What would the world look like if the ancient cultures still existed today?



Africa, now.

>implying they didn't

Assyrians still exist.

They found Jesus and are now trying not to be genocided by Moslems, but the left doesn't care.

I always thought the world would be more fun if the Aztecs were still around, but instead of sacrificing people with knives, they just carpet-bombed nearby countries to keep the Sun God happy.

When you kill your enemy, you would win.

Trannyphiles everywhere

i spit on the left, tfu tfu

ahh christianity, turning lions into lambs, bulls into cucks for 2000 years

Modern civilization is just a continuation of ancient civilization

You realize our calendar comes from Babylon right?

So does modern Abrahamic religion, mathematics, units of time, etc

they do exist
they passed down their cultures into their descendants, some into humanity, such as Sumerian time calculation

Yes but those cultures and their traditions have been long forgotten except for a few things.

Islam, turning intelligent people into brain dead inbred pedophiles ever since the Arabs invaded

But even Islam worships a Sumerian god

Awesome for me, because I have a noble bearing, classical Aryan features, and a great soul, but bad for everyone else on Sup Forums, who would be my slaves and workers.

Like agriculture? Writing? Urban planning? Astronomy?

never trust the abrahamic jew

But you have to have some religion

And monotheism crushed polytheism, so there are few choices

>But you have to have some religion
you don't.

Islam has more in common with Judaism than Christianity does.

Jesus Mike, whatchu smoking today? Can I have some?

Worshiping dem giants n sheeiitt


this seems to suggest they have a pretty similar relationship with judaism

but of course the right thing to do is read St. Ignatius and the people that were debating how Christ's teachings should affect their relationship to judiasm


If SPQR stayed around we would definitely have small colonies in space right now.
>inb4 but there was science in the Middle Ages too!

There's absolutely zero denying that the collapse of the biggest fucking economy the world had yet known didn't set technological progress back

Christian theology has more to do with neoplatonism than its jewish roots.

the thing about the romans is that they would have had to start doing math at some point