What is the best protestant denomination?

What is the best protestant denomination?

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Eastern Orthodox

BASED Calvinism

*tips kippah*

Dutch Calvinism

Didn't mean to reply to you but Orthodox isn't protestant, pretty sure the full name is even the Catholic Orthodox church



Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected

This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.


None Protestants are complete cop outs. Lazy as hell. Stay Roman Catholic, stay pure.

No calvinist or protestant agree with the early christians and church father
Chapter 13. The funeral pile is erected

This, then, was carried into effect with greater speed than it was spoken, the multitudes immediately gathering together wood and fagots out of the shops and baths; the Jews especially, according to custom, eagerly assisting them in it. And when the funeral pile was ready, Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin. For, on account of his holy life, he was, even before his martyrdom, adorned with every kind of good. Immediately then they surrounded him with those substances which had been prepared for the funeral pile. But when they were about also to fix him with nails, he said, Leave me as I am; for He that gives me strength to endure the fire, will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to remain without moving in the pile.

>muh special snowflake christianity


>fuck Jews
>no faggot pls
>beer okay
>nupraise GTFO


They also contradict early Christian

>I don't want to confess or study the bible i should just automatically get into heaven

catholicism is the ultimate special snowflake christianity.

>Being this delusional

Lutherans are cool from experience. Everyone else in the protestant circle jerk is kinda garbage.

christianity was not intended to be organized and especially not like the vatican dumbass.

follow suit and kiss niggerfeet like your pope cuck

If there is a hell, you're damn right it wasn't supposed to be organized. Hell would be pointless if you get into heaven for no fucking reason.

what even is your point?

It's largely the same a Catholicism except we don't pray to saints or Mary.
God is omniscient and we have Christ as a mediator. We don't need to pray to dead people who can't hear us.

The liturgies are practically the same as a Catholic mass as well.

Thats like asking which is the best counterfeit Christianity. The answer is none as Catholicism is the genuine religion and protestants just change it to suit whatever degenerate urges they have.

reformed baptist.



The anti roman Catholic sects think you just get into heaven for liking jesus. The organized roman Catholics know salvation ain't free. You need to live right, confess and repent

Thank you. Someone gets it. Heaven isn't an automatic afterlife. There would be no point of hell if everyone got into heaven for no reason

Catholics are fucking faggots. They all seriously make endless excuses for this shit. You know they sing Islamic prayers in the Vatican?

These people are destroying Europe just like the Jews just like the Muslims. Fuck off Desert faggots.

>thinks that protestantism is heresy.

If you prefer that to white survival you're a cuck. Enjoy you islam.

No. Islam sings Catholic shit. Get your timeline right

Fundamentalist Baptist.

I assume by "best" you mean "most accurate" because 99% of the Catholics and other so called Christians you see here give zero shits about biblical accuracy and doing what the Bible actually teaches and just make up whatever they like.

Matthew 15:9
>But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Google Steven Anderson if you want actual Biblical preaching.



Destroying Europe.

But the early Christians treat saints the same way catholics do

Explain why none of the early Christians suscribe to the five solaes

is, was, time is merely an illusion.
also most people who follow the teachings of christ properly realize that salvation ain't free, that doesn't mean you need the pope, the vatican, or necessarily a church.

a church can help but the way to salvation is to follow the commandments of christ and he gave 5 commandments.

"Mt 19:16-19 "And behold, one came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?" And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." He *said to Him, "Which ones?" And Jesus said, "You shall not commit murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; Honor your father and mother; and You shall love your neighbor as yourself.""

But the church can help you repent

I thought Catholics were the lazy corrupt ones, that Protestant work ethic and all? Fucking Abbey Lubbers.

I prefer a Kierkegaardian Protestant approach and read the bible directly without worrying about denominations. If someone happens to fall into one after deciding all the questions for themselves, that's cool, but actually reading the Bible should come first.

Except this isn't true. Because many of the successful entrepreneurs in these protestant countries are Catholics. Such as Netherlands and Germany

Because those teachings were main teachings nobody needed to make a 5-soli list for. Read Augustine, Tertullian and Irenaeus. You will find all 5 soli.

of course it can, but not all churches are created equal, some fulfill the purpose, some have ulterior motives.

going to church can be beautiful i agree, coming together with family and friends.

i just don't think there is one right way to worship god. god is love, and forgiveness is divine, that's why christ included love in those 5 commandments.

i think that repentance is in the heart, so is confession, to not confess sins is pride. and humbleness will lead to salvation, not pride. those who don't acknowledge they sinned, lie to themselves.

Yeah. And alot of these sects say you're basically immune to sin thanks to christ but there is no way that is true. I really think you must repent.

cuckholicism... not even once

No, we actually need to mass, we actually get punished for sin. These other guys can just whack it to traps all day and just walk right through the pearly gates.. that is lazy


>I ignore the Bible because I like to pretend I'm better than everyone by talking about my works

Exactly. Fuck Protestants, lazy fucks never read one god damn page

true true, everyone can sin and when one hurts others it fires back at some point. having vices instead of virtues will also backfire on people. and those who don't acknowledge their wrongdoings are destined to repeat them.

The slavs need to hurry up and rescue Christendom. Catholicism is hanging on by a thread, we're incapable of saving ourselves.

In America, the two denominations that are considered the most "dedicated" are
Baptists are an aggressive lot and gather in smaller churches. If you're in America and see someone saying something stupid about DnD, Harry Potter, or any sort of innocuous media, chances are that they're either a Baptist or have been spending too much time talking to a Baptist preacher. Street preachers like Bro Deen are also Baptists.
Methodists take a more prim and proper approach. Always dressed in suits and skirts, larger, well-designed churches, a small clique of the "faithful" that sits at the heart of the church. The one I was a part of was (and still is) propped up by an old widow's money.

In my experience, every other sort of church in America was populated by "cultural" Christians. Lutheranism in particular was flocked to by people who flirted with the idea every Sunday then forgot about it the other 6 days of the week.

I did and guess what? Nowhere

Augustine pretty much destroys Sola Fide by his paradox view of free will and predestination, Tertullian basically affirms free will and judgement by works alongside Irenaeus

I wonder if New England is the only place with a huge Roman Catholic following in the US

There's a reason Catholicism ruled Christianity for 1500 years under Monarchic governments. And there's a reason that shortly after Protestantism took off came the Enlightenment, Democratic government, and the ability for the individual to pull themselves out of poverty and the feudal state.

But I'll let you reach your own conclusions.

With the Enlightenment came secularism and the downfall of Christianity. I'll let you reach your own conclusions

Augustine affirms Sola Fide because its connected to Sola Gratia - grace alone. If we assume that God gives faith then we won't have a problem. Thats how you interpret their works, but I found something different.

Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church

There's Maryland, and a little in the states surrounding it. South and west of that it's just little pockets where people settled back in the day.

No shit huh?

Except his conception of Grace operates under a synergistic understanding that it does not destroy free will. Augustine particularly seen in On Grace and Free Will takes up a paradox position on the issue. That entails him denying the five solaes in essence because the position of the five solaes deny the role of human participation and reduce them to mere instruments

This is also why Augustine's view denies human moral laxity or excuse in the first place

>With the Enlightenment came secularism and the downfall of Christianity.


>Latin Catholicism: 1.25 billion
>Eastern Orthodox: 270 million
>Protestantism: 800 million
>Anglican: 85 million
>Et cetera: I don't know

I'm not denying Christianity needs to get its shit together, I'm just saying it's not going to be done under Catholicism.

The downfall of Christianity didn't begin in the states until the late 1900's. There are even still certain states that have an affirmation of god's existence as a requirement to hold office (though these are unenforced laws that would get tossed out as soon as they were challenged in court).
Catholics are kinda rare here, but not unheard of.
The impression of them that went around when I was still a church boy was "I can cheat on my spouse indefinitely so long as I don't die between such a tryst and the confession booth, but I can't divorce them no matter what." A lot of the less educated protestants see veneration as worship of the character in question.

Maybe if all them snowflake Christians would come back to their roots under Catholicism we would be unstoppable. Catholicism did fine until people went "wait i can't just be a degenerate all i want without consequence? Screw you I'll write my own book and call it God's book".

Slavs ain't gonna help you shit you filthy Amerifat

You brought this on yourself

Ah yeah. Praying to Mary. Thats what I needed all the time.

>Catholicism did fine until people went "wait i can't just be a degenerate all i want without consequence? Screw you I'll write my own book and call it God's book".

This is completely wrong and a fundamental misunderstanding of what the whole deal is about. But you go ahead and keep thinking that and see how quickly these so called "snowflake Christians" rush back into the Catholic fold.

Good luck with that.

I see where they can be coming from but we do recieve real punishment for a mortal sin, sometimes adultery isn't forgiven at all. Alot of Protestants believe you can cheat all you want as long as you say sorry to god before you hop into bed that night

Men sin. They are bound and dead in sin. How can humans have a complete free will? The humanistic concept of free will gets destroyed after the first six chapters of our Bible.

Go ask a Baptist who can receive Communion, then get back to me


Maryland was a Catholic colony, bromigo. Best state flag, best state motto, best crabs, best religious foundation, absolutely shit everything else.

>"I can cheat on my spouse indefinitely so long as I don't die between such a tryst and the confession booth, but I can't divorce them no matter what."

That's a shitty Catholic. It's pretty spelled out that Confession only works if you are truly repentant. It's a pretty cool idea, that God shows mercy to anyone who truly wants to become a decent human being again, but people think it's magic words that let you get away with anything.

How'd that election go? Manage to uncuck your country? Call back when you have a chance of relevance again, Aquafresh.

No user, fuck the Lutherans. They, along with the Catholics, are flooding my community with refugees.

lol. You've already proven you have no idea what you're talking about here: >117498024 and you just added to it there. And I'm not even a Baptist.

You're just thinking of it from a Catholic perspective. That's okay, but just because you say it, doesn't make it true or right. I understand Catholics fundamentally can't understand that, but whatever.

You need to go do some more reading. Good luck, kid.

>I see where they can be coming from but we do recieve real punishment for a mortal sin, sometimes adultery isn't forgiven at all. Alot of Protestants believe you can cheat all you want as long as you say sorry to god before you hop into bed that night
It's not a bias that's fueled by any fair knowledge, and you're absolutely right. I think the reasons protestants hold it is because of how strict Catholic views on divorce are. It's a completely expected consequence of forcing a relationship that's just not going to work no matter how hard the two parties try.

>Mormons literally have some guy write the books and say god told him the truth
>user doesn't believe me when i say sects wrote new books and called them God's books

I've never thought of Methodists as particularly "hardcore", I mean they ordain women for Christ's sake. Even Catholics don't do that.

Catholics are the masterrace. Cuck anti-pope will perish.

Oh yeah i can definitely see that

Yeah Methodist is very lenient. Hell, one in my town is flying a rainbow flag outside right now

whats the difference? All of christianity is cucked

>I mean they ordain women
Completely unheard of in the church I went to, and at about every one of the affiliated churches I visited.
The Methodist church I grew up in would get pissy, if they saw a woman in pants...even in the blooming winter!

Not true. People are.

Episcopalian of course, its like being Catholic without all the heathen rituals AND without being pedophiles.

That's the worst argument I've ever seen. He wasn't talking about Mormons, who aren't even Christians let alone Protestants. You really seem to lack a childlike conception of the past and are unable to differentiate the Reformation with much later and unrelated movements

>Catholicism is the genuine religion

Good to know. Don't want anything to do with scrubbing nigger feet: tha faith

I'm talking about Christianity as a general topic, not Mormonism or any other sect specifically. And you're still misunderstanding, fundamentally, what I'm saying. You said, "Catholicism did fine..." Of course you think Catholicism did fine. You're a Catholic. And you think Protestantism weakened Christianity because it's not under the rule of Catholics.

I don't particularly hate Catholics, but I disagree with the teaching of Catholicism so I won't follow the teaching of Catholicism. I follow Christ.



We are the libertarian wing of the Protestant movement; we don't tell you what to do, and you don't tell us what to do.

Ohh if you just said that instead of going full blown "you're a retard no education hurdur crap" i would've understood.
Yeah i feel ya

You're right, I shouldn't have done that. I get a bit reactionary and defensive on Sup Forums.

Also the reason i think the other sects weakened Christianity because by scattering and dividing ourselves we won't be able to band together against a common threat to Christ if it was to ever arise.

Baptists so u can chill with kkk bros.

All protestant denominations are false churches. Catholic is the only way, as it is the one and only original, true church.

Isn't the only difference between Catholics and Anglicans the fact that Anglicans stopped sending Bishops to Rome? They're basically Catholics who spat the dummy out.

True Christianity Tier
1. Eastern Orthodox
2. Catholicism (unfortunately cucked at the moment)

Respectable Protestant Tier
3. Lutheran
4. Presbyterian
5. Anglican or Episcopalian

Respectable Evangelical Tier
6. Baptist
7. Methodist

Bad tier
8. Church of God
9. Church of Christ

Shit Tier
10. Nondenominational
11. Interdenominational

Shit's Shit Tier
12. Pentecostal

Heretic Tier
13. Seventh Day Adventism
14. Jehovah's Witness

Are you so sure bro?
Explain James 2:24 KJV, or did your pastor not teach you about it since it destroys the protestant lies?

>You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

Leave your false church, Christ welcomes you.

Yeah us and Anglicans are pretty much the same exact shit.
The difference i do know of that i feel is the biggest deal, their priests will alert the authorities of a crime that someone confessed. while a Roman Catholic priest will literally get flown out to Vatican if he's questioned by police about a confession just so he doesn't break his seal.
An Anglican priest isn't bound to secrecy

One of favorite bits right there. One of the biggest reasons I'm Catholic

While I understand where you're coming from, to say it "weakened" Christianity is, IMO, a wrong statement because it's a Catholic statement. Catholics believe that they are the universal Church because they were ordained by Christ and anything that disagrees with their doctrine is not part of the universal Church. I, and Protestants, in general, believe that the universal church is the faith in Christ. Therefore, Christianity itself is the universal church.

I agree that Christianity is, at some point, going to have to figure out a way to unify, at least politically, in the event that defense of the faith is necessary.


>as it is the one and only original, true church.

too bad orthodox say the same about themselves

>1. Eastern Orthodox

memes. show me onw orthodox socitety that isnt an uber shithole filled with abortions

Anything that contains simmilar hierarchy and tradition of the Catholic Church, most proddie denominations are special snowflake garbage with no quality control or morals