haven't seen one since before pol was taken over by shills pre meme war. Lets get some 2015 vibes going
Where is the black hate thread?
wubs and she gets bottled
Get in here:
that picture makes me rage so hard jesus christ
Because all the niggers voted for Trump, so they is white now.
You only hate us cause white women go crazy for black dick
No it's cause you're savages and deserve death much like Arabs
muh white wimminz
This is the only thing niggers can ever say and you act like anyone gives a fuck.
I have never met an Aussie women with a black bf.
What do you mean? We have a nigger hate thread every single day... Those webms haunt my dreams
It's funny cuz if browse craigslist personals in my area, it's full of black dudes looking for white chicks and white girls saying "white guys only please :)"
one of my favorites right here
I know, they literally barricade themselves in, build fences, use elevated walkways to avoid going in the streets, even call the nigs ghouls. It's the Walking Dead but with niggers.
If you get bit you get aids and turn into a nigger.
you racist make me physically i'll
go spend 3 months in Alice Springs
aboriginals aren't blacks, they aren't even human
h-hold on here, am i being trolled? :^)
getting trolled on Sup Forums, no way
you love black dick! I mean it shows. its obvious dude
theres a black hate thread every hour or so, you must be black if you didn't notice
got deleted after some stupid spic/gook/nigger hybrid doxd himself
Nigger on wheels
Nigger still steals
Let's make a temp alliance with chinks to fight a common enemy
The black hate threads are great
It kills the Sharia blue and lefty pol posters
Alright I'm tapped, that's all the nigger stuff I have right now. You faggots are gonna have to actually contribute if you want the thread to survive.
I have to deal with a lot of them in work. Not a fan.
>gets our trash
> thinks he's winning
top kek
The only white women who will have you are usually worn out whores anyhow. young or old usually sluts and old road whores. Not to mention the AIDS and half breeds that come with laying with your lot.
When niggers boast about their delusions of winning the race war they started.
>8 years
Fucking 'Ghouls' kek
I found another one
Why the fuck are you guys letting a leaf do all the work? Do you realize how incompetent you look?
you're welcome
This one sounds like it's made up or exaggerated but it's still believable.
Racism killed South Africa. No, not racist Whites being mean to Blacks, it was Blacks coming in and shitting all over everything Whites built.
Maybe if we hire more blacks things will be better?
Hurr durr we movin in on high kulturz now whyty. 100!
all black people are inherently evil. They have no sense of empathy. The ones that do can reach some real jobs but even their skill is weaker than whites.
I'm glad that these pictures are being saved by people who will eventually repost them. As long as even one person has a 'holy shit' moment I've done my job.
>so many people triggered by a proxyfag retard
fuck this pansy board
Taking 10 seconds to respond to someone doesn't automatically imply you're triggered. It's hard to be triggered when there's so much comedic gold being posted.
African intellectuals strike once again
checked and god bless that man
BASED and checked
Bumpang with scary shit. Long but worth the read
Bumpang with scary shit. Long but worth the read
I already posted that, try reading the thread first.
Well fuck. Sorry man I'm eating breakfast. Have another bump either way. Ungrateful leaf bastard.
Well white magic is supposed to be more effective versus dark right? Makes sense.
Damn right I'm ungrateful. I dump 30 pics I feel like I'm doing all the work in this thread. How is one man supposed to hate all these niggers on his own?
>when redneck halfwits collide
Um excuse me I'm not a redneck I'm a rural/suburban retard and you'd better not let me get my hands on the nuclear codes.
5th generation South African, family from Johannesburg, can vouch for this.
I went on a similar car ride with my brother in 2014, it will freak you out like you wouldn't believe.
Remember the zombie film with Will Smith, 'I Am Legend'? That's Johannesburg, and I'm really not exaggerating.
It's supposed to be a documentary about Johannesburg, but they had to reverse the race roles for the sake of the snowflake American market
Stop trying to fit in with other countries. You're not a tough guy. If you think abs are that bad, then you're a weak nu male cuck.
Stop pretending you have to be tough to live around abos.Fuck Australians can be drama queen faggots.
You're the type of homo who would sit in a room full of real war vets and try to fit in by telling war stories from your Call of duty games.
>O This 12 yr old just ran up trying to no scope me. I just shot him man. You ppl have no idea about the hell i've been through"
This was a great read and also wholeheartedly put into words I'd wish I can bring up myself, it's exactly what needs to be done, we have no right keep messing in this globalist experiment, leave the land to the indigenous people and leave them alone and let them leave us alone. Everyone will be happier this way.
>Belgian couple trek through Africa in a Land Cruiser
>Long read, but very interesting perspective change throughout experience
This is bullshit, right? Fucking not the fact that not one of them could swim, but that they ALL FUCKING WENT INTO THE WATER
This made me chuckle. Lol in all seriousness chicago, detroit, and new Orleans aren't far removed from a war zone if you go to the wrong places. What is this alice springs he speaks of?
US anons, do you have any politicians (black or otherwise) who push for destruction of welfare system?
I mean abusive welfare cases, when black women get 2-3 kids for free housing and money and raise their kids without a father or any kind of working ethics?
IQ isn't entirely genetic and it can be improved over time, but not with policies like this.