/scg/ Saving Chile General

Cont from yesterday Welcome to /scg/
These threads are for the discussion of Chilean Politics and the South American Cone in general

Our goal is to use memes to influence our people into voting for the future of this country

Quick rundown on Chilean Politics
>Left is as cucked as you can imagine
>Right would take inmigrants for a few shekels

(Possibly) /ourguy/: Manuel José Ossandón

Who is Ossandon?
Ossandón is a presidential candidate who is against degeneracy (abortion and gay marriage mainly) who has openly spoken for a more strigent immigration law in Chile.
He has been the mayor of the most populous district of the country who is also the poorest before running and winning a seat on the senate. Depsite he is right wing, he is hated by the right wing because he constantly speaks about how the right wing in Chile is nothing but corrupt bastards who only think about money and do nothing to help the poor. Speaking of which, his main issue is poverty and how Chile still is a poor country.

Sites to infiltrate

taringa.net (comments + creation of communities)
chw.net (current events and politics sub forums)
jewbook (we have to decide the groups first, and also create our own groups)
ditto with twatter

Do's and Don't's
>Recuerda usar el inglés para que todos se puedan integrar, y también por el respeto a la página
>Always engage in conversations
>If something happens in the news, be television, newspapers or online, discuss it here
>Never reply to trolls or shitposters, specially if they're argies
>NEVER reply to trolls or shitposters
An example is an Argie trying to get in arguments about race
>Please refrain from flooding the thread with Pinochet jokes,le helicopter meme, why is texas a country now and such.

This threads are stil a work is progress
Everyone who wants to contribue is welcome

>Cnn on Ossandon

Other urls found in this thread:


tfw no chilean gf

Thanks for the bump.
You should come one day, if you have a chilean friend that is.

Also, thanks to the user that makes these

dont worry fella , you can probably find a good one if you come
also thank OP , i tryed to make one but got deleted

Bump, you have an amazing and beautiful country. I wish all the luck in the world to you, and I will help out with all I can.

How did you structure the thread?
There's a chance it will get deleted.
Anyways, remember to find some information to share with the people about Ossandon


good luck you guys


There appears to be no one online right now, if the thread dies off, I'll try later.

Morenazi detected.

For non-chilean anons: Morenazis are chileans who think chilean race is better even though Chilean race is brown af, mixed 50% spanish sandniggers and 50% native american mountainiggers. We already lost the battle. LMAO at these chilean conservatives.

PS: Ossando has an IQ of 75, please please dont ssupport him.

When did Texas get it's own flag?

what's wrong about it?

So how are things going?

We never advocated for racism, we know we're mixed
We're trying to discuss Chilean politics, you could try to contribute
Also, being negative as fuck isn't gonna help in anything, you can kindly leave the thread if you want to.


Good luck lads, hope to see you as an economic superpower one day.

Are you thae same guy from yesterday?
You made some good points, keep em coming.
That's one of the issues we have to talk about
Chilean economy is based almost enterily on copper, wich is finite, we can't eat today and starve tomorrow.

Why do you not like immigration then? and what are you doing in Sup Forums if its not about race?.

Chilean people need more education, less taxes, more immigration (Chileans are inherently lazy af, imagine mexicans with double siestas, immigrants are the only hard working here, and immigrant girls are 4 points on average hotter than chilean girls)

Also please give us abortion, Chile will never stop being poor if women are forced to have more that 2 kids in poor areas. We need to get rid of the leftover delinquents.

Candidates that are closer to reality and have an IQ over 90: Ricardo Lagos on the left and Felipe Kast on the right

That's exactly what you should do, good job.
Again, it's now about racism, we have to regulate inmigration because there's already enough hatians on the streets wihout jobs that can't speak spanish.

>Muh chileans are lazy meme
>Muh only hardworking inmigrants
I myself was never lazy, no one on my family was, none of the people that I hanged around was lazy, I don't understand your point.
Not only that, but inmigrants are used to hold the worth of labour down, go ahead and take those Peruvians, since they take the shitty "jobs that no one wants" you can abuse them easily.

>Inmigrant girls are hotter
Not an argument

>Please give abortion
This coin has more than one side, rape victims should have a right to abortion, muh "I was drunk" should not
However, we're trying to find a candidate that helps us fix poor areas for real and applies the law to the teenagers that get free passes.

I'll take some source on those
A quick rundown on the candidates you proposed aswell

Not about racism, sorry, I made a typo

Immigrant girls are hotter is definitely an argument

Most new businesess in chile are created by immigrants. If you say chileans are not lazy and haitian niggers are then you clearly have never had a company nor hired no one. Creole speaking haitians and colombian girls dancing their asses to salsa is the closest thing chile will have to a culture.

Abortion should be available for everyone, not just rape, not just poor people. I want to crampie my gf without risk of toddler. Dont you like to fuck?

Now I want to jugde you.. are you and your hard working environment from a religious sect from upper middle class like opus dei, misionarios, or other crazy shit?

Argentina > Chile desu

Congolombian transvestite detected. This is not about race, it's about bettering our nation by not importing more poverty, crime, and anchor babies that we can't maintain, you goddamn simian.

>Chileans are lazy
Maybe because our working conditions are unfavorable. Chileans know this, which is why slave workers love to import negritos that work for free.
>I want to crampie my gf without risk of toddler
Breaking news: you can wear a condom. What are you, an irresponsible flayte?
>Chile has no culture
Ah yes, the big meme. Move to Sweden then, troglodyte. We don't want you here.

Excellent bait, though.

Evening, Chileans.

Chileans are white and based.

When is your next election? What are the rules of engagement for said elections?

Indeed, Chile was the shithole of latin america for 500 years until foreign companies started exploiting natural resources whi made the gdp explode. But we still have the same shitty people as 30 years ago

No, hotter chicks are not an argument

>the closest thing chile will have to a culture.
Wow, you really don't have respect for your country do you?

>I want to creampie my gf wihout risk of toddler

And no
No, we were all from the lower middle class

My dad used to peel tomatoes and after all this time he became a truck driver with some fake documents, my mom still makes clothing by hand.

I had the priviliege of being a good student and the goverment let me study for free, wich I kept during Basic and Middle Education.

No one in my family was religious in any sense

My dad is an atheist.

My mom prays for good things, but she didn't read the bible or such

As for the people I hung with, they we're on the same as me

One of them was missing their father

Other was just plain poor with an alcoholic mother and a missing father, he was very stupid in every sense, but always tried his best.

The adults I meet where either like my mom or my dad.

I do have some brothers, that are now part of the upper middle class that come from my father's side and a stepmother I never met.

Worth saying, they were born when my dad barely had shoes

But anyways, since we're only talking to eachother, it's better to leave the thread die and try again later

Thanks for your contribution

I love Texas threads

I like the rise of generals recently. Keep it up!

Have a bump ese


The election will be held on november 19. If none of the candidates can secure an absolute majority of the votes, a runoff election will be held on december 17. No electronic voting or voting by mail, only secret paper ballots.

Bloody hell, we haven't much time, then, really.

Ossandon seems fairly based. How influential is social media in Chile?

Sorry, I'lld answer your questions
This year, november 19

>Must be over 18
Most youngsters don't vote anyways
>Who gets the most votes win
Democratically, there's nothing like the electoral college here
>There can be a second votation
That's about it really, nothing complicated

Facebook Memes are more than enough to convince a bunch of angry women that the wage gap is real.
It's a fuckton of a nation

Well your fucked up environment explains your ignorance and hatred towards immigrants then, Im glad I received good education, which is scarce in Chile and statistically you didnt get from what you tell me. Still dont undersstand why you dont like getting rid of a bunch of cells that may ruin someones life.

Immigrants are less likely to be dalinquents thant chileans

Immigrants are more likely to create jobs

So.. the immigration debate is settled. I challege you to show me figures that speak bad of immigrants in Chile.

The girl in the picture is colombian, for me it is an argument. Colombia please keep sending them because I wanna creampie then and then have an abortion.

Okay, well, if he turns out to be 100% /ourguy/, then we must start memeing early. Is there a group that is widely disliked in Chile? Doesn't have to be an ethnic group.

>Ossandon seems fairly based.
Ossandon is /my guy/ but he has no chance. Even if he miraculously manages to win the primaries, the mainstream right hates him.

>How influential is social media in Chile?
Very, although TV keeps its most influential status among the old voting population. As the other user said, Facebook is good enough to change the minds of old angry ladies. They love to consume that shit and will believe anything.

To be fair, no good candidate will win. It's not our time yet, sadly. I wish a miracle would occur, but the majority of our people do not desire real change, nor will inform themselves enough to know the choice even exists.

Ossandon is, in that respect, something of a Trump, and it just so happens that people don't want change, whilst they did in America.

Deganarate, I can't see how you hate your country so much.

Please, get a little bit more info before naming candidates. Ossandon has an agricultural technician degree from inacap. That is the worst degree you can get from the worst college you can get to in chile, and is in mainstream right, He was in RN from 1987 to 2016. Ricardo Lagos went to Duke, a bit better.

>tfw no chilean mommy to hate colombians with

We can still manage to change the perspective of thousands if not millions from here to October with weaponized autism. Let's just get the memes of production rolling and throw them into Facebook, maybe we will have create a foundation for the next election.

never nought Tsiile had demogracy

so how about we use some sweet memes to win the elections?
americans used them , why cant us?

I dont hate my country, I love it. I do hate obesity, flat asses, and 1,50cm people


Flaites, basically chilean niggers, they're the one group nobody likes.
>Fucked up enviorment
I didn't grow up next to el Brayan, friend, it was all people that just hoped for the best.

>Cells that ruin someones life
I advocate for abortion for rape cases, and if the woman will die during birth, other people's irresponsibility isn't my fault, nor my concern.

>Less likely to be delinquents
Can agree, until you go to the north, specially Antofagasta

>More likely to create jobs
We all know that inmigrants have it way easier in terms of laws

>Street trading
Illegal for us, not for them

>You can get a penalty fee for washing your car outside your house
Again, not for them.

And no, it's not an argument in any way, for god's sake.
Oh, and also
>We must stop letting women having more than two kids in poor areas
>But I like to creampie
>I'll just make her have an abortion
You're irresponsible and very stupid, people like you are the argument pro-abortion.

My mocho, remember to infiltrate hispachan/pol and hispachan/cl

>an Argie trying to get in arguments about race
Most of you are pretty much okay except for flaites and "mapuche" "activists"

You didnt get an education pal, because I know for a fact there are about 8 good schools and 2 good universities that are average in Chile, all the other are awfull crap. And I know you didnt went to any of them.

Show me data that immigrants have easier laws, it is the other way around. I have showed you facts, now you show me. Your arguments have no base.

And yes, colombianas, argentinas, venezolanas, brasileras, cubanas, are waaaay hotter than chilenas

You love your country so much to consider corrupt trashbag Lagos as a legitimate candidate? Because whatever degree you have matters when we live in a place where endless nepotism and corruption are norm, right?

Please walk off a cliff, mate. You're yet another hedonistic imbecile who's severely out of touch with his own people.

Please, get a little bit more info before naming candidates. Ossandon has an agricultural technician degree from inacap. That is the worst degree you can get from the worst college you can get to in chile, and is in mainstream right, He was in RN from 1987 to 2016. Ricardo Lagos went to Duke, a bit better.

Peruvians are drowning right now

Bump, redpill me on who is the better candidate

Lagos is awfull, but at least he knows the minimum on monetary and fiscal policy, Pinera went to harvard, Kast is fine, he is right wing and also knows the minimum, but Ossandon? are you shitting me? He is stupid af, has no team, no connections, no education, come on.

Drawfag from yesterday here
To draw defective anime propaganda I need fucking symbols like the maga hat, something that triggers lefties or just represent the right wing
I'll color pic related and today if I can, but I need symbols, not just the flag

I was under the impression that the main immigrants to the cone (Uruguay, Argentina, chile) were Europeans or other whites. I understand not wanting Brazil or Paraguays runoff but you goys could use skilled whites, right?

i dont know , maybe a normal chile flag?

>voting for manchild Ossandon
>not voting for God Emperor Jose Antonio Kast

This is definitely a /pol tier cantidate
>he is running independent so no one on the right can manipulate his policies, no consensus with cuckservatives needed ie Felipe "el travesti" Kast
>very traditional morals. Pro life, pro family, against free inmigration, for personal responsibility
>in favor of free market, respecting the most precious gift Pinochet left us (even more than the disposal of commies)
>he is an engineer form PUC, and will create a technocracy

Literally no cons.

Chileans are not white, we are 50% spanish arab and 50% native american

That guy is a religious fanatic and is not running for president. lol

whats going on?

can someone give me a quick rundown?

i live completely disconnected from the rest of the country

Holy fuck, kill yourself, all your posts are fucking retarded.

This. I was thinking that Jose antonio kast was going to be /ourguy/ pol. And he will be running as independient.

You are wrong on both statements. He has almost passed the 30k signatures to run independant
>muh secular state cannot be runned by a catholic
Fuck you, he probably has the biggest IQ of the shit cantidates runing, maybe with the exception of piñera, who I consider to be a cuck and an attention whore.

no you aren't.
Chile is filled with Western Europeans (Irish, French, Spanish, British and Italians. Less Mestizo than a lot of LA

Alright lads, had totally forgotten about this dude. Now tell me, has he got a chance at all? If Kast and Ossandon fail, who's our last option? I don't wanna vote for corrupt cuck Piñera, but I'll have to if he's the only option left.

This. There is no other sane option. Its time to take cultural marxism on a helicopter ride

I need an argument man

I am also and engineer from PUC, thanks for inherently saying I am smart! LAgos has Duke degree, pinera and kast have harvard degrees, ossando has incap lmfao

>Cultural Marxist
Ricardo Lagos
Alejandro Guillier
Fernando Atria
Alberto Mayol

>Possibly /ourguys/
Jose Antonio Kast
Manuel Jose Ossandon

Sebastian Piñera if everyone else loses

>Now tell me, has he got a chance at all?
No chance, he is Independent

Its up to us, and kek.
Do you guys browse that shithole called nido? We should make our own /pol and start memeing Jose Antonio Kast to the Moneda

He doesn't have wide support but I think we should meme hard into either Kast or Ossandon

Is that Frei with Alessandri?


It says there, we are 60% spanish (which is the same as sand niggers, spain was invaded for 800 years by arabs), 35% mixed and 5% pure native american

Med student master race here. Id say you study efforts are the only ones like ours.
Ingeneria comercial is just a bunch of lazy fags.
But are you a leftist? Do you happen to play magic cards?

at least theres no women

i'll look into them

Youy really need to come down from your brand new car one day, I can tell.
It's not something you see reports on, It's something you see on the streets

A friend of my mother has to pay her house for 30 years, a haitian nearby got a house payed by the goverment instantly
You should know yourself that the police is a lot lighter on inmigrants than anyone else.
I don't have more sources the experiencies I had in real life

If that's not enough for you, that's fair enough.

So what are the chances of this degenerate cultural Marxist winning?

Aren't Chilean and Latino men in general sexist as fuck? I would think that him dressing up as a woman probably lost him more than half the male vote.

it says a lot of europeans emigrated to your country, mostly from the west
Also Spanish people have the same skin as I do and I'm 100% Anglo.
I don't know where you got that from, Spain is Celto-Germanic. Only the south is brown, and even then I've met a person from Seville with green eyes and white skin

>Please refrain from flooding the thread with Pinochet jokes,le helicopter meme

Fine fine fine,
We're niggers hurr de durr
are you happy now?

There's possibly Carolina Goic running as DC (Christian Democrats). But the left will push Guiller has hard as they can

And piñera in the middle

Yes, he is kind of a joke now

isn't that the Texas flag


Anyways, I'm sick as fuck right now, I must get some rest.
Thanks to everyone for your contributions.
Also thanks to you for making these drawings, I appreaciatte them man.

Of course I play magic cards, I agree comercial is nothing. I am not a leftist, I think both sides are shit. Ossandon being the worst of the right. I am a libertarian.

I dont give a fuck about your moms house, be glad your neighbor has a nice ass that your mom probably doesnt have.

Spain is pretty much arab, in 800 years of arab dominance the mixture was everywhere, except in the basque country i think, now many words we say are arabic and food and stuff.

He is not popular, he will lose badly the pre-elections.

Sign me up, was waiting for something like this.

>Chilean people need more education, less taxes, more immigration
>More education
Agreed, but the more money the government put on public education, the more money leaks to intermediaries. Tread carefully here.
A lot of work has be made in reestablish the family role in children's education.

>Less taxes
Agreed too. All big corporations here know tricks to evade taxes, so all their weight fall inevitably on the shoulders of little businesses that can't afford big lawyer staffs.

One thing that Chile is doing right are the incentives for new business. There are plenty of alternatives to get kickstarting funds. I myself am going to participate in one of them with a R&D project.

>More immigration
I advocate that controlled immigration is good for a country, always that you consider the interest of your country prior when you accept a migrant, and granted this immigration is not pity driven.
Now, the argument most people (and you) delivered is "Chileans won't engage in low paid jobs, so why won't let migrants do that?"
Consider that low paid jobs are also the most unstable, because it doesn't take much training to do it, so an employer would hire whomever can pay the less, which is often an Haitian, as many of them don't even speak Spanish.
1 year on, personnel rotation. Conditions in firms hiring low paid jobs change, or they simply don't want to pay for antiquity. Half of the personnel is fired.
Now we have a good deal of desperate Haitians turned into bums. They know only two or three sentences in Spanish.

A native Chilean can naturally manage that kind of situation better.

So I better advocate to disappoint Haitians about the "Chilean Dream" before they come here than after they are in that situation.

I'd just draw a dick on the voting ballot. Guiller is basically male Bachelet, Piñera is basically male Hillary Clinton and Lagos is basically Soros with a skateboard.

Putting a Condorito strip because why not.

>Ossandon being the worst of the right.
Do you think Piñera (a social democrat), will defend more your personal liberties?

Hey Chile friends
U can still buy our meat. It's garanteed good
Muy buena

My argument for more immigration was not that one, I said
>Immigrants are less likely to be delinquents than chileans
>Immigrants are more likely to create jobs
>immigrant girls are way hotter

I dont like pinera but i think he is smarter and would assemble a better team, hopefully technocrat ministers, as he did in the beginning of his first term. He is a rat and thief but ossandon couldnt be a rat if he wanted to, he is just stupid and uneducated.

Your meat is not guaranteed good. Its average at best

what about Kast ? ( Both of them )

Felipe slams the left for supporting cuban dictatorship while at the same time being critical of those that supported Pinochet

that was really fucking needed

>dat pic

typical kike.

a literal clown

recordatorio que se subió al metro/transantiago a sacarse fotos para su campaña y se vistió de mina hace unos días

which one? Kast Rist or Kast Sommerhoff? Can someone give a quick rundown on Rist?

>The Clinic

why are you trusting a far left site ?
that'st like trusting Buzzfeed or Salon during the american elections