Super educated kid has 3 degrees

>super educated kid has 3 degrees
>still works as a chinese food delivery guy
>never says what his degrees are
>it must be those evil 1%ers keeping millennials down
>google his name
>has degrees in useless bullshit

every single time. Our two citites (toronto and vancouver) are full of these "part time political activists". they think that, just by virtue of having any bachelor's degree, they are entitled to a job that pays $80k as a start.

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that is a bizarre looking "man"

>South East Asian gender history

Looks like a faggot.

I've literally never ever understood why colleges give you degrees but don't hook you up with employers once you get them so that you can get a job in your field. If colleges and universities really cared about society and people, especially their own students, then why wouldn't they just get you in touch with people hiring in your field while you get your degree and help you get a job? And if the field has no open jobs, they tell you and encourage you to do something else.

I literally don't understand.

It's getting to the point where I'm felling that all non STEM majors and professors ought to be purged.

it's about debt dumbass. and making sure you you've taken enough to control you

Mine does. But you have to take advantage of it, which I don't.

They do, in fields that actually have jobs. There don't exist jobs in south Asian gender history.

Alright but my point is that then it proves that colleges don't give a shit about bettering society, the people, or their own students.

It's just a simple thing that would make the whole thing simpler, easier, and more beneficial.

Because it's not their job to do so. They are there to educate you, not act as a job centre.

What they SHOULD do, is inform students wrt the career prospects, and unemployment rates for their target professions, before the studies are commence. That should cut down on bullshit degrees.

colleges and universities all have several Career days throughout the year where students can meet employers.
but these are usually tailored to big corporate companies who want to hire hundreds of people a year and not small scale super-specific companies and non-profits like the man in OP wants to work for. they are for people with majors that will get them a job, not for students who are studying their hobbies.

Well he can start by cleaning the floors

Right, I don't understand why the Southeast Asian Gender History department didn't at least hook him up with a paid internship

here's what I think

>Universities and colleges are for-profit. they need money.
>offer useless degrees to attract people without sense who want literally any degree (kids are told they can do anything as adults)
>These kids take out student loans to pursue their half baked dreams of being professional protestors and worldly travelers
>banks happily comply, they will collect interest for decades
>universities happily comply, the banks' money will line their pockets

the problem is that these kids are unemployable once they come out of university. the people currently running these institutions will benefit for now, but this bubble is doomed to collapse. in the US, there is a cumulative $1,000,000,000,000+ in student loan debts that's never getting paid back

shit, they can't babysit you or take your hand and walk you to success. Part of it is your responsibility to become educated in a degree that is in demand, thus getting you a job. But the whole "do what you love" crap has taught people that just because you went to college, you deserve a 6 figure salary with minimal work.

You can get a degree in ladyboys?

This is why SJW's are pushing to have PC-police positions in every company. And if they don't, they try to throw a hissy-fit on the (((media))), attacking every perceived violation to get people fired. It's a racketeering scheme.

>tfw have 2 degrees
>better degree is an M.S. in an engineering field from one of the better Ivy League universities


The problem is that the kids have unrealistic expectations wrt their respective fields. The problem is very solved before they even start their degrees.

Well this just sounds like some Jewish shit.

>pay up goy, you've gotta pay us for the privilege to get a job

You're paying a fucking expensive tuition or earning your way through. You are supposedly highly intelligent and able to work. Why wouldn't they work with employers to connect them with fresh faced college grads? Makes no sense.

At this stage, SJWs act like unions in the 1920s.

If banks and schools weren't guaranteed their money we'd have far more sensible education centers.

But I guess letting people who have no need to go near a college have to get in because it's "fair".

>three degrees
>Hon BA
>Subway University Sandwich Artist
>98.6° F

they've been told to pursue these expectations from birth. sure, they should be smarter and get an education that will guarantee them work, but they've never had to deal with reality in their whole lives.

How do you expect campuses to take care of YOU when they have minority students to take care of? Hello! The job prospects and opportunities have to go to those that will grow the corporation's non-inclusive diversity picture!

What Ivy Leagues are considered to be crap?

I agree with that. No default debt is bullshit. It will create interest rates to increase, however, to compensate for default risk.


Sure, but how many know of actual employment rates, and compensations in their target professions? Not many have a realistic idea on either, i would wager.

not only entitled, most HR departments infiltrated by lefties now actively seek to fill diversity quotas

why else do all job apps now ask
>are you indigenous
>are you disabled
>do you identify with LGBTQ+ or other?
>are you from ethnically diverse background
>please specify the ethnic group you identify with
>do you speak language other than English at home?

nice sly Marxist strategy, slowly remove kulaks across all sectors of employment over long time period

The normal departments do, there are just no employers that have anything to do with humanities departments...

None are crap, but some are considered better than others.

Top ones are: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn
Lower are: Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown

>public transit advocacy
What even is this

All his specialities are nonsense doublespeak

It makes sense for the universities to hand out good degrees and jobs so that people actually pay off the loans to improve their image.
Useless degrees are the ones that end in -studies, and also unis are technically non-profit too.

>underrated post

you probably just opened up a whole sub-course in the trans gender field

Why dont these retards simply become engineers and make slightly above average income... Its not that hard, what are they trying to achieve with gender studies?

Its called an internship and if you went for a real degree they would have been required.

if we educated them on these facts, far fewer kids would go into unveristy. schools would make less money, banks would make less money.

that's why kids are encouraged to get degrees in mongolian trans-gender pottery

>It makes sense for the universities to hand out good degrees and jobs so that people actually pay off the loans

that is a logical, long term strategy.

However, if you're a person in charge today who knows you're going to retire in 15 years, you'd be tempted to profit at the cost of long term sustainability. this is what eventually destroys every institution.

What am I supposed to tell employers if I've been a NEET for a year? I applied for a few when I graduated and after I didn't get one I was really hoping for I stopped out of fear of rejection.

tfw virtue signalling wont get you a life you think you deserve. faggot.

Euro Flip gender politics ugh I want to defend him but I can't. There is way he could have expected a different outcome, Euro politics is already rough because it's not relevant in a Canadian context, but Filipino politics on top of this? There is no demand for Filipino political analysis in Canada. Dude must have been on a roots trip that went on way too long.

Is he just completely retarded and not self aware, or is he want to drag the system down to his level?

In the US i think its a law that Universities have to help you find employment in the field of your study within like a year of you graduating.

Its not their problem if your major is Asian gender studies and its also not their problem if you dont accept what jobs they help you find.

>Filipino politics on top of this
I googled what "filipino barangay" is. apparently "barangay" means village

so he researches filipino village politics.

have you ever seen that meme where you use the most outlandish adjectives to describe Sup Forums? like "laotian embroidery forum", etc. that's what that sounds like.

>Interest in flip politics

Then this fucking flip should go to the Phillipines and apply his "skill" over there. They don't give a fuck, they just see a western college degree. He can live decently comfy and the flips will think he is smart.

>Hmm this naive 18-year old wants to give us $120,000 for a B.A. in Southeast Asian Gender History
>Should we tell him there are no jobs in this field beyond the professor who teaches the class?

It's not hard to understand friend

Thank God for it too, because if Colleges actually gave a fuck about persuading these snowflakes to get meaningful degrees, it'd be a lot harder for us smart people to distinguish ourselves from them

future teacher so they can teach the next generation the same shit so they can become teacher too hahah

>filipino village politics
That's smuggling illegal guns to the US.

If they're dumb enough to think there's a future in absurd, narrow degrees then they'd likely flunk anything harder.

Really the only silver lining I've experienced with shitty college degrees is it keeps people out of trades. Not all trades are complex enough to keep dumb people out.

I'm starting to get real fucking sick of the idea that degrees are a commodity.

I don't give a fuck if you eighty degrees in studies that amount to basically nothing relevant. I doubt any major job is gonna need someone who has a Masters in Filipino Theology.

These dumb fucking kids keep thinking they'll be part of the 1% at this rate when in reality, someone needs to do the smaller jobs or ones that require dedicated study.

That or invest in fucking trades so we at least have legal American citizens doing our labor.

Filipino Barangay Politics sounds like a euphamism for Sup Forums.

What job exactly does this retard hope to get in Canada with a degree specializing in South East Asian Gender Studies?

Goddamn, the world NEEDS delivery drivers (for another few months).

No one needs his qualifications. Why don't they explain this to retards in school?

translation: i love traps

>I literally don't understand why businesses want money

Maybe you should sign up for Econ user.

Alright, let's be fucking brutally truthfully honest. What fucking jobs actually need you to get a degree in order to do them? I mean jobs that you can't learn through a few weeks training and shit that you actually need to go through years of schooling for.

I think only the most technical jobs need you to do that, and I'd say even those you can learn through a few months of training on the job. So why do degrees even matter this much?

>I'm a part-time political activist, working on a number of initiatives such as public transit advocacy
>Bitching about the bus fare being too expensive lmao

I'm going back for my master's in public administration while by bachelor's was in economics. How fucked am I? My bachelor's was from a school in bum fuck nowhere but the master's program I got into is pretty reputable (top 20).

>3 degrees
>not enough agency to start a business

he should be delivering chinese food

>if Colleges actually gave a fuck about persuading these snowflakes to get meaningful degrees, it'd be a lot harder for us smart people to distinguish ourselves from them

you'd also have many more people educated in fields that will actually sustain civilization. universities NEED to provide programs that will help their nation's economy before anything else if the western world is to survive.

instead, they just rake in the dough and create thousands of unemployable, indebted people every year. it's only a matter of time before the card house of student debt collapses and millions of people find themselves in an economic crisis with nothing but their knowledge of ethiopian clay cuisine to turn to

>i have tree degree. you give job now!

>Be me

>Drop out of high school

>Get 4 year trade (boilermaking)

>Through connections get into scaffolding

>Make between 90k and 120k

>Work isn't hard once you have a lot of experience

>Constantly listening to wifes highly educated friends complain about how the system is broken because dumb asses like me can make a lot of cash while they're struggling just to get employed

If I dare suggest that maybe, if there interest were money, they should have gone into geology or engineering, or even finance, they whine about fairness.

They're grown adults...sort of...who seem to think attainment of credentials and succeeding in school, regardless of the field, entitles to them to a paycheck. They quite literally believe the government should invent institutions to hire them. It really used to piss me off.

I work for a media company. The local liberal arts school has included our name on some "placement" thing they give to graduates for the last 5 years. Obviously none of them check whether it's legitimate until they're 4 years and tens of thousands in debt for useless degrees. (We've never hired anyone from there and don't use interns.)

The funny thing is that the nice liberal journalism school and communications dept professors know exactly what they're doing. In any other field they'd be party to fraud.

The scary thing is these are only the ones that don't get jobs in government or corporate HR.

Literally any STEM job. You need a foundation in math, and you can't just learn how to be a competent programmer in "a few weeks of training".

That goes into another issue that no one wants to train any more. They all expect someone else to have gotten the basics in you.

Hell, the funeral home I used to work for said the only reason they picked me for my apprenticeship was having a family history of funeral homes and everyone else had zero background in it.

These days I run my own home, only have had two apprentice applicants and each one ended up dropping their courses well before apprenticeships began but they both seemed a good fit for getting shit done here.

Would you go to a dentist who learned to extract teeth via youtube?

Sounds like white privilege bro

>Southeast Asian gender history
>Filipino Barangay politics
>European affairs
He sounds like a flip who was born in Canada.

Most of the guys who work for me are Fobs.

They make decent money and they can barely read.

seriously wtf is "European Affairs"

>bitch about lack of jobs in field
>be fucking dipshits and get a degrees in women studies or other dogshit degrees.
I can't feel sympathy for these idiots. Natural selection is a glorious thing.It's all about choosing a good degree. It's not that hard.

sounds like "literally anything to do with europe"

here's the interview

>tfw flip girls keep calling themselves "Women Of Color" in Australia

>tfw they try to act as if they are the victims of brutal discrimination and oppression

>tfw they never suggest going back to the philippines though

>southeast asian gender studies

This guy is qualified to answer the "are traps gay?" question. Truly a philosopher of our time.

I was just going to say the unfermented soy meme isn't a meme at all.

Big fucking deal. Everyone has degrees. But you have to deal with people to have a nice job and dealing with people sucks dick.

I hope his dissertation covered Eliot Rogers' manifesto. That shit was a treasure trove.

Personally, I consider all of them to be crap and if I see any of them on a resume that lands on my desk they will be moved to the bottom. Too much leftist bullshit and while the facilities and faculty may be slightly better, the material taught honestly isn't much different from a state school. A mechanical engineer is a mechanical engineer. Engineering requires you to go to school for the base knowledge, but the real skill comes from being creative with your work. That is not taught and I believe I am more likely to find that from someone who did not go to the most liberally infested schools in the country. People with no aspirations go to Ivy league schools because they think it will make their life easy mode.

post more of this girl

They were told with statistics and graphs that if you have a college degree you will have a higher earning potential. What the retards didn't realize is that is an average higher earning potential. What degree you pick matters. Anyway, this why all millennials try to go to college and many of them have no goals and end up owing money while accomplishing jack shit.