What went wrong?

What went wrong?

What are you talking about?

The only complaint I have is there is no leftists there to troll

>implying a website can run off memes

There is no winning this game, you don't even have any pieces on the board.

Trump is controlled opposition. You really think they would allow someone who could affect real change into the white house? His rise was planned and manufactured like a reality TV script. You were all duped.

All of the actually decent people have left and were replaced with 40 year old facebook conservatives. The Anime Right from twitter was fucking around on it earlier today and Gab users threw a fit.

Torba has made enough of an attempt to ruin the Gab brand to where it'll never be a true twitter alternative for just anyone, but it can still be right wing twitter without being boring as fuck.

they censored in favour of jews. saw it happen several times. free speech was their selling point, so upon that happening there was an exodus.

data mining operation ran by some turk

why do you keep posting this same comment over and over? I don't disagree, but jerking off to your own special little view for a few hours is kinda sad

they were a mockingbird front

The fucking stupid invite system made them miss tons of steam.

>The Anime Right from twitter was fucking around on it earlier today and Gab users threw a fit.

Wait what?

You can't start a social network without a normie crowd.

>The Anime Right from twitter was fucking around on it earlier today and Gab users threw a fit.

clarification please senpi

anime right is us

logic trolls using no identity to spread the message

System dedicated to showing the most upvoted shit first like an autistic super-reddit.
Wasn't 'Minds' meant to do the same thing?

They have no app. It's existance is fucking pointless.

The problem is that it's using a logo that is perceived by normies to be associated with white nationalism. If they had just created a free speech version of twitter that had no association with pepe it would have attracted more ppl. This is what happens when people dog whistle and purity spiral instead of use strategic thinking.

reddit use to be 4chans brother.... remember the pedobear asciis and /r/jailbait and meme front [age

>They have no app. It's existance is fucking pointless.

They have an app on Google Play for Android.

shit honeypot

Leftists hate free speech so it only attracts "Nazis" who agree with each other.
Then Apple refuses to put a "Nazi" app in its store.

Well there you go, who uses android?

>Well there you go, who uses android?

Android has 88% of the smartphone market share.

What went righ?

Gab.ai should be a hub of right wing operations but retarded anime cucks just can't live without anime posting on twitter. They just cant live without sucking that juicy progressive cock.

you can't view unless you sign up


These clone sites full of rejects from the original sites always fail. Normies have no interest in switching over.

safespace echo chamber thus boring as fuck


digits like this being left unchecked...