Cont from yesterday Welcome to /scg/
These threads are for the discussion of Chilean Politics and the South American Cone in general
Our goal is to use memes to influence our people into voting for the future of this country
Quick rundown on Chilean Politics
>Left is as cucked as you can imagine
>Right would take inmigrants for a few shekels
(Possibly) /ourguy/: Manuel José Ossandón
Who is Ossandon?
Ossandón is a presidential candidate who is against degeneracy (abortion and gay marriage mainly) who has openly spoken for a more strigent immigration law in Chile.
He has been the mayor of the most populous district of the country who is also the poorest before running and winning a seat on the senate. Depsite he is right wing, he is hated by the right wing because he constantly speaks about how the right wing in Chile is nothing but corrupt bastards who only think about money and do nothing to help the poor. Speaking of which, his main issue is poverty and how Chile still is a poor country.
Sites to infiltrate (comments + creation of communities) (current events and politics sub forums)
jewbook (we have to decide the groups first, and also create our own groups)
ditto with twatter
Do's and Don't's
>Recuerda usar el inglés para que todos se puedan integrar, y también por el respeto a la página
>Always engage in conversations
>If something happens in the news, be television, newspapers or online, discuss it here
>Never reply to trolls or shitposters, specially if they're argies
>NEVER reply to trolls or shitposters
An example is an Argie trying to get in arguments about race
>Please refrain from flooding the thread with Pinochet jokes,le helicopter meme, why is texas a country now and such.
This threads are stil a work is progress
Everyone who wants to contribue is welcome
>Cnn on Ossandon