Why did autism not exist until the mid to late 2000s? And even more perplexing, why does nobody question it and acts like it's completely normal for every 1 in 5 kids running around to suddenly be a screaming little retard? It wasn't always like this.
Why did autism not exist until the mid to late 2000s? And even more perplexing...
>Why did autism not exist until the mid to late 2000s?
I always existed, but instead of "autism" people in the old days used to call it "being a fucking retard"
>It wasn't always like this.
Families used to have enough common decency to keep them in the attic and out of the public eye.
Why did schizophrenia not exist until 1911?
It existed before that but it was widely popularized by 1998 Bruce Willis film Mercury Rising
The main plot point of Mercury Rising was that autism is a form of retardation that secretly grants retards superpowers
Similar to Rain Man in that respect
By reinforcing the message of Rain Man 15 years after it's release Mercury Rising gave parents a more socially palatable alternate to admitting their kid was a retard in public
Hence the sudden rise in popularity of the term
>right around the point radio was becoming popular
make u think
It's existed for years.
I'm a historian, and I read this last month:
Taken from the 1878 February issue of 'The Quadruple Gentlemans Digest of The Empire'
'...The Times of London noted on this day, Her Majesty had opportunity to inspect The Bedlam Hospital for the insane and immoral. The resident curate, Sir Henry Mootson presented Her majesty with many spectacles of the infirm.
Of note, was a child, simple of mind, who believed that the humble amphibian, the frog was of divine origin, and the sad child did worship it thus.
The unfortunate, was deeply impressed upon by the delusion and named it Keck.
Her majesty was informed that treatment had failed in every recourse to right the lunacy, with even Ether of mercury proving ineffective...'
you used to get your ass paddled real quick by a parent for bad behavior when I was a kid, I don't see that anymore and I think that explains a lot of these cases
two words...
Vaccines. Does anyone here actually listen to trump or just meme bullshit all day?
Most "autistic" persons aren't true autistics just suffering from lack of sunlight and good nutrition.
It actually didn't start till 2004
On a website known as quatrochannel
It always existed. The only reason why we have more today is because we learned more and expanded the definition.
It always existed, its just only in the last 100 years or so we've started to understand the brain and all the disorders that comes with it.
Up until recently hearing voices or seeing hallucinations were thought to be caused by either demons or angels, now we know better.
There's always been 1 in 5 children born retarded. Because schizophrenia is real.
Vaccines predate the autism explosion by decades. Move your goalposts and claim vaccines in mothers cause autism in her children if you want a plausible but incorrect argument to spout.
It always existed. Recently medical Jews expanded the diagnosis and turned it into a very broad spectrum including anyone who hyper focuses on shit.
Real autists literally drool on themselves, can't speak, and need full time supervision.
>up until recently
Angels and demons have never had a place in psychology or mentioned in the DSM. That means in 120+years we've known this. Where are you getting this "up until recently" bullshit?
What about contents or methods of manufacturing in said vaccines? Has that changed at all in the last 20years?
We are being softkilled through food, water, medicine. Reject the pharma jew, don't take any vaccines and dont vaccinate your kids.
>until the mid to late 2000s
What is Rain Man?
sources pls or gtfo
They had mental institutions back in the 1790's user
fuck off shillary
stop spreading this retarded meme
Because it's a fucking sham. It's just an excuse for children to misbehave.
>named it Keck.
is this a meme?
Law preventing the suing of pharmaceutical companies for harm caused by vaccines came into force in 1988. Only kids born after 88 are part of the autism epidemic.
34 year old here
Can confirm
Austism did not exist.
No one ever acted "autistic"
No one ever said "I'm autistic"
It was not a thing
It was not a word
I have no idea what it is, and neither does anyone else.
Austism is a "spectrum"
/poltards say anything and everything is "autism"
We did have a small class of slow kids. They were not autistic though. Just a little slow.
They didn't act any different than the other kids except they had a smaller class and a more involved teacher.
Then they went to "alternate high schools" met slow girls, had sex, made babies and you kids are here now.
Also single mothers letting internet/tech/tv raise their kids
Also single mothers are shit
Also single teenage mothers are really shit.
Humans learn a shit ton when they are babies.
You know baby talk? It is actually vital for children to develop speech.
So if some kid is raised by a 15 MDMA head who never puts down her mobile to say anything to her baby, let alone pay attention to it
She takes her baby to the doctor cause she's a shit mom, doctor makes up some word, there ya go.
You can get money from the government if you claim you have autism or your kids have autism
Because it is no longer socially acceptable to beat the crap out of a kid who refuses to behave unless the crap is beaten out of them---which is practically all of them.
Cunts, who simply assume Daddy Government will pay for all their gibmedats in their old age while they take decades longer than men to die, no longer have an incentive to teach their little monsters how to act in a society which has exactly no time for their shit, amd simply refuse to make their little monsters cut their shit out or allow their fathers or other adults to do so.
why did the disease known as homosexuality exist only until 1992?
I know, it's almost like this isn't Sup Forums related, and nobody noticed that Comey admitted to "wiretapping" Trump since July.
But I hear ya, man. Fuck Autists, and Fuck ShariaBlue.
by's we got an autist here!
You'd actually kick the shit out of your kid if they were misbehaving? You know there's actual people with autism that act like raging retarded kids on steroids. You have something wrong with you.