/NKTVG/ North Korea TV General #1 - Counting Down To T-Rex's Eraducation

It's Monday my dudes. Tonight will we see hours of intense war propaganda? What hijinks is Nigger Bear up to tonight? Will it rain Waifus? What horseplay is Based Kim engaging in with his generals tonight? Will we get another BASED war movie? Hardcore subliminal propaganda and the best ethnocentric nation on the planet tonight on live Nork TV!



It's starting.

Lets do this

It's weird they start at 2 PM in the afternoon on weekdays? I wonder what the logic of their broadcasting times is?

What are they talking about?

Wild ass guess... weather reports?

Check out our world class nightlife and soldiers hanging out in the wire!

mfw another night of excellent music

>South Koreans think they stand a chance against this.

>tomorrow our dear reader will will make it rain in ding province

damn this is some good aesthetic
its like the 90's aesthetic, but evil

I was reading a story for the other night about a confrontation with the North where South Korean special forces soldiers strapped claymore mines to their chests, went to a bridge on the border and then started screaming at the Norks on the other side that Kim is a faggot looking to start a fight.

Those gooks are hardcore, man.

Same news report from last night about the Nork's space program.

I think this is where we see Generals horse playing with BASED Kim.

Ah yes, the "Axe Murder" incident. Its a hell of a read.


What kind of gov't does Kim has anyways?

What government?

>Piggy back ride again.

The Nork's space program is two small computer screens... one with four graphs that look like Bitcoin charts, the other looked like a shitty soap opera.

We need a sign BASED Kim knows we're with him and watching every night. We all know Kim is a Sup Forumstard. How soon before a still of Kim striking the Pepe pose appears as a still in one of these news reports soon?

>Tfw your dear leader will never give you a piggyback ride


Have you ever noticed that for a communist nation, most of their propaganda centers around their means of producing capital? All the shots of factories and modern cities and what not.

It's either killing burgers or them trying to flex nuts about their means of production.

korea forestry program is unmatched in all of asia

Because it's "everyone's" means of production
Everyone benefits from it so everyone gets to take pride in how advanced it is!

"And now over here, you'll see the dear leader's almond activator, where production has never been higher..."



holy shit it works

I'd be happy with Best Korea making Japan cease to exist.
You should too

Mirror it to azubu tv (list it as starcraft) and ask the chat to translate.





Looks like they have cleaner water and more functioning dams than the US

...I was trying to figure out what this fag was talking about.

He has Juche which has the economics of Marxism with the racial homogenity and praise for one leader of Imperial Japan. It's similar to Stalinism and the political ideology of Ernst Rohm.

Looks like a propaganda show praising the farmers is on.


What a shitty Christmas tree farm.

The production values are surprisingly good. reminds me of old movies from the 50s before (((Hollywood))) Degeneracy soiled them.

They'll have trouble with it if they're not at least college educated. The Korean spoken in NK is very different from what's commonly spoken in South Korea.

Oh shit: New waifu coming down the pike

Wat the fug am I watching

A farmer is meeting his gf who just came by train.

I have embedded this stream to view on the web but it requires a windows media plugin which chrome forbids.

Does anyone know how to transcode the mms stream on a server and provide a stream in a more web friendly format?

"We have so much to eat while capitalists are starving" is a common theme in commie propaganda.

A pastoral romantic drama. Probably will turn out to be a tragedy; life or love will be given up for the greater good.

So much for the video of that defector that keeps circulating where she whines about how there's no LOVE in North Korea.

The cinematography is actually better than most modern western movies desu. And no Cucked portrayals of men.

No love in North Korea?

Is this the first program/film since it started airing today? Have we missed the news?

why the fuck do I waste time watching this crazy shit? Norks are fuckin crazy

Aw, they aren't currently airing Kim Jong Un Touring Fish Brick Factories, that's my favourite Best Korea show.

They have good fundamentals. It's good TV production. That said, it's pretty clearly built on experience from other east asian productions. Likely from watching older Chinese drama series. Some of the shots remind me of old tokusatsu shows from the 70s, minus all the jumping around and shit.

Everyone I know keeps posting this video of a NK defector giving a speech about how there's all this media control and opinion control and how none of the state-produced media depicts love, and how the lack of that love is what makes life in NK so horrible.

It looks like the movie is from 1958.
The first on screen kiss in an NK movie was in the 80s.

There was a shot in a Nork movie yesterday that reminded me of the marching and whistling scene from Bridge Over the River Kwai too.

I prefer a vintage but authentic feel than overly sleek CGI and after affects lens flares and filters.

When do they get into the "interesting" parts

Last night there was a play where an evil white priest used telekinesis to murder a child.

I do too but I meant literally because the letter had a "1958" date on it.

t. has never seen a drama movie before

I believe it. If they have a film production curriculum anywhere over there, they probably carefully curate bits and pieces of famous, but nonthreatening works and teach their students to emulate and repeat.

I can't imagine they'd risk bringing in foreign directors, or sending their artistic types overseas to get corrupted.

dont do it in chrome?

Where's the remote? What else is on?

This is it. Only channel.

Not to mention every character in modern (((Hollywood))) films being played by talentless, stupid, elitist, dolled up monstrosities of plastic surgery. (((They))) don't care about the artistry of film making or acting, Just about selling brands and name recognition to all the good little goys and goyls.

The horror! Free these people! No cable is abuse.

So I'm new to these livestreams what do they show in these

yeah Korean women would never dream of having plastic surgery!

1 channel that broadcasts for a few hours each day.

So... all the trees burned down and the hard boiled guy is going off to fight?

NK news praising Dear Leader, war/ spy movies about evil Japanese and musicals about how evil christian westerners are.
I think it just started.

Are the North Korean the enslaved ones or are we?

and fishbricks?

How could the United States hack this TV station?

Ahh, just as it used to be here. I'm getting masochistic nostalgia

Probably not worth it. Not many of them have TVs.

send in Max Headroom


Well, lets at least get Pepe on this station

What the fuck are those things?

Of course that was before they shot your leader and his wife with machine guns.

Yeah I can watch it fine on the web using firefox, but I want to provide it for others.

If anyone is interested I have found this searching, and it seems to be successfully transcoding the stream.
>ffmpeg -i mmst:// -vcodec libx264 -g 60 -vb 150000 -strict experimental -acodec aac -ab 96000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts udp://

I will look at it some more tomorrow, to figure out how to access the output from that.

bricks of frozen fish, fish bricks.

Looks like blocks of frozen fish.

Blocks of frozen fish. It's a common practice where the fish processing capacity is lower than the production rate of the fisheries. In fact, by freezing the catch from months with a huge surplus, you can build a smaller processing plant and just slowly feed the frozen fish into it.

don't be a juchebag

Why do you think (((They))) portray the celebrity class that way? Same reason (((They))) make all our films overly "diversified" and have primarily female-lead roles with all the male characters being stumbling, weak, buffoons. (((They))) want you to be ashamed of your appearance, and your race. So you can be a submissive good goy and go visit Dr. Goldberg to have lard injected in your ass to look more like an obese nigger, because (((they))) tell us thats attractive.

Okay, so the trees are being felled now. I guess a lot of time has passed?

The factory whistle was forboding as well. Maybe these people are struggling under the yoke of capitalist oppressors?

If you have a better way to transform the bounty of the seas into building supplies I'd like to hear it.

>according to the letter it's set in 1958
>South Koreans are struggling to work for Capitalist oppressors while their brother has to fight in the capitalist army
I think that's the plot.

it's a cheap and efficient way to store food, freeze it and make it stackable.

To keep them good for a long time so Kim's people can have fresh fish even during times of hardship.

I saw the explanation a bit late but yeah, makes sense.
At first I thought it was Kim's sick fetish of making a secret fortress from condensed fish

Oh, he collapsed. And how that black coat guy is talking and dressed, he must be the bad capitalist guy.

Socially, they are certainly not nearly as degenerated and ruined as us. No Autists. No LGBTQGTAV. No Niggers. No kebab. No cucks. No dysgenic.

But they still live under a Commie dictatorship
so in that aspect were much better off.

You know what? I like your examination better. Let's go with that. They're for "Frozen Fish Forts"

Will he die alone in the snow

Comedic relief sewer

Leftists always project.

Again with the fucking trees.

That's questionable though because they don't know any better.

As far as they know they live in the best country on earth.

Perception is reality ect..