What is the best form of fascism

And why is it Strasserism?

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Because Strasserism is the only one which truly pays attention to the "Socialism" part in National Socialism.

Long live the alt-Left.

There is no "best form" of fascism, it adapts itself to the country that uses it.

My nigga.

>Communism but with no Jews


My party used to endorse it. We still sell Strasserite pins

>not wanting to live in a nationalist ethno-commune

Communists advocate a world revolution, after which they would eliminate the nation state as a concept. Strasserism doesn't advocate internationalism. With that said, capitalism as a concept in and of itself is degenerate and decadent.

What party?

What party is this and where can I get one of these pins?

It's basically Best Korea.

Any answer besides Pinochet makes you a fucking socialist and socialists get the helicopter.


You're politically illiterate

>He fell for National Socialism = Fascism
Strasser's were more socialist than the Hitlerists NatSoc and extremely hated Capitalism.

It was what National Socialsim was before Hitler understood that that system won't work fast and stable as state capitalism would... So Goebbels quickly purged Strasser's out without Hitler opinion on the matter.

It better than bolshevik communists tho because of its focus of Nationalism and being against Jews

Is strasserism like north korea?

Did you just say Pinochet was fascist?

It's always funny how ancaps praise and love Pinochet so much while he would have also thrown them off the helicopters because of "muh ebil statist state" and "lets be anarch-"

North Korea actually borrows a lot from Japanese statism.

Strasserism was literally a Jewish attempt at undermining German nationalism.

Fuck off

National Front

Britishnational.net or an the Aryan Unity website

How old are you mate

Isn't that what Pol Pot wanted?

No since Strasser disagreed with Führerprinzip.

Friendly reminder that Pol Pot was responsible for one of the largest mass killings of Muslims and Westernized intellectuals in the 20th Century.



An authoritarian meritocracy with a corporativist economy.