
in 1950, America was 89.5% white, 10% black, and .5% other. (Including 2% Hispanic)

in 2017, America is 56% white, 13% black, and 17% Hispanic

By 2050, America is projected to be 35% white, 11% black, and 45% Hispanic

By 2100, Whites in America will be an absolute minority, and by demography alone, Hispanic culture will become dominant, and Spanish will almost certainly become a more used language than English

My worse fear is that as demographics become more stratified, tribalism will continue to spike, as it is, and balkanization is inevitable. It is the nature of man, and I am a terrible pessimist. I don't want to think this way, I don't want to feel this way, but it seems like the way things will go.

Other urls found in this thread:

We've been living on borrowed time since the 60s. Best Korea should just nuke us and get it over with.

why are spics breeding so quickly?

Lucky us.

WE need gassing now

Also, is that some sort of Millenial rock band I should know about in the picture?

Its more to do with illegal immigration(and chained immigration).
There are some anchorbabies in the mix, but
the US Census projected that the Hispanic birthrate was dropping.

They aren't, they are just heading for the US the same way the middle east is heading towards europe. Its a free-for-all


get in shape and learn to shoot shit

how many of those hispanic people still retain their culture though, I know not all of them have integrated but there is still a fair number of hispanic people that are americans

No one realizes how much Mexicans have integrated over the past 30 years. In another 30 years they will all be white.

they killed the wrong kennedys

yeah but 17-45% in 30 years is insanely quick considering us isnt a country with a small population.
that is wayyy faster than muslims in europe

Many of the people who have Mexican parents always say shit like "I'm Mexican" but then when they go to Mexico they say "i'm american" or atleast the legal ones that are able to go to Mexico,

i know, i was talking about the genuinely integrated ones though, there must at least be a few

All hispanic kids know English and many don't know Spanish at all, despite their parents speaking it. White male/hispanic female is also the most common interracial marriage.

Any hispanics that make it into the middle class take two more generations and then they're integrated.

So a Fucking plumber and nurse bump out a kid, that kid's kid will be integrated

wouldn't say all, but there are enough to not lose hope

Then explain California?

Bro, we get like a million beaners a year minimum if you add up legal and illegal immigration. It's like a mass exodus going on down there.

nope, i know many mexicans that are legal immigrants and they are functional members of society. not all of them are drug dealers. Some are just happy to be here, and here to live an american life. But I do get that they are a rare kind.

>le spics are based
America will soon look like Ecuador because of you cucks

Hispanic bro here, this is true. Only language I know is English and I identify as american. Also fuck illegals

You can't jump the river from Mexico to Canada. The ones you know had to actually conform to your relatively strict immigration laws my leaf.

i believe the asian population will be mich higher than 9%

Hispanic people are by far the dumbest race.

we have to deal with different kinds of people, im sure you understand. my point is, fucking deport illegal ones, or the ones that refuse to conform. just dont deport americans.

I'm in OC. Many of them have "hispanic" accents and not "Valley" accents, many of them barely pass English in college and speak in "spanglish" when they are with other hispanics.
When I was growing up, some people called other hispanics "whitewashed" for having a valley accent and the people who get called that sometimes get offended.
>They integrate if they are if they are not in contact with other hispanics.

Its more common to see:
>Hispanic with white than black with white couples
>after that it would be a tie with asian with white, and black with hispanic.

Some person I went to highschool with got accepted to all Ivy League schools but I don't know if affirmative action had anything to do with that(he was Hispanic).

Too bad none of the Mexicans are plumbers or nurses.

They are Catholics.

No shit, that is the whole plan. What world do you live in you psycho?

I'm just saying that I live in a border state and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting 15 illegals who want to steal from you, rape you, and destroy your property. I know it's hard to understand, but people that respect the law don't break it. If you are willing to break our law to come here, what's stopping you from committing all sorts of other crimes?

Can I get a source on the 56% meme?

Seems weird that it'd be that low when whites are still ~50% of births, with all one-droppers being excluded, and the older you get the whiter the generation is

i wasnt talking about a majority, but a sizable minority chunk. and yes I do agree with all your statements. I am just saying that i don't have a problem with the ones who conform, I honestly couldnt give less of a fuck about their race. If they can live an american life, thats fine in my book.

They will be white only because they will call themselves white.

It's probably about right, desu. They've been pushing this shit for a long time. 80% when I was a kid. The country has changed a lot.


I can't remember if I posted it in this thread or another one.

it's more like 60-65% total

The voting stats were like 70% white 10%black and 12% Latino though during the election

I know about the immigration act. If trump spent 100% of his political capital just on replacing that bill he'd be a god and deserve a spot on Mount Rushmore. He'd probably have to trade some amnesty for it though so we'd lose short term.

And I'm still not buying 56%. It's just a meme being pushed for bants. People who are clearly white but are like 1/8th Puerto Rican are counted as Hispanic. The white hispanic class is real in many cases, at least by Americas definition of white. And many of the spics here now will be bleached in 2 gens if the US can just stop the endless flow of them pouring into the country

I can live with those stats.

Fun fact: Literally 50% of the US hispanic population lives in California

its the jew plan for america. will they succeed?

When'd they teach you camel herders to use a computer?
If that's you, Lars, you aren't allowed to be even unironically funny anymore.

>on replacing that bill he'd be a god and deserve a spot on Mount Rushmore
It would be nothing but a last twitch from a dying body, since even with the bill in place, it would simply take the next democrat victory in 4 or 8 years to undo that, to the singing praises of globalists.

Unless Trump changes voter ID laws, future democrat victory is guaranteed simply due to demographics alone.

I'm going to sleep

Go to 4plebs/pol

Search: #RepealHartCeller

Come back and post Whitepills.

Fuck it I'll just post the thread

It's very hard to get a bill like that passed, thus why trump would need to trade some amnesty most likely. But you're outcome is still a high probability. I personally don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be. A lot can change in a few decades. All projections are based on spics maintaining their current growth rate. Hispanics born here have a birth rate falling off a cliff. A wall and a tight border would stem the tide more than you think. All projections assume a steady march.

IMO the GOP does have one last trick up their sleeve though, and spics are so stupid it just might work. Run a Rubio/Cruz ticket and have the first hispanic president tied to the GOP. Plus Rubio can speak well and shit. He a corporatist megacuck and what not, but they can always pull that card if they think they're really fucked

Idk man I'm just not really feeling that blackpilled desu. I've got my gun so I'll just play the wait and see game

At least we aren't getting a gorillion niggers

Canada was 97% white as recently as 1971 and was still 90% until the mid 90s...we are about 70% now, it has REALLY sped up lately. Thats not even including the 450,000 foreign workers currently here or the half a million foreign students (85% Of which are from Asia) or the over 400,000 10 year visas issued to chinese nationals EVERY SINGLE YEAR. When you account for those figures cities like Vancouver and Toronto are more like 25-30% white.

Its straight up economic colonization/genocide of white western people, pure and simple.

Oh by the way asians are now the fastest growing minority in the US, hope you like rice with your dog meat americucks

This country is fucking doomed, and will became a slightly wealthier Brazil-tier shithole in our lifetimes. Let it all burn.

I just feel you have the same optimism sweden had. And running a spic republican will cause white voters to turn away, thereby still failing to win again.

Asians aren't popping out a fuckton of kids, they're just moving to California, and hispanic growth is declining. Nobody fears the chinks

This. I always bring this up when people say the US was always a melting pot. It wasn't

Sweden did not have optimism, Sweden had outright delusional idealism that comes from being extremely sheltered and completely buying into Jewish propaganda. There is also a vast difference between getting spics and getting rapehappy Africans and arabs. Sweden was cucked when they were still 100% white.

You are right, we are treading incredibly dangerous waters that I wish we had never entered in the first place, but I'm not prepared to go full blackpill yet

And nah whites would still vote for Rubio on the republican ticket. He's the only one besides Trump would could have beaten Clinton. He's still a faggot though

There are 122 million people in Mexico and 1.4 BILLION people in China and now the chinese have enough money to migrate, they are the new biggest source of migrants and literally endless amounts of them

>And nah whites would still vote for Rubio on the republican ticket.
The rustbelt democrats would have turned away, as well as the white union workers. And they would have never lured any more of the hispanic vote than trump did.

This is the problem with republican politicians. They think their voter base will be static and vote for them no matter what shitty candidate they will put forward. Playing identity politics will be a suicide move for the republican party, since they are not capable of forming a grand coalition that the democrats can with the "muh gibs" platform.

Also, "A-a-at least they are not as bad as niggers" is a shitty excuse to let foreigners take you over.

the country will disintegrate even before they become a majority. we might even get the rahowa

You SHOULD fear the chinks. Their modern culture is that of cold industry and they more like ants than people. Wherever they go, they bring only misery and antagonism.