Just found out my parents literally worship Moloch

>be me
>have somewhat important parents
>find out they literally worship an ancient Canaanite deity
They don't know that I know yet. What should I say to them?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll bite. How do you know this?

you're gonna do something about it right? u know what i mean right?

this is gonna be some good LARP

Oh yeah!

Praise Moloch, you whiny Elamite.

greentext story now you fat fuck

Why can't shills even make good slide threads anymore?

Try to get deeper into the cult and post back things you find on Sup Forums

Post nose Jew.

if you reveal your power level now you are a total fucking idiot.

infiltrate their group and expose it from within the inside.

if that sounds like something that could get you killed consider instead it may be the only thing that could save your life.

Was visiting my parents and found pics on my dad's phone. Some of the pics were of my mom and dad dressed in black robes in front of different Moloch statues, each with a fire at the base. The most recent pic was last month. Saw other people I know in the pics as well. Pretty creepy.

>What should I say to them?
Request that a dumbwaiter be installed into your basement dwelling, faster access to tendies means more time to shitpost.

I wish I had the passion to be the LARPer that Sup Forums deserves

They are republican right? pol doesn't seem to know this, but only republicans worship moloch.

Go to bed Chelsea, your mom lost.

this is the worst

Are your parents Bohemian Groove level folks?

dude your parents go to LARP orgies. ask if you can go.

>walk downstairs
>my parents are sacrificing a child to a bull idol in the kitchen while muttering ancient semetic chants
>quietly excuse myself back upstairs
Sorta wierd but I'm not sure. What do you guys think?

hide little plastic frogs all over the house and see how they react

Ok I'm 100% larping with you now cos it's more fun than calling you names :P

How much do you know about this stuff?

If we come up with ideas on how to handle this will you follow through?

What's your standing on this subject?

I realize this sounds crazy, but I'm not shitting you guys. My parents have always claimed to be Christian and raised me as a Christian. Really threw me off when I found the pics.

post pics fag

you could always


Then get their camera and post the pics, or prove to us you are wealthy

post photos of your garage

I bet you were really shocked, user! Your whole life you've been led to believe one thing while in reality that was wrong! How will you deal?!

Give me a second to black out faces and I'll post a pic. It is of my mom and her best friend in a robe in front of a Moloch statue standing on a cube base with an eclipse on it.

Call them faggots and wear frog t-shirts.

Teach them of the one true God, KEK!
Use their minds to corrupt the cults of Molech from within.
In chaos we reign! Praise KEK!




No you wont

Oh shit, you better hope they don't sacrifice virgins.

Remind them that there is no such thing as the supernatural.


take a pic of the garage too

I just noticed for the first time the other day we have owl statues all over my house, and my parents have always bought me owls statues as stocking stuffers for seemingly no reason.
Should I do the business?

Pre Claiming momfu as waifu

kill your parents or poop?


you should probably kill them, they are agents of Satan

> doesn't realize you unknowingly do as well

Wow, super creepy you would never notice owl statues ALL OVER your house despite all the years there. It is so random they would give you owl statues in your stocking omg user!

if i was you i'd sleep on it before you do anything rash


Congrats, you've seen Teen Lust!


and you didnt post them here instantly?



But, user, owls have absolutely nothing to do with Moloch.

That association was started by Alex Jones not having a fucking clue what was going on when he snuck into Bohemian Grove. The owl is wisdom and Minerva, not Moloch and child sacrifice. Now make like a spider and weave the fuck out of here, kiddo.

Yeah...so I should hack them to death with an antique hearth shovel?

Replace them all with coool frogs 8) If they start getting upset by it then you know

Post the fucking pics

no. find some one to hack you to death with an antique hearth shovel.



reminder owls have nothing to do with molloch, they are meant to be the owls of minerva who was the roman goddess of knowledge, that's why owls are often used on school books and library logos and such

Under rated, top kek.

user has gone silent

user, if you don't mind me asking, what Christian denomination are your parents?

This is just a ruse
There is no picture

You can't ruse me
You are a damn fibber fibber

I doubt any niggers have an object like that

Good thread to drop the ayy lmao picture if anyone dares

Sorry I meant OP.

Publish their real names with evidence they worship Moloch, then go to a Catholic church and explain the situation to a Priest.


pics or gtfo

You retard.



hillary got to them. better put them out of their misery.

>when your canaanite idol worshiping parents catch you shitposting on a Galapagos based Japanese cartoon forum and they try to sacrifice you because you are a virgin

Chelsea get off Sup Forums


Pics or no tendies for you tonight kido

>they literally worship an ancient Canaanite deity

You know Yahweh is literally an ancient Canaanite deity right? He's the demon of war. What's the problem? Plenty of people worship gods that aren't the Jewish war god. Scientologists believe in some wacky shit but it's not like they're killing anyone. Freemasons worship a guy with a bird head from fucking Atlantis who supposedly has a space ship under the Sphinx. People are into some crazy shit but again are they hurting anyone?

Now if they were fucking Muslims I'd be concerned.

Pic related

Catholics worship satan, muslims worship satan, every sells out in the end, even your parents and family.


Your parents rape and murder children.

Live with that.

They and your family must burn alive for your sins.

Moloch worshipers are all pedophiles and sadists.

Lucifer has abandoned you people.

OP doesn't realize it yet, but he has an alternate personality that will take over when the time is right.


Normally when you make troll threads you should have a direction thought out.


>Catholics worship satan


Murder while they sleep. Do you want that kind of evil walking this earth, user? Explain yourself.


STFU larpr


>burgers worshipping moloch

like this is even news.

Are you a burger? Are you circumcised?

If you answered yes to both of those, your parents are Moloch worshipers and your foreskin was an offering. Be glad you didn't end up dead like your first born sibling.


Say nothing, just pack your bags and leave. Nothing is worth getting aacrificed over

though it doesn 5 count....both are satanic ass hell

Lookup Scientology and "fair game"

Explain numerical ouija to them and how Moloch was BTFO by Kek and how they should praise him instead.


If digits Kek will tell you what to do...

>There are people in this thread who still don't pray to MOLOCH.

It is time you praised him now, Sup Forums. MOLOCH is rising and KEK and all other gods shall be swept away by the fire issued forth from his burning wings.



why didn't op deliver ?

Tell your faggot parents that they should join the winning side of history by worshipping Kek.