Casey Neistat (youtuber) along with Ben Stiller (actor) and some other people...

Casey Neistat (youtuber) along with Ben Stiller (actor) and some other people, got into contact with Turkish Airlines and they agreed to take 60 tons worth of food to Somalia to help out people starving due to the famine. They also agreed to take another 100 tons (or more than that, i forget) of food to Somalia in the coming months.
To that end, they started a crowdfunding campaign to raise over a million dollars for food and water.

What do you guys think about this? I think it's great.
The German government is paying billions of dollars to support the refugees in Germany. If we took all of this money, and instead used it to fix their home country, we wouldn't have refugees

Other urls found in this thread:Åland_Islands

>Casey Neistat
Who did he vote for again?

OR let nature run its course for free

>he voted for Clinton, therefore nothing he does can ever be good

>implying the refugees would go back to where they came from before they get EVERYTHING from everybody

God you krauts are stupid

>food to Somalia
Why don't they just use the money to teach niggers how to farm?

Because Niggers are stupid and jealous and will kill those that are taught

Who cares. People are allowed to do whatever they want with their money. Just another example of phony socialist liberals being hypocritical about they 1% because it panders to their fee fees

That picture looks like it would be from the 2chan version of Sup Forums.
Does Japanese Supremacy exist?

xenophobia is not supremacy user. That being said, stereotypes exist for a reason.

virtue signaling, not a sustainable solution, feel good PR/propaganda.

Until they can take 100 tons of Darwin being wrong over there, nothing can be done.

>Casey Neistat (kike) along with Ben Stiller (kike) are just two examples of kikes who will be in the first batch to fry in the ovens.

I wish ben stiller was funny. Every character he plays is a sad broken man interchangeable with every other film he's in.

Great, but not enough. If west governments stop wasting money in shitty immigration programs and do the same that did that two fellas, then the refugees would stay in their homelands. But, as we know, the kikes don't like this idea.

Or we could just give them no money at all and close our borders?

hillary crinton

>caveman kike begging for more money

>implying they won't just put the food in a bag and move to europe

>Casey Neistat
>Ben Stiller

Hey paco are you retarded? Billions of aid in various forms go to Africa each year since forever. This never stopped them from wanting to come here though.

I love you toothpaste

All of that aid goes to the somali warlords and if normal niggers try to take them they get shot

Privately raised money helping others is fine. Government money has no business in other countries. It's simple.

Somalia is a shit hole full of muslims, that pirate international shipping and starve on a bi-yearly basis because they can't manage their farms.

Wouldn't there be oil off the coast of Somalia? Start fucking drilling, nigs.

One of the easiest steps to do to help your teeth keep clean. When brushing your teeth, position the bristles at an angle of 45 degrees near the gum line. Both the gum line and the tooth surface should be in contact with the bristles. Brush the outer surfaces of the teeth using a back-and-forth, up-and-down motion, making sure to be done gently in order to avoid bleeding. To clean the inside surfaces of the teeth and gums, place the bristles at a 45-degree angle again and repeat the back-and-forth, up-and-down motion. Lastly, brush the surfaces of your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove bacteria, which might cause bad breath.

Try to brush at least twice a day to prevent acid buildup from the breakdown of food by bacteria. However, if your work or activities prevent you from doing this, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating to minimize the amount of food that would serve as substrate for the bacteria.

faggot liberal kikes are going to create a population boom on their own even with out the UN reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So is Neistat a jew or what?
The last name is unfamiliar to me, but there's something awfully hebrew about his appearance.

Ben Stiller...well I don't like Casey but I have to side with zoolander.

Im a grown ass man and I simply cannot get past how ugly that guy is. I infuriates me that he is Youtube famous with a face like that.

Neat flag.

people have been doing this since the 80's. It makes things worse because the monies go to warlords and the country never figures out how to fix their own problems because they relay too much on foreign aid

You are just giving the nig a fish instead of teaching him how to fish. The nig need to learn how to live in Africa or you're just creating more famine because they'll just breed more.

>What do you guys think about this? I think it's great.

Virtue signalling idiocy.

You're trusting turks to take 60 tons of food into Somalia and somehow distribute it to the starving? Is that a fucking joke?

Established aid orgs can barely get resources to the people who need it because of all the red tape, warlords and outright thieves at all levels that just want their fucking cut.

But some kickstarter by celebs thrown out from a plane by turks is sure to work.

The world doesn't need any more Somalis. It's a crime against humanity to promote Somalian population growth.

Hmmm, how would we ever know? Couldn't anybody tell this poor man?

>kike virtue signaling

>Somalians get food, implying any of it will even go to the starving masses and not to the warlords
>eat all the food, don't save or ration any, just eat the food and then have enough energy to have kids
>make another generation of Somalians
>food runs out
>liberals in 10 years will make another campaign about how we have to feed the starving Somalians, not realizing the root problem

>Colin Kaepernick again

Oh god the whole virtue-signalling community is back together

woah cool flag wat country u from i never knew u even existed till now i like ur flg

Helping Africans is never a good thing; this is a waste of food.

Why is it up to the west to "fix" the "home countries" of niggers to keep them from invading ours?

>If we took all of this money, and instead used it to fix their home country
>fix their home country
>fix Somalia

Do you really believe food and water are what it takes to "fix" Somalia?

It will only increase the rat population like depicts


>Casey Neistat

Politics aside- I can't watch that guy. His physical deformities weird me the fuck out.

>getting fixed ever

can we stop or disrupt this? it's hurting them over time along with everyone else

Assistencialism never fixes anything.

>ben stiller does charity work
>donate your money goy!

He could literally pay for it himself, instead of shifting it onto virtue signalling cucks like yourself.

What is the end game of helping Africans?

I don't think in this like a permanent or definitive solution, but I am pretty sure that you will rater have the niggers in Africa than in Europe.

I mean.. sure it's nice to give them temporary relief, but it won't fix anything. I guess people can feel nice about helping others.

>send food to Somalia
>Somalians make more kids thinking they'll get more food because they're low IQ niggers
>omg there's kids starving in Africa

but everyone got an opportunity to virtue signal, so its ok

jewish seizure nightmare.

>Why don't they just use the money to teach niggers how to farm?

We've done that and it never works because we're simultaneously flooding their markets with free aid food, thus tanking any attempt at business initiative.

This is fucking established at this point. Our giving is creating a neverending cycle of dependency they can't get out of. They can't compete with free. You eliminate all incentives to create anything.

What they really, honestly need, is order. You need to have a stable government for a couple of generations until people trust the social contract enough to feel they can invest in society.

What does that mean? Either an iron fisted dictator or a benevolent western regime. That's the only thing that's been shown to work so far. You can also see exactly how to dismantle a semi-functioning african state in Zimbabwe and now South Africa. Thug dictators who hold power by promising to just take the resources from the few producers they have (eg. white farmers).

You remove the only order that exists, promise that any investment and innovation risks being appropriated by the government, you're literally punishing any success.

From bread basket to starvation crisis in a few years.


Too many numales in that video

>USA had one shot to nuke whoever they wanted
>chose Japan

How about not letting them into our countries, and not sending them food either?

As hard as it sounds, the only way to fix this shithole is getting rid of the niggers.

Everything they touch crumbles down. Like some reverse midas touch.

And they ALWAYS blame others for their mistakes.

If you don't contain them in Somalia they will just flood into Europe. This is a good thing.

>Somalians make more kids thinking they'll get more food because they're low IQ niggers

They don't even think it out that far. More like:

>Hey, food!
>Hey, I have a hard-on!
>Fuck some Somali bitch

You don't see the effects in the long run:
>gives niggers food
>they survive and pop out niglets
>all the food is gone
>even more hungry niggers
>even more niggers that flood Europe

We need to stop this shit. If they can't survive on their own, let nature do it's thing.

what'll happen once the food and money they sent runs out?

rly mkeas ya dink

The more you feed them the more they breed them.

literally everyone in this video besides the black guy is jewish

Then contain them by sinking the boats coming across the Med.



is this the new KONY2012?

>send food to somalia
>somalians fuck
>have more hungry somalians
>mow they make somalia's starvation worse

It's fairly simple. Free food = more Africans
We've been sending them aid since 'liveaid' in the 80s. They've doubled their population, send hundreds of thousands to Europe, and are just as fucking useless as ever.

Casey Neistat and Ben Stiller should move to Somalia. Place would be a utopia in no time.

what's that old saying

Give a man a fish, and he'll be fed for the day.

Teach a man to fish, and he'll be fed for life.

>Give the man an usurious loan with compound interest so he can invest in the latest commercial fish farming technology to optimize his harvest yields, earn interest with virtually no risk as you've hedged the risk of a fish drought by shorting his production via future options. Once his harvest comes in, arbitrage the price discrepancies from his location and the next largest city and profit. Once the fish harvest comes in cash in on your short futures and take him to (((court))) to seize all his assets at a fraction of their worth to satisfy your loan.

(((Everybody wins)))

>it's tax deductible

This is just a bunch of jews fleecing the goyim for money with the (((Stiller Foundation))) to keep Somalians alive for later importing into Western countries.

Why are the jews so smart?

Good. This is how foreign aid should be.

The people who can afford to give back are free to do so. It shouldnt be a general tax burden to take care of people in other countries when your own is trillions of dollars in debt

providing relief effort only means they'll need more donations in the future.

Look at Africa. How many millions of dollars worth of food, medicine, housing, and education have been sent there? Have they improved at all in the past twenty years?

these 2 should I dare say it /myguys/

What we really need to support is the Chinese advancements to Africa.

Tis a brother from the Åland Islands.Åland_Islands

Limbaugh sez, US has been sending millions to Africa since he was a young kid.

Each year, Somalia consumes somewhere around 400,000 tonnes of food and around around 1,000,000 liters of drinking water. How big of a difference could 60 tonnes possibly make?

The problem is not the number of the Africans, the problem is the idiots let them enter in their countries.

Uncommon flag AND rare Pepe. A fine post.

Sorry not one million liters, one billion liters, or one million tonnes of water.

>help them fix their country

They can fix it themselves

How could someone so uninteresting and hideously ugly be so rich and famous? I seriously can't get it

There is no fixing it. Unless ruled by Europeans, africa will remain fucked. Giving them shit only gives them more reasons to start tribalist niggernog.

The 3rd world, at this point, will never catch up. This is evident by how they fail to integrate into the 1st world. All they want to do is to fight, fuck and get free shit from white people.

Fuck Africa. And fuck anyone who thinks throwing money at a problem helps.

I think it is fucking degenerate that famous people in my country are begging us to send gibs to these savages. Meanwhile there are also people here whom do not have enough money to buy food. It is simply disgusting.

Will Somalia will release all the hostages they are holding for ransom?

Stop feeding niggers

100% heeb.
neistat is a yiddish form of neustadt

Shilling for the right people. Casey endorsed Hillary, just after that video, CNN purchased his company for an exorbitant amount.

>What do you guys think about this?


Nigger are you retard? Those subhumans deserve to die if they can't feed themselves. They are far too overpopulated as it is

What company? They could've seriously chosen someone that's better looking. He looks like a toothless stupid drunkard from some remote Eastern European town. I don't get how he has so many fans and views, are they faked?

>teach niggers how to farm?
They're literally too dumb to understand sustenance farming techniques

Moral posturing to make themselves look like noble saviours. But really all it does is feed some Somalians for a short period of time. It would not solve the food crisis happening in Somalia.

Empty gestures by jews who want us to think of them highly.

Really tugs on those heart strings... .

It doesn't matter how much food you send to that pos country. The people will never change.

Niggers done farm. You can teach them, but they will soon abandon the practice. The only way to do it is under close constant white supervision, and even then they will resist heavily. They won't help themselves. They can only take gibs. Niggers are the most parasitical race

He owned a company that developed some smartphone app. I forget what it's called, but it was successful among his fans

>built the pyramids

Wew lad.