Why are there no Humanzees?

Why are there no Humanzees?

There's tons of mixed species hybrids in nature like the mule, zorse, liger, etc.

Yet apparently no other ape species can mate with humans. If it was possible it would have happened by now.

Doesn't this give some credit to religion and there being a higher power? Why else would humans be so unique and special that no other ape/animal can mate with us.

Other urls found in this thread:


We are 3% neanderthal, nigger.

You already have those they're called black people

Chimps are billions of years of evolution away from humans

humans are pig monkeys

>Doesn't this give some credit to religion and there being a higher power?
Not really.
Also, this:



Also, this russian guy tried some weird shit about it.


Because If i want shit to get thrown at me I would go to India

The superstitious always look for supernatural explanations to the gaps in their knowledge over seeking actual truth. Chimpanzees are related to us, but not necessarily the exact biological branch we stemmed from. Even if our branches intersect, we've both gone through millions of years of separate evolution. DNA isn't math, with solid rules that can't be broken. Mutations happen over vast amounts of time that create species that are so different from what they started as, that they can no longer reproduce with their ancestors. It happens ALL the time in evolution. Keep in mind that we aren't the only species that's constantly evolving, and we aren't even the final form. There may not even ever be a final form if we get off of earth before the sun cooks us.

it gives credit to americans not knowing anything about genetics

you cant crossbreed a hammerhead shark and a great white shark so obviously god is a shark

>The superstitious

A domestic cat cannot mate with a Tiger, senpai.

A gold fish cannot mate with a Shark.


What's your point?
Use your words.
Relying on links to express your opinions is lazy and belies the inability to express yourself in a coherent fashion.

atheists came to this board after reddit got faggy so now we have to deal with them on our right wing christian board. we cant make them go away but we can make fun of them and troll them until they leave

Sup Forums is Christian, Christianity is white, Sup Forums is white supporting.

Stop moving the goalposts faggot.

Because they aren't even the same genus?

>humans are pig monkeys


Sup Forums is whatever the users of Sup Forums want it to be, faggot. You don't get to have an echo chamber because you think people who disagree with you should just go away. If you want to get technical, Sup Forums is for anime enthusiasts, not white christian right-wing assholes with the silly idea that their opinions are somehow sacred.


Different chromosome counts. They have more strings, it would never produce a viable offspring. Someone hypothesized that you could breed a hybrid using humans and chimps with chromosomal abnormalities.

> Here be monsters

I thought niggers were half monkey?

>Why are there no Humanzees?
Have you ever been to the inner city?

They only tell us we can't mate with chimps . Why do you think there's that bullshit story about AIDS being spread by a guy fucking a monkey. Or that AID'S was a medical experiment on monkies that got out. It's to detour us from the truth.

It might be possible but the ethical issues have prevented it from ever being tested on a large basis. The hybrid would more than likely be sterile and have all kinds of potential health problems as well.

Then the question arises as what to do with such a chimp/human offspring? Life in a laboratory of testing? Say it it smart enough and inherits an ability for speech? Do you run it on endless talk show circuits and speaking events?

I personally think it would be possible but a such a rare event even with the aid artificial insemination and fertility drugs that the chances are really low and would only subject and potential sentient creature to a horrible life just to see if we would.

What are aboriginals?

>chimp with xyy and down syndromes
Jesus Christ how horrifying

People are under the assumption that we're the apex of evolution. This is just silly, though. Every variance you see is the result of millions of years of varying conditions, some vast, some small, but all affecting what the next generation will be. The main problem is that people see this snapshot in biology as the way it will always be, and so seek to defend their status or attack others and claim superiority. A million years ago, we may not have even had more communication skills than we observe in monkeys, but a million years from now, we may be traversing space, unconcerned with whoever or whatever is the dominant species on the planet, which may be dolphins or apes or honey badgers by then, but what they evolved into; the creatures we knew won't even be around anymore.


The new Planet of the Apes movies are really good. Surprisingly good

someone transcribe those links?

they be takin' our wimmen!

They're called niggers, idiot.



I thought fundamentalists on here were a meme holy shit

whatchoo talkin' bout willis?