Now I'm a Trump supporter, and i understand that i won't agree with anyone on everything...
But this seems fucked up. I remember watching several PBS specials and documentaries in the classroom that were very educational. Isn't education considered an increase in human capital? Increasing efficiency?
This doesn't make sense to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Am i missing out on a redpill somewhere?
We made mail more like a business and that worked out.
I don't want my kid indoctrinated by that filth.
Doesn't PBS get tons of private funding too?
If it's so great then surely it'll have no trouble finding investment outside of government funding.
Not according to this meme posted by PBS.
It just seemed like presentations of source material in school. Is it different now?
If this was the 90s and Joy of Painting, Reading Rainbow, New Yankee Workshop, Woodwrights Workshop, This Old House, Victory Garden, Yan Can Cook, Louisiana Cooking, and Magic Schoolbus were still in their prime, I'd be all for PBS.
But it's all shit-tier now.
So is it an issue with quality or bias?
For me, quality.
That is, if you're gonna steal my money to fund a TV channel, at least put good shit on that motherfucker.
>watched by 82% of tv households
Therefore it is commercially viable and does not need to take public handouts
Well, one of the great things about PBS back in the day was, you could get great informational TV shows without fucking ad breaks because of the public funding.
That was fine. Not having coke ads and shit shoved in your face while relaxing with Bob Ross was something no normal TV station could deliver.
If PBS is a good thing, then people will pay to support it by their own choice of donation.
What's funny is that PBS STILL has to hold constant fundraisers even WITH the government funding it has been getting. This tells me that even the liberals who scream about the need for PBS don't give a fuck about it, so if they don't want to support it, then let it rot.
I mean, YOU can send them money any time you'd like. So go for it, OP, and pony up, nobody is stopping you, and if you want to watch an autistic Sesame Street character, then you'd better be ready to shell out some shekels for it. The rest of us have already been doing this for years and we don't fucking care about PBS or it's leftist indoctrination shit any longer.
If it's as popular as people claim than it can be easily funded privately.
This. Government needs to be severely cut back, and that starts with nonessential government functions.
>This tells me that even the liberals who scream about the need for PBS don't give a fuck about it, so if they don't want to support it, then let it rot.
It's not that the liberals don't give a fuck.
The majority of Americans don't give a fuck. The only real way to get our retarded society to pay for TV is to put on TV shows with a lot of sex and violence. That's what sells. Always has.
Most people are legit retarded and slaves to the most basic entertainment. This is why the gaming, movie, TV, and music industry are 99% garbage.
PBS was smarter people trying to get their own TV outside of the big 3(back before the 1980s there were three main networks in the US, Fox didn't even exist) and trying to avoid the blatant advertising that ruins a good TV show.
PBS is okay, NPR is entirely partisan. And their funds are tied together.
Can you imagine the incredulity the world would had if Clinton had won when the FBI accused RT of being propaganda?
The golden rule of journalism is to never take sides, because it makes you indistinguishable propaganda for every reader/listener who does not happen to already agree with you. When you're goddamned state funded you become straight up propaganda. They've been this way for years now, too, remember when they went from pro-Wikileaks to anti-Wikileaks? Remember when they went from anti-NSA to anti-Snowden?
That's a funny way of saying legally required to purchase.
Hey man, fuck you it's only a buck and some fucking change per year.
And all these dozens of other programs are only a buck and some change per year.
And most of the people who watch it are getting a huge discount on that buck and change, so whatever fuck the middle class, amirite?
I always think it's funny how these organizations try to highlight how *little* they are actually getting from the government, like that's supposed to convince me that they should keep getting the funding. If it's so little, then why does it matter if you lose it? PBS only gets 15% of their budget from federal funds, and NPR is even less at 2%.
PBS only gets 6% of its funding from the government, and about 4% is from state and local sources.
Tell me, is a 2% budget cut going to shut it down?
>leaving out Square One and mathman
Keep in mind that this is the budget that was ultimately agreed upon. In order to get funding for the military and the wall, Trump needed to make some concessions. He doesn't pass it. Congress does. Congress has final say on the budget, not the president.
To my understanding they are not being shut down they are having their funding cut. Remember that part of their ads that say supported by viewers like you. Nut up and give them money if it's important to you.
>$1.35 per year for propaganda
They just contradicted themselves.
It's a lot easier to raise money now, and a lot cheaper to produce content. The government doesn't really need to fund a whole television station anymore.
Making general population dumber has a great advantage for the establishment, like Trump.
Because the purpose of the state is to provide for things that are greater than what is created by supply and demand. It is something for all Americans, not something corrupted by the left or the right. Put country first for once.
Yeah, give PBS money so that they could push more "cultural diversity and tolerance" on young toddlers. "America's largest classroom" my fucking ass, I'm pretty sure they don't teach anything besides diversity and sexual orientations there.
Leftists are so fucking disgusting, anyone with a 70+ IQ can see through their shit, PBS being "the largest classroom" actually means it's their Democrat brainwashing program.
It actually varies and is center-left to center-right depending on the region or show. Not every channel needs to be CNN, Fox, or Breitbart.
Isn't the government contribution to PBS a drop in the bucket?
Yes, David Koch is the largest supporter of PBS. That is the only reason they have such good content from time to time (how the brain works,e tc). The liberal shit on there is worthless and doesn't cost much to make. (british drama series, etc)
Compared to most of the funding? Yes. If Trump didn't go golfing or moved from NYC we could fund a shit load of things, or cut one plane and do the same.
>Trusting Koch
Are you best friends with Soros as well?
>1st in public trust
by their own reporting, no doubt. lmao.
Literal propaganda channel.
>best investments
>watched by 200 million people
200 million people are also overweight. Does that make obesity good?
>#1 in public trust
Like the mainstream media and the "intelligence community"?
>we get only $0.01
Penny saved is a penny earned.
>it's free
So is dog shit.
>provides 120,000 learning tools
>rated good or excellent by people who only remember Sesame Street
Are these same pollsters the ones who gave Hillary the 99.8% chance of winning?
>6000000% against cutting PBS
Same question.
>watched by all these kids!
We have a parental failure crisis in this country if that many children watch that much television.
Anything on PBS that is worth a shit will be bought by a bigger company like sesame Street was. If it won't make a profit nobody will buy it and we will stop wasting money on it as taxpayers.
It simply isn't the place of the government to take money from its citizens for art funding. People can support art all they want privately.
I didn't even say I'm against public television, but I'm never going to let people get away with calling government programs 'free.' Unless they are self-funded like the postal service is supposed to be, they're not free (even then, they're not free, obviously, but are at least inherently opt-in).
Fuck PBS and NPR most of their programs (or stories in NPRs case) are stupid bullshit anyways.
No I don't fucking care that some paki in pakistan found a way to sell sandals at the local corner in his town.
what does pbs stand for anyway? Pretty Boring Stuff?
Just because we CAN fund something, that doesn't mean that we should.
We could fund the "Poz Your Neg Hole Service" to help bugchasers safely get their fix, but is that really in the public interest?
Koch is a libertarian and philanthropist. Sup Forums could only hope to aspire to his level.
Oh noo I am going to lose Daniel Tiger and the old people liberal news hour. My intelligence is flowing out of my ears at the thought of it.
Education is the best investment for a better country
>200 million people are also overweight. Does that make obesity good?
Straw man
>Like the mainstream media and the "intelligence community"?
You mean like Breitbart and Infowars? You loved the intelligence community when it was looking at Benghazi :^)
>Penny saved is a penny earned.
Than we gut the military and put it in NASa
>So is dog shit.
So cut Trump's trips
Look it up
>Are these same pollsters the ones who gave Hillary the 99.8% chance of winning?
+2.1 (which was popular vote) or 60%, learn stats bitte
>We have a parental failure crisis in this country if that many children watch that much television.
We've had a crisis since sex came before marriage and our country supported two traitors for president
What about a greater good? Seriously isn't that what nationalism is about? That and making our country better.
He supports coal and chokes the life out of America for money. Soros 2.0.
I honestly couldn't care less is PBS was just deleted.
>He supports coal
Coal is awesome. Just not for fuel.
Great wealth of organic chmicals can be made from coal however.
Peg + Cat and Martha Speaks are the shit you fat ugly feggit
Not really. It is dirty (pollution, climate change, and actually air/water pollution) and creates non technological jobs. It'd be better to shift to oil, wind, or nuclear. It just plays on people's emotions who have no other future than mining coal.
PBS is out of date. We don't need it anymore. I would love to see sesame streets numbers and demographics. I wonder how many hipster unironically watch the show because they can't fucking grow up?
Trump is a multi billionaire, you realise.
He pays for his own trips, I've yet to see any evidence that he pays for them with tax payer money.
School is different now, yes.
The trips incur costs via security personal (needed), transportation costs, and costs needed to be reimbursed to the town. It costs NYC 500k a day to protect Trump Tower and a good deal of money to protect Trump in florida when he could just golf at a military base. Trump promised to donate his wages (he has a right to do with them as he wishes) but has since backtracked and says maybe later. A bit worrying when trying to trust him over budgetary concerns.
Blame NPR and the commie shills that work there.
Leftist propaganda shouldn't be publicly funded.
choose one
First of all the primary thing that pops out at me in this picture is "Free". Second of all we have YouTube and other internet resources for learning and entertainment.
fugg off
NPR in their monthly fundraising drives says less than a few percentage comes from the Feds.
Fuck off shill
Are you a chemist?
I am, so I'd like to see your exact foundations for saying coal is not an excellent chemical feedstock.
I mean, I've cracked coal in the lab into over two dozen different compounds, just as a form of training. The material liberates phenols particularly well.
>It costs NYC 500k a day to protect Trump Tower
I don't need anything or anyone to know this is 100% untrue.
fake news.
Only 20% of their budget comes from the government and their directors make 300-400k per year
How much does it cost to just play reruns of sesame st and Mr Rogers
Not talking about the feedstock. Was referring to air pollution via either normal or 'clean' coal plants.
Do you not trust the mayor of NYC?
a lot of PBS content is filled with White Guilt, from "500 Nations", "Eyes on the Prize", "Prohibition", hell, even the series on "National Parks" was whitey iz evul 4 killing injunz n buffaloz
I used to love PBS as a kid, but rewatching docus as a redpilled adult has allowed me to see the anti white, hidden agenda in most PBS programming
They are counting the salaries of secret service agents that would be employed by the government regardless of where they lived.
It is literally fake news.
Nah, it is real and at worse misguided information. IF Trump lived in North Dakota it would be a lot cheaper and I'm not against paying that via taxes, just annoying to hear him complain about minor funds and be shelling out all this to protect him when he should just live in the White House.
There shouldn't be any public broadcasting. It doesn't matter if it's "educational", it's not something the State should be in.
If we're going to have a government television channel we might as well broadcast some useful propaganda rather than the subversive trash we show now.
Holy fuck this guy gets it
Immigrate to america
Education is a privilege for the rich user, not a right you commie scum. What are ya going to need it for? You won't have jobs, they'll all be done by robots.
99% of the stuff on PBS is pure trash, like all television. Fuck you, and fuck the electric jew too.
The federal government provides less than 10 percent of PBS's funding. They will be better off with only state and private funding. This will reduce the amount of political meddling in their work, thereby improving the quality of their productions. They might have to increase the amount of advertising a bit or cut 10 percent of their programming. The state universities still need PBS around for the benefit of the communications students. They will be fine.
Sesame Street has been on HBO with only reruns on PBS since last year.
Yeah but source material is pozed.
They aren't helping.
Public TV helps establishment.
Wouldn't these costs occur no matter where he went? It's common knowledge he doesn't work weekends. Now that he's president, he spends the weekends at whitehouse south and probably works from there as well while he maintains sanity and finds balance by keeping his routine. The nyc affair has to do with his kid, so idk why this is a big deal. Why uproot poor Barron in the middle of his school year? These costs are a drop in the bucket compared to what God Emperor will save us.
I'm with you - I hate(d) NPR - though I think Hillary's loss has moderated them somewhat - but, while I haven't watched PBS for a while I think they're probably worth keeping.
$20 trillion in debt and the Left still wants it's "free" shit. If you want to learn English pay for it yourself.
If they were not so biased I'd give a fuck about funding for PBS. As for the current state of affairs PBS is a left wing propaganda machine. They are pushing this liberal snowflake bullshit like CNN, MSNBC ext ext. This shit has gone on long enough, and I believe they have ruined a hole generation with there propaganda. They can make like a tree and fuck off.
>raise the military budget by 54 billion
>can't afford something that costs like 452 million
Fuck right off.
Hey OP
Trump supporter here too. Thanks to your post, I just remembered PBS introduced me to Monty Python's Flying Circus when I was in high school ('99-'00). Now I feel awful for saying "who cares about PBS".
I want to say youtube has replaced television (and PBS) in terms of finding something educational to watch in a short search time. If I want to learn about something, I search youtube for a ripped documentary from television.
Keyword now is ripped. Like those Discovery/History Channel documentaries from the late 90's before they got all clickbaity and blue collar.
Moral dilemma now.
Forgot my pic
This. Continuing on ...
Shit on television now adays is either blue-collar clickbait or left wing horseshit. Companies change over time. PBS / History Channel / Discovery Channel of 1999 isn't PBS /HC/DC of 2017. They are not the same "person".
>costs $1.35 each year
I really hope you're joking.
IMO, we should increase PBS spending but make it an entirely right-wing channel. Pewdiepie should get a daytime children's show where he issues dank right wing memes to the chilluns while playing video games.
Alex Jones should be hired to oversee NPR and Ann Coulter should be brought on as a host. Anti-Communist shows should be played daily and at 9:11 every morning, the channel should cut to a moment of silence followed by an anti-Muslim cartoon show created by Dilbert Guy.
Would you take out a $10000 loan today and donate it to PBS? or the NEA? or any charity?
Why should the governement. National debt is now over 107% GDP. The entire sum of our economic output as a nation for year could not pay it off.
I think it's time we quit fucking around with charity bullshit and stick to building roads.
See the thing is PBS holds all these fundraisers all the time anyway, meaning that people who are loyal watchers of the program theoretically donate to it through these telethons. If they have to resort to constant funding from "viewers like you", how much do they really need to get from the government anyway?
PBS is a useful channel and it remains good for children and has some informative programming depending on where you are. I wouldn't want to see it go. NPR on the other hand needs to cut down the bias but even they are still useful.
I like you.
82% nobody watches PBS
>Making general population dumber has a great advantage for the establishment, like Trump.
This, the whole point of the GOP is make American poorer sicker and dumber.
but think of the children
PBS is good for kids and they have some nice documentaries here and there. I like watching the comfy Japanology show sometimes.
Then again all of that stuff can be found online today. Kids can watch educational shows on Youtube instead of PBS. Most kids watch cable anyway and kid shows on PBS are for very young children. The documentaries, concert specials, educational programming and what not are also probably easy to find online. I'd like for it to stick around, but there's more important things government money can go towards.
If PBS lost government funding, would they now be called the Private Broadcasting System?
You fucking retard. All of their points are shit.
>think of the children