>entire family were Hillary supporters
>only me and my uncle supported Dumpf
>I laughed in their faces on election night
>fast forward to now and Drumpf is the worst president in history
>they laugh in my face every time Drumpf embarrasses himself or the country
>this ends up being every single day
>new poll shows that Drumpf's approval rating is at 34%, the lowest in history
>whenever I tried to say something at breakfast this morning everyone just laughed and yelled "34 PERCENT 34 PERCENT" at me
>just spend all day in my room now because I'm too scared to come out and face them
>Drumpf supporting uncle got arrested for rape

Everyday I wish that I could go back in time and vote for Hillary like I should have

Maybe you should just kill yourself

did you let him get the nuclear codes?

So Shareblue. Have you registered with the government as a foreign agent? By law you have to register with the government because you are being paid by China. One of the main funders of Shareblue is the Chinese Government. You are pushing propaganda for them. That by law makes you a foreign agent.

Second this, beta faggot

The same polls that said Hillary would win??

You're an idiot

Kill yourself, shill

ITT: Things that never happened


Same here, FUCK DRUMF

