Why does 8ch think they are better than Sup Forums?
Why does 8ch think they are better than Sup Forums?
If the new season of SJ is bad, imma b a mad nerd.
And anyone who says that the show left on a "cliffhanger" doesn't understand how the show is written, or what its really about.
because they're all the autists who got offended when their jokes weren't thought of as funny enough.
>No CP restrictions
>Mods aren't bought out by mass media organizations
>furry board
It's where the white people go. Sup Forums is like 70% disenfranchised yoofs
Idk. Autism and arbitrary hatred of everything. We have so much in common desu
Because shills actually get instabanned there, and half the bullshit you see on Sup Forums an isn't tolerated.
And people are just... smarter. But more autistic. I prefer to browse 4chans pol though because it's much more contested territory... and we're fighting a meme war.
>No CP restrictions
Lmao what?
They are. It's closer to what 4pol used to be. Nowadays this Sup Forums is just a bunch of reddditors posting retarded memes and sucking nigger cock, probably because many are non white too.
because the mods don't ban you for saying certain names during happenings
Sup Forums is to eight chan as
Reddit is to Sup Forums
They have legit concerns with staff corruption and 3rd parties being allowed to spread propaganda.
>furry board
You're supposed to be arguing why its better. Range banning /fur/ was perhaps the only thing Luggage Lad did right.
I'm intrigued, can you explain?
Less shills
>No CP restrictions
This. I can't believe the amount of Civic nationalism bullshit I see on 4/Pol/ these days. If you're not white, we want you dead or deported.
Less shills better mods
8ch is better but it's so slow it's useless. When Sup Forums shuts down we're probably going to migrate there
The mods there are huge faggots. But the ones here are objectively worse.
Boards don't die
.webms with sound
Oh I see your plan faggot, you're trying to lure all the pedos there to boost your traffic.
KYS yourself nigger.
Because 8ch has a lot less r/donald and /lgbt/ faggots than here. Seriously 4/pol/ is now Sup Forums minus the trap porn and roll threads.
But it is.
4cuck at this point is just cancer and cuckbait.
because 8ch is a circlejerk. Sup Forums's more popular and as a result there's a lot more normies now. a lot of those normies have opposing views to what was long the norm on Sup Forums, and rather than accepting this (and enjoying the opportunity for an intellectual challenge in convincing them) they just plug their ears and scream that everyone was paid to have their opinions instead, which isn't constructive and makes us look like idiots.
Can't even say their website without being censored. Think about it.
>this is what canada beliefs
Why don't you intellectually engage the muslims raping your girlfriend
maybe they are. 4chins has gone to shit, felled by a million cancerous newfags.
t. old fag
/leftypol/ is that way ------>
>Sup Forums is to eight chan as
>Reddit is to Sup Forums
Sure. Probably because everything on 8ch is censored to such an extent that Leddit would be considered a bastion of free speech in comparison.
>Inbefore But it's Natsoc who do the censorship, so it's not a censorship!
Because of rule 34
It could be compared to the Muslim ban.
In pursuit of combating shills lots are caught in the frey.
those fucking normies i'm talking about are white people who suffer from the delusions of leftism. you don't convince them that leftism is retarded by calling them cucks or shills or whatever the fuck, you fucking argue with them and convince them instead of being a lazy nigger who doesn't have an actual interest in redpilling people on natsoc who can be redpilled in the first place
Because they used to shill day and fucking night over here. They were even shilling on /jp/ and /s4s/ unironically.
I go to both
>Why does 8ch think they are better than Sup Forums?
Knowing is much different from thinking, user.
>those fucking normies i'm talking about are white people who suffer from the delusions of leftism. you don't convince them that leftism is retarded by calling them cucks or shills or whatever the fuck, you fucking argue with them and convince them instead of being a lazy nigger who doesn't have an actual interest in redpilling people on natsoc who can be redpilled in the first place
Get the fuck back to plebbit normalfaggot
They are real humorless cunts on infinite chan. That said, they do out in work.
A fucking leaf, everybody
okay retard, continue to deny reality then and watch as the left walks all over you in the next meme war
a lot of people here don't hide from debate even from a leftist.
It is just that "leftists"/shills don't really post arguments, so everyone just ignores them, or call them a shill. which they should.
Let me tell you about the kikes, anons. Let me tell you about the niggers. Let me tell you why race mixing with any subhuman species equals death by public execution. Let me tell you why halfbreeds are inferior. Let me tell you why homosexuality is a mental illness brought on by generational hereditary passing of a parasite known as toxoplasma gondii. Let me tell you why if you don't fucking know these things you should gas yourself.
The mods on 4cha are faggots. 8cha is a little more chill, and not full of normies.
Literally this. The only reason I haven't left for there permanently is that it's slow as fuck.
>letting people know about the sooper sekrit club
I don't want that place to be full of retarded libertardians too.
depends on the perspective, because the real question should be, why does 8ch think they are better than Sup Forums in xxxxxxx?
>implying strength in numbers are greater than strength in technique
Fuck right back off to your containment board on plebbit where you feel outnumbered then faggot. Meanwhile /ourguys/ will dox and destroy every subhuman faggot degenerate on the face of this planet including you on the DotR. You will not be spared either.
If you visit their shareblue thread they're more upset with shitty Sup Forums staff then the meme spouting drones.
both of you are cancerous trumpestein loving kikes
Post on /leftypol/ get perma banned. you do such a good job. get fucked.
You're actually right
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
>muh based niggers muh based kikes
If you still have questions, you're part of the problem.
>No CP restrictions
8ch is a lot more boarded up
there are more nomies here
which is good, coz we get to engage the enemy first hand, and bring all the logical reasoning to their face, instead of quietly whispering it behind their backs
Sup Forums is a big deal, anyone who is anyone lurks here
including, but not limited to, triple letter agencies, faggot celebs, criminals, mercs, fucking jihadists, you name it...
>having more normies is good so we can engage them
>what did he mean by this
>drumpf btfo
>white bois can't keep up with BBC
>sips tea
>really make me think
>No dissent allowed
Probably the major reason why I never left Sup Forums. If I wanted to post on a retarded circle jerk that b& and discouraged different viewpoints, I would go to reddit.
>>you're trying to lure all the pedos there to boost your traffic.
Good. They can take them. We have more than enough traffic as it is and they need some traffic.
Go start your own political image board then, /poochan/
You keep playing with flags and we'll keep taking down CEOs and high profile executive kikes. You. Are. The. Problem. Unity is in rhetoric and race realism. There is no room for faggotry and nigger loving degenerates. You will be gassed. Mark my words.
8ch is the latest of many spinoff chans. It's basically 7chan++, hence the name. In both cases, the Sup Forums admins fucked up big league and a bunch of users fled, but most came back to Sup Forums, only going to the spinoff site rarely for boards/threads that didn't stick around here for whatever reason. This means that the people who exclusively use the spinoff site are angry, salty, contrarian neckbeards, who center their whole board culture around hatred of Sup Forums. It's the only way they can justify the split.
The user owned/created boards are what dooms 8gag. Instead of active threads and frequent topics of discussion you get dozens of tiny, shitty ghost towns run by tripfags with mod power.
8ch is mostly migrants from Sup Forums and Sup Forums during gamergate
among them are many oldfags who have the old Sup Forums spirit of just fucking around with things
recently they did most of the work on Shias flag because this place is filled with newfags since the primaries and P election
now if you overlap /po/l and Sup Forums you get said oldfags who didn't succeed in life and just waste it online plus younger larpers
that has its benefits since their weaponized autism is more effective then 4pols
odds are most of them will die of old age never to have children or mby sire a few bastards
what once was 4ch to reddit now is 8ch to 4ch
in perspective its 8ch to 4ch to reddit on who takes credit or the blame to avoid attraction
i dont mind newfags here i was once one, summer of 2006, i have a job a wife and i post less than i used to
There is one truth. Beating around the bush non-stop is why we have marxists everywhere destroying our countries and muslims flooding white nations.
>he doesn't filter out the bullshit
Sup Forums and the bag of knowledge it comes along with may fundamentally be the most important board out of all the chans
>browsing Sup Forums
I'll ask for your opinion next time AMD releases a graphics card.
Same reason 4chin Sup Forumsocks think white is a superior race, I'll take claims that hold absolutely no merit for 200 alex.
Lol fuck off faggot I don't know a single hacker who is a natsoc or neonazi
And I know the owner of /baph/
Depends on the board, but smaller numbers mean the community works together better
8/tech/ is better for long form discussion, but Sup Forums is a great resource for newbies, and even brands them with a bit of chan culture when they go out in the world. r/unixporn is basically a Sup Forums colony.
day of the rake soon
Autistic larping is probably the second major reason, thank you for reminding me. Not surprising you guys are into RPing considering a furry board is worth bragging about to you guys,
Nailed it
you are not being pragmatic in your approach
>KYS yourself
honestly doing that just makes the problem worse
the poison leaks everywhere else until youve got furfags in every board ruining things. just give them their containment board, like the bronies.
It has user-created boards?
For fuck's sake, may as well be reddit
then don't use the filter and keep your catalogue full of undesirable slide shit like braaaaap, drumpt, bbc...
just made an example, since everyone on Sup Forums knows how to filter
The irony is completely lost on them.
there's no flags
They like to think they one upped moot by leaving but they still come here.
There are a lot less cucks and traps on there. A lot less shitposters in general. However the site still has plenty of problems and is still inferior to this site regardless of any benefits it has.
yeah 8pol will ban you for shilling quick.
It's better than Sup Forums's system. If you get banned on Sup Forums you get banned from all boards. If you get banned on 8ch you only get banned from one board. I've been banned multiple times on both sites, here and 8ch. I hate both, I wish there was something better.
It's good.
It's not better or worse than the previous seasons, the quality is so far holding steady at exactly how good it was before.
Because we can actually type out the name of our site without our mods preventing us from posting.
Because our mods sticky Shareblue investigation and Pizzagate threads rather than delete them and ban investigators.
>we'll keep taking down CEOs and high profile executive kikes
LMAO. Sure you will.
Nigger Jim purged all Pedo's from 8ch what are you talking about?
”To find out who rules over you, think of who you cannot name"
-Thomas Jefferson
>KYS yourself nigger.
I don't even come to Sup Forums anymore, I talk about politics on the television board and the cooking board. Sorry. Don't know what I'm doing on this shit normie board. I'm an actual, unironic nazi and I want to genocide blacks and deport all nonwhites. goodbye
>8ch is mostly migrants from Sup Forums and Sup Forums during gamergate
sure but people there larp to much
8ch is horrible now used to be good but /intl/ left
cripple chan is more autistic and more cringy than Sup Forums
the most problematic always end up on cripplechan, after they get banned on Sup Forums
actually im correct
other than hebe tier shit, 8ch pol and v wasnt relevant before the migration
>who exclusively use the spinoff site are angry, salty, contrarian neckbeards, who center their whole board culture around hatred of Sup Forums. It's the only way they can justify the split.
are you describing otherchan or Protestants? describes both
all bantz aside you really did nail it
because their Sup Forums is far superior to this shithole. You stupid faggots don't know how far we have fallen.
You're a dumb motherfucker that can't read the implications of Trump policies.