Mad shilling is because Marine Le Pen won the debate...first of three...she slayed

Mad shilling is because Marine Le Pen won the debate...first of three...she slayed

Literally French media and American media doing to her what they tried to do to Trump...American media even reported she lost long before the debate was over with some silly clips that were poorly translated

Francofag in 'merica reporting.

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bump is there a highligts reel in english?

>won the debate
You don't win debates especially not campaign debates which are the most ridiculous events. If I was campaigning I wouldn't go anywhere near a "debate" because they're stupid.
I wish you newfags pushing this whore would fuck off already. It's getting tiresome.

full debate in english when?

I watched it all and she won

Feels good to have the world watxh american debates and now i can watch the french ones and learn about this stuff. We can really give advice.

not an accurate one...cnn was reporting Marine lost the debate hours before it was over...sadly the only clips translated are selectively edited to do what they always do to women and non-whites who don't adhere to their narrative...(make them look stupid/crazy/retarded/traitor to some shit they were just born the whole uncle tom shit...except copy pasta onto women instead)

Praise KEK!

why is he so creepy

is there much memetic warfare happening to boost le pen? it doesn't seem it's anywhere near trump levels but may just not know where to look

Sup Forums, please stop being such of an hugbox echo chamber.

MLP failed hard at convincing anyone of anything. On a 3 hours long debate, she was merely flailed around her spaghetti arms to be laughed at and ridiculed by others, and even got BTFO'd by even though he's just the soulless walking husk of a bankster with not a single shred of charisma.

Just face it : Melanchon was the most charismatic of the bunch. It's commie time for France

All Ogre, now.

>Melanchon was the most charismatic of the bunch

Berniebro here

Who is /our guy/ in this?


The shills talking point is "she's too far left xD." She cares about the working class and hates Islam and the shills try to work this into a bad thing.

it is what it is but they'll shill him to the kind of can't tell if he's Rubio or Cruz if we're playing analogous ...

Your guy would be Melanchon but he's certainly not Sup Forums's guy.