought europe.

>clicking commie crap to fund their bullshit ideology
No thanks. Let 'em starve.

>Anda por aí gente com saudades da velha portugalidade. Saudades do nacionalismo, da fronteira, da ditadura, da guerra, da PIDE, de Caxias e do Tarrafal, das cheias do Tejo e do Douro, da tuberculose infantil, das mulheres mortas no parto, dos soldados com madrinhas de guerra, da guerra com padrinhos políticos, dos caramelos espanhóis, do telefone e da televisão como privilégio, do serviço militar obrigatório, do queres fiado toma, dos denunciantes e informadores e, claro, dessa relíquia estimada que é um aparelho de segurança.

Basically if you are a Salazarist, you hate women.

Tell that was only true for lazy commies and that it still should be rigth to beat, torture, jail and enslave commies gás they are a cancer to society.
Related pic apllies for everything

No. But they have checks and balances. If you give that much power to a President then the writing's on the wall.

They're a scratched record.

>do telefone e da televisão como privilégio, do serviço militar obrigatório, do queres fiado toma

Only read this now, and here it his, their logic os free stuff


>not based novo estado

lmaoing at your life

I can't wait to see Sócrates behind bars and turn into the prison's bitch nigga. I can't stand his voice and it's pretty obvious that guy is a compulsive liar.

We have those balance and checks since our first constitucional charter.
We have our constitution, and we need to make clearer, rectiffy some stuff, and have a president (or king) that actually enforced it. Over the last 10 belive all governaments broke a law on the constitution, even after the courts saying no

>Is France or the USA a dictatorship?

Their systems are failures. Just become a constitutional monarchy.

Bloody a ball
On the floor of Angola.
The day It goes high
Shines the sun In the dust Fire.
Soldiers They play Soccer
With the ball That leaps
Bleeding In floor From Angola.
No one Distinguishes
On the ball Stew In the sand
Stacked In the grass What turns
Not alone
The head From a Negro Bleeding
What's up In floor From Angola.

>(((Constitutional Monarchy)))

Absolutist Monarchy is the only truly white form of government

For a monarchy i would prefer the roman sistem in wich you had to be general to become emperor

>today been a Constitutional Monarchy

You know the Constitutional Monarchy sucked in its final 40 years, right?

Angola é nossa.

Still, the republican party had to kill the king and prince because IT NEVER had votes change the governament, and force a coup de etat (golpe de estado)

eu na esquerda

Melhor futebolistas que o Eusébio.

descendentes de prostitutas japonesas sentem tão bem, verdade maninhos?

Loiras de olhos claros > *

>posting the wrong flag

The king never did anything.

After the regicide, seven govts. in two years. Like the instability of the worser First Republic.

In 20th century, there was only one stable period in our country than Monarchy and first Republic, I think you know the answer.

Unfortunately you can't give voting rights to non-educated people who try to vote the party to get the easy way and get easily influenced by foreign and internal subvertion.

>constitutional monarchy
>not absolute monarchy

you're doing it wrong

Did any president do anything at all?

>Thread theme

This, they insist on being "estrangeirados".

This guy knows what's up.

One thing is the state debt. Another is the people's debt/poverty. Salazar had his coffers full but poverty among people was rampant. D. Carlos was even fucking worse! I know because my grandfather worked his ass off since he was fucking eight! There was no social security either and people walked barefoot.

You are in your early 20's. The fuck you know?

Excelente achado.

People were in poverty because Salazar was antagonistic to free market practices and Estado Novo was corporatist (as opposed to laissez-faire). What we need today is more economic flexibility and less state intervention; less welfare and less handouts.

Even the first and third Republic presidents did more and intervene than some 19 years old, yes.

>The second / Estado novo and military dictator also.

Pessoa was based as fuck. Even for his time, he was redpilled as fuck.

Salazar created the middle class in Portugal. What are you on about?

Next thing, you're going to tell me Salazar prevented kids from going to school because we want the Portuguese to be dumb as bricks to control them.

Estado Novo was corporatist in name, especially after WW2.

he wanted*

>posting the wrong flag

What a suprise, people were poor.
Welcome to the 19 and 20 century lad.
It was as true for us as Spain or France.
Yet we had full employment, constant growth, the only thing i can appoint is the medical services.
But you had a great migration into África by then wich meant we were full of opportunities.

Too bad (((they))) don't teach kids this at school.

When your answer to everything is "Mario Soares did it", I gotta ask who benefits from your triggering.

No. The head of the nation should be one of Us, not one of Them.

Good to known, i always had the idea that after the civil war we became more and more impotent.
But people tend to forget that Carlos investem alot in keeping us up to date at the sea

They don't even teach about Rolão Preto or other right wing movements in Europe. This due to the fear of them actually seeing the good in the ideas. It's pathetic.

How good is this suite?

Where can I find these texts?

The quote I posted was from Ideias Filosóficas.

* Site

Thanks buddy.

fuck, that was one heavy song

reminds me of:
The beginning
"Mozambique, Mozambique is Portugal
Dear mom, I'm sending you this aerogram
To tell you that everything's fine
That I had loads of fun
And I shot left and right
I hunted wild animals and some natives
And I brought a little monkey"

He was the first author whose book i ever bougth, he was a true sir.

Which book?

Can I get a quick rundown on the maçons?

I had a retornado for history teatcher, in a private school in 12 year.
He told the true history, the untold UPA massacres, many on the class were crying earing how those motherfuckers started the war, suported by Cuba and URSS, by killing and raping. They trew babies against walls, raped and killed whites, mestiço, and black that worked for the setlers.
This songs are the truth about our retaliation. Fair treatment for terrorists.

A mensagem com 16 anos.

A lot of prominient figures in portuguese society are either maçons or friend of a group.
We happen to have many on the parliment specificly PSD and PS, the main parties.
Most of the time they have their rituais that envolve drinking wine in apreal as in university praxes.
But they are alway fast to invite people who start politics, one can only speculate why, but theyre stores always have membrs in corruption scandals.

Here, a small list;

portugal was a mistake

portugal should be a province

UPA killed more blacks in their massacres than Portuguese. The division amongst blacks was on ethnic terms, as well. This was sort of a race war in Angola, of Portuguese + one type of blacks against other type of blacks.

Kys nigger
We NEED a fascist regime asap bitchbigga


From Rui Ramos' book.
>Mesmo os [deputados das cortes de 1820] que não sentiam verdadeiro respeito pelas tradições tinham suficiente mentalidade jurídica e sentido "político" para evitar precipitações revolucionárias. Era o caso de Manuel Fernandes Tomás, Admirador da Constituição da Bolívia, desejava que o "sistema todo fosse ao fogo, à bigorna e à lima", mas não de uma só vez e sempre com as "compensações e contemplações que é preciso ter com os direitos adquiridos"
>Foi nesta atmosfera [cortes de 1820] que a Maçonaria se pôde difundir. Na medida em que visava a vida baseada no uso individual da razão dentro de uma comunidade de indivíduos iguais entre si, constituiu um dos alicerces do liberalismo, e não é por acaso que parece que muitos dos protagonistas da revolução de 1820 terão sido maçons; 8 dos 12 membros da Junta de Governo, 7 dos 10 membros da Regência que a substituiu, e 50 (43%) dos 116 deputados por Portugal e Ultramar (sem contar o Brasil)."

These two song want me to learn fado, wich would be better, Lisboa guittar or Coimbra?

I'm right
"Moderate" lil fags afraid of muh power corrupts are the problem. You delay the inevitable. Give me an Emperor or a King or Leader or a Commander, no more bureaucrats!


Really salted my cod

I prefer Coimbra, but they're all good.

meant for

Dudes here saying they want a fascist regime,im sure you all gonna be allowed to go on the internet and say whatever shit you want without consequences kek

Coimbra, of course.

Lisbon guitar is to comp shitty singers. Guitar-fado is it's own thing.

Can a Lisbon guitar even produce this:

To be young, naive and care free.


redpill me in gajas.

como é que elas são na vossa cidade?

contem histórias se quiserem.

Thanks, they make já the bad guys, bit their civil war caused 1 million deaths and another millions in refugees and retornados.

Nobody wants a fascist regime, we want a sligthly authoritarian regime compared to wath we have, but you would still be able to elect.
Francisco rolão preto, mussolini, franco and Hitler were dictators, like mao and lenin estalin... But Salazar regime was very sui generis.

Completas potas , manolo

no need to

Lisboa, tudo putas. Querem foder no primeiro dia e a relação não dura muito mais que uma semana, visto que elas andam sempre à procura de pila e atenção - mulheres hoje em dia são o sexo ativo.

Na minha experiência, as gajas que ainda se interessam por uma relação séria/criar senpaiília são as feias, algumas emigrantes que voltaram e as religiosas, de resto é tudo gajas que só querem a "thug life". Já andei com uma gaja que disse que ia passar a vida a encher-se de alcool, tabaco e droga e assim que chegasse aos 25 anos, se não arranjasse um gajo para chular, ela ia-se matar.

Já não uso Facebook há uns bons aninhos (5 ou 6), mas lembro-me que aquilo já na altura estava cheio de paneleiros, chungas, bissexuais, pretos a mostrar notas e gajas grávidas a fazer decote e rabo para a câmera.

Volta Salazar.

>Volta Salazar.

When I come into Portugal threads,it honestly makes me believe we have the lowest IQ users on this board

Well,maybe after the turkroaches

You have to get used to people having different opinions. If you want to help people understand your PoV then show them your facts, statistics, etc. Let your idea loose on the freemarket of ideas and hope it comes out unscathed. Good luck.


What's that supposed to achieve?

caranguejo a falar de QI lol

Muitas meninas bonitas aqui (Braga), tugas e estrangeiras. Cheguei a conhecer uma zuca (da minha idade, um 6,5/10 que por galderice chegava a 8/10), queria ajuda em história, como só estava a morar com mãe, (não sei o que a mãe fazia, mas diziam que era puta de luxo) foi fácil ir a casa dela.
Parecia uma cowgirl monta-la. Mas decidiu voltar para o ex que foi para a tropa, e para as histórias que eu ouvi dela que facilmente me confirmei dispensava aquilo, isto último ano secundário.

Agora na universidade elas andam sempre pelos mesmo sítios, em festas universitárias, ou queimodromo ou sardinha. Protocolos de merda tens de parecer um pinguim e tens de estar naquelas danças de merda de preto para comer uma gaja, em ambiente de drogaria, putaria e bebedeira.

Isnt suppose to achieve nothing,just pointing it ouy were not sending our best,just a bunch of unironically pnr supporters

Como é que as gajas reagem em Lisboa a uma piça portuguesa comparada a estrangeira?

Isto é, já ouvi o meu irmão em Erasmus na Hungria dizer que havia lá uma tuga, quiçá de Lisboa, que ao ouvir o meu irmão e amigos em português um bar, vira-se para o húngaro que está com ela e diz em inglês "então quando é que me fodes?". É que a ideia que isto vai ser mãe da próxima geração de portugueses deixa muito a pensar.