/polgb/ general

first try edition

thread died

>bi master race

Other urls found in this thread:


Go get pozzed by Somalis you faggot

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer.

Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through having anal sex with an HIV-positive person without using a condom or without taking daily medicine to prevent HIV called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or without their partner taking medicine to treat HIV called antiretroviral therapy (ART). Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV. Receptive anal sex is 13 times as risky for acquiring HIV as insertive anal sex. Using condoms the right way every time and taking medicines to prevent or treat HIV each can reduce the risk of getting or transmitting HIV. Combining 2 or more options provides more protection from HIV and condoms also protect from some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


Not surprised.

Gays aren't a big deal, Sup Forums.
>inb4 autistic screeching.
STD rates don't matter. They're behaviorally based. Some fags spreading the bubonic butt plague is never going to have an impact on the heterosexual population outside of freak accidents.

If you're worried about sexual degeneracy, go complain about women who have sex outside of marriage. Unlike gays, there's multiple major tangible negative impacts to society.

Solve the big problems first, then worry about homos.



What if Alex Jones meant by turning the frogs gay they were turning us gay...

Expected, Bjorn

>Be 6'1
>Blue eyes
>Dirty blonde hair
>Be gay
>Have semi-redpilled BF 6" shorter than me
>No STDs
>No Jewish friends
>Both like guns

Why so mad Sup Forums?

Why does nu-Sup Forums think this board is tolerant of faggots? We used to have gay hate threads all the time.

Sup Forums hates fags, We are politically incorrect not politically correct.


9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

>inb4 hurr durr arsenokoitai refers to boy prostitutes


Hi boys!!!



>ynw meetup with a cute Pollack and have bicurious sex with him
N-Not gay, just curious

Because you aren't going to reproduce, And even if you did you would abuse your kids like all other gay couples.

Adoption is for faggots, Get a surrogate fag.

>If you're worried about sexual degeneracy, go complain about women who have sex outside of marriage.
Who do you think advises loose women that their morals are acceptable? Queers. Behind every hive of immoral behavior in the big city is a nest of gay males who grant their slut women friends permission to behave like beasts.
Fags are a blight and cancer upon civilized society. I'm not saying they should be burned at the stake, impaled, and flayed alive or anything, but the relentless pandering to them must end. And it will end, even if it takes a spectacular event for that to happen.
It's up to the homos, really. If they are smart, they will slink back into the shadows where they belong before we are forced to pick them up and hurl them there.
But it's whatever, man. Make your play, faggit.

>no passing right wing qt trap gf
Do I belong here if I desire this?

>bi master race
this pic is correct

>posting the i'm gay guy that makes out with his friends

this. you wont get STDs from gays unless you suck a dick or take it in the ass.

then again, OP is swedish, so he might be rightfully worried.

Who said that?
Hint: it's not Jesus

Boipucci: The Ultimate redpill.

>tfw no qt sissy twink to love

>tfw I'm a twink top and love bottom muscle fags



user, that's absolute bullshit though.

The sexual liberation happened DECADES before gays were coming out of the closet. Women were fucking strangers, dabbling in serial monogamy, etc. back when gays were struggling to be accepted in fringe Leftist circles.

Plus, even ignoring timelines and just focusing on personal experience for a moment, I haven't seen that to be the case. For context, I live in a town with a fairly evangelical bent. I've attended three different churches, all of which were vehemently anti-gay.

The women my age there didn't care for the gays either. There are only two I can think of that had gay friends, the rest of them avoided gays. But these supposedly good, moral girls were some of the biggest whores I've seen in my life.

>I thought I loved him
>God forgives me xD

Gays are bad, whores are much worse. There's such a larger benefit to promoting sensible values regarding heterosexual relationships (no sex until marriage, etc.) than to force the fags in the closet.

You have to have priorities user. Even if gays were somehow worse than whores, there's simply not enough of them to ruin society.

You write like life is a rpg. Where did you even get the idea of "nests" of gays giving permission to women to be inmoral. Fucking lol.

Various traps want boyfriends from Sup Forums
Several twinks fans of Uncle Adolf.

Sup Forums is dark skin
/gay/ is white with blod hair
really activates my aldmonds

Only bisexual men have the unique combination of high IQs and sassy personalities that can defeat Jewry. Dorky straight guys from Iowa simply can't hold their own in a debate with your average city slicking kike. If you wanna fight fire with fire, you gotta bring out the flaming faggots.

Nah, most people in general don't fuck kids, same goes for gays.

Anyway like you said, I'd get a surrogate.

Do you hate childless couples in general or is it just us fags?

>Only bisexual men have the unique combination of high IQs and sassy personalities that can defeat Jewry.
thanks user, it's nice to feel appriciated

Hey Guys! Glad this exists now c:
please adopt cute little aryan kids after marrying that BF
Why would we bring more children into this world when the ones here need direction homes and families first.
>ynw meetup with a cute Pollack and have full homosexual sex with him
>Faggots are behind degeneracy
>Women only get on the cock carnival because faggots like other men
okay Moshe
Why do you want a sissy? Whats wrong with Twinks/Feminine men?
Thats the joke user. Also have you seen any picks of Sup Forums meet ups? A lot of them look like Serbs or Turks

which one of you twink faggots wants a thicc 7 inch dick in your bum?

Who are you on the server /polgbt/ ?

"hey beter"

>ywn have a gf and a twink side bitch
Why even live.

Would you be a one time thing or a relationship?

delete this thread

im not gay so it wouldnt be a relationship, im just lonely and want sum fuk

reminder that all homosexuals are like that because of some childhood event. probably raped or abused in some way.
also reminder that all homosexuals are pedophiles because of that same trauma.

gays are fine as long as they don't sperg out and act like huge faggots

o-oh noty I don't even want a thick dicked bf...

Day of the lightning bolt shall come soon faggots.

Im Sup Forumstard Nazi on /polgbt/

Hi honey, I love a canadian skinny bottom.

I dont fuck monkeys (or men)

Why do we have stuff like this? how about we agree no more /polgbt/ unless the OP is this good looking or better.

This is cute AF

>there's simply not enough of them to ruin society.

And yet they have.

I am 8/10, charismatic latino. You will want me breed your boipucci forever.

Why does some faggot always mention this Freud shit?
Yeah I like to dominate trannies/CD's, and yeah it may or may not be related to childhood.
But why the fuck does that matter if I enjoy it?
Shit, if they're qt they're qt, not like I'd be able to change my retarded hardwiring.
Not gay though.

Ugh, how did you get so lucky. Really.

Meanwhile I feel like it's almost impossible to find a nice redpilled bf for me

White or Mestizo latino?

Say hello pol

bump 4 u

make western civilisation homocentric again

women are bane of society

Is it winter ball already? Pretty early for your shilling.


Mike Pence thread? Mike Pence thread.

You're really going through with the whole "I swear I'm going to make a general to piss you off" thing sweden?

Why m8.


This is now an electric bogaloo thread
post rare Mikes

Wasn't the gays. The people that put us in the dismal state we're in, at least in terms of family life, morality and sexual values, are Jews and Women.

Gay marriage didn't cause the family to fall apart. Promiscuity and no-fault divorce did. Gays can't be single mothers, women can and Jews celebrate them for it. I could go on, but you get the point.

The left has pushed us to the point where the "Religious Right" is now battling over the bathroom use of cross-dressing lunatics. Don't bother with trivial shit, don't let them occupy you on the margins.

Go straight to the heart of the issue and focus on the sexual revolution. If you turn that back, everything else will eventually fall into place more or less.

also i love how you left out the T in LGBT, makes this 100000x less degenerate

Kek shall smite you faggots

I'm a gay man who injects estrogen to look cuter
am I allowed in /polgb/


>tv being on top
>no co, or v on the bottom.


Trying again
Come on

Do you want pics of the traps we have in the group? Gud stuff.

memes aside /x/ is pretty terrible nowadays

Is this you?

desu it could be pol bg. I've never met a lesbian that wasn't hidious, fat, and liberal

Come one Kek smite these faggots into smitherns

my name is mike

I don't think women restrain their sexual desires because fags don't give them the thumbs-up. I dunno, there's just something off about that logic. Almost like there's no evidence to back it up.

oh shit

Jesus this board is full of gays.

It has Begun!

We need more energy brother.


Stop being gay


Glad you feel appreciated. Honestly, I'm starting to get frustrated with how stupid the straight White Nationalists are. Every year I see some guy like Matt Heimbach plod around on stage promising to save 'muh White Americans' all while making a fool out himself and being verbally tossed around like a rag doll by Jews. It sounds a bit silly, but if we let the straight men run the show they will keep losing. We need gays to take back the West.

Sup Forums is gayer than I thought

>gays being actually concerned about the culture war and want to save western civilization

not all gays are faggots, just like real life spartans

>Joins /polgb/
>wtf why are there faggots here?
I used to be on your side about Trianon Bozgor
stop Vargposting
ty Singapore

Sweden yes

Biscum should be lynched


shit just got real

sorry dad

idk someone invited me here
and I though pol was all racism and hitler stuff
glad I'm wrong tho

Wanna do each other?

Because most people on ./Sup Forums oppose this sort of thing. I know I do except if it would get me more pics of this guy.

I need some hot trap sex :3

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

>someone invited me here

Where, user?