Is white aversion to blacks an evolutionary trait?

seeing how albinos get eaten and ground up for voodoo powder, could our ancient ancestors have been conditioned over time to see them as a threat? it stands to reason that ancient blacks were just savage. could there be some truth in the theory that we were a tribe of albinos that fled north to escape the cannibals?

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Of course! But not only blacks. The fear of the "other" has its evolutionary basis. However, this theory of "we waz albinos" has no fundament.

Fuck Kumo Crew.

it's funny how you realize just how truly ugly non-whites are when you see albino versions of their race

it's almost like the melanin in normal niggers hide their ugliness, but when it's taken away the whole farce is revealed

these people are disgusting looking

truly, niggers are hideous

Not just whites, even blacks dislike their own.


Nah it is because Niggers eat literaly anything they get their black Hands on

No shit thats what happened. Modern whites just cant buy the whole same species, same family, god is real, sins are real, love thy neighbor, not hate deal. They have been decieved by the synagogue of satan. They are not proud human beings. Not yet. But they will become them. Here in the information age. We are all men. And if theres one thing a Saiyan never loses. Its his PRIDE!!!!

>yet another melanated kangz thread


oh fuck not this guy again

And down the rabbit we go Neo in chains.

Oh you gon learn today.

black skin is an evolution due to the sun
not the other way around

Im here to free your mind Neo. Im here to get you out of the matrix.


Nobody likes black people, not even black people.

Love is the only force that can turn an enemy into a friend.

bottom middle looks german desu

OP is US, they dont have the same Quality of education there
dont overload his neurons

Out of Africa theory is wrong.

Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization.

King David was a red head with "riddy" or pinkish skin.

Ruth the Moabitess was his Great Grandmother and was a red head.

Jesus Christ was a red head because GOD is a red head.

When Jacob saw Esau after wrestling with God he said to Esau,"Seeing your face is like seeing the face of God" We know Esau was admoni. Admoni means ruddy. Ruddy means red.

Look at the overwhelming majority of white people. Whites arent white at all. They are shades of pink. They are ruddy.

Africanism is a lie.

Our Lord and Savior is a white man.

How do you explain different skull shapes between blacks and whites if we are all from africa

its not annoying anymore, its just disturbing

Evolution is real, but it is still Godly. It is intelligent design. Why the coin lands 50/50. The invisible hand. The teacher is silent during the test.

Humble yourself because there are dark times ahead. And God dont like Ugly.

>evolution to the sun

Europeans never question why thousands of white muslims live right below them in countries like khazaksthan, ajerbaijan, uzebekistan, turkey. Just coincidence they reassure themselves before being tempted down the road of darkness.

You have master. You have owners. And they work for Shaitan. Satan. And their objective is to show God you are not worthy of his mercy or love. Thats why they program you to be degenerate and hateful. To take you all to hell with them. Baby sacrificers have no place in kingdom of the Creator.

They look loik seth efrikaans.

Turns out aryans are aryans


Black skin came before white ma dood.


No, they simply are a threat.

That's some insane evil shit you wrote there dude.

Last minute of this video.

So...a single ancestor from the general region where Noahs family restarted the human race?

You just proved my point.

Not only blacks. We are programmed to like people that share our genes.

Blacks are descended from Ham and the history of blacks confirms God never lies.

This is repentance. If more ppl knew the truth, we could overcome all obstacles. We could create the tower of babel and rise to the skies.

For the greater good of mankind. That is our purpose. Our destiny.

Uhh where do you think Mesopotamia and the black sea are?

black albinos look fuck all like white people.

>khazaksthan, ajerbaijan, uzebekistan, turkey
scientific proof or stop lying nigger
t. russian from southern siberia aka northern kazakhstan who met turks, azeris ndkazakhs irl unlike you stupid nigger. they arenot white

Jesus wasnt even his name. It was Isa. Jacob was Yakub. Michael is Mikhael. Gabriel is Jibrael. Satan is Shaitan. English is a fake slave language created and given to you by the PHOney Phonecians. They gave you your phonetics. Aka, the jews of Carthage. Molech and baal worshippers. Thats why the world is in turmoil. Because you are a slave neo. You cant get along with your brothers because you are speaking a slaves language ripped of all spiritual power. But the words do have some power. Thats why they named it SPELLing. Why do you think Gods opposite is Dog when in the torah and Quran and read from right to left? Why do you say G-d damn or holy sh-t when you get excited. Youre not supposed to be blasphemous or take his name in vain. But like paplovs dog your conditioning has become second nature.

Only you can defeat your own ego.

hey neger bring scientific proofs that turks, azeris, uzbeks andkazakhs arent asians but white europeans.

The truth is like kryptonite to the uninitiated.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

nigger i ask you last time about your statement about turks, azeis, kzakhs and uzbeks being european, notasians. if you can't prove such simple thing(just provide links on scientific documents like dna research of populations or smth) it how the fuck am i supposed to believe the rest of your shitposting

A world map bro. Look under at it. Those things you call countries are fake. Theres no such thing as borders. They are man made. The whole world was once Asia. Thats why you are caucasions.

Also I am not black. but I respect them as my brothers. I think black women are beautiful as well. God has made many beautiful things for us to enjoy. We should not take his awesomeness for granted.

Yeah it is.

Blacks are evolutionarily predisposed to violence. The chimpout ("""""warrior""""") gene. I'd go as far as to way we're different species.

We weren't albinos though.

i swear this albino shitposting neger is the worst ive seen on pol
>turks, azeris, kazakhs and uzzbeks are white muslims
where are the proofs retard.

No, because white people and blacks evolved on different continents separated by at least 50,000 years of evolution. "Out of Africa" has been debunked.

so why can i tell who is russian and who is asian churka from -stans on the streets of Moscow just looking at their faces for 1 second
is it man made thing too? themechanism of race and alien recognition in my head?
churka pls

I cannot give you such things the same way I cannot show you area 51. The information is suppressed from the masses. Divided and conquered. You are angry, I understand. but know that I love russia. Olga Koda is among my favorite women in the world. Russians are proud europeans but their own male dominance is hurting them.

I have done lsd and learned things from other realms. We are sexual energy incarnate. The process of being enlightened, is to pull your sexual energy from the base of your spinal cord, up to you brain. And finally synchronizing that energy, synching the left and right brain hemispheres. The tree of wisdom and the tree of creativity.

in general most higher primates left africa before homo sapien . they could make tools like spears and worked in groups

the original theory was that homo sapien was the most violent and had run every one else off.

black people have no neanderthal DNA or cousin species hominid
DNA. white aversion to blacks is based on modern crime

stop hating whites pls thx bye

Race is a construct. The dog and cat cannot breed together. We are the same species. We were told to love on and other. We are on the brink of total annihilation. Be good brothers, thats what the creator wanted. He gave us the choice, because good without evil is meaningless.

It's probably a genetic holdover from when we were neandertals. Those that avoided the nog survived and reproduced with greater frequency than those that were eaten by them. That's why nogs have no neandertal genes, because they ate us.

Either you think this is funny, which it isn't, or you are mentally ill. Either way good luck with all that.

Nobody likes white people, not even white people.

Blacks are comically bad at actual combat, so it's unlikely that other races are wary of them for that reason.

I think it's a combination of natural tribalism and the understanding that blacks are inherently less advanced.

I've never been afraid of a black person, but I'm often wary of them because I can't assume that they're rational actors. It's like being around a strange dog for the first time.

It's natural for all people to have this fear, not just one. It's deeply rooted in the amygdala; the part of the brain associated with self and species preservation. Most often forget this, no matter how much one is conditioned to "get along" that breaks after enough negative experiences when your own life is on the line

jews always project.

What if I told you "Neo" is self-aware/ conscious of his role?

>melanin in normal niggers hide their ugliness, but when it's taken away the whole farce is revealed

a polar bear and brown bear make non sterile offspring, are they the same species? completely different eating patterns, and types of life. is the difference between a polar bear and a brown bear social construct?

Wow man you know your stuff, those who do the bidding of Satan want nothing more to pervert YHWH greatest creation. Truly sad to think that many that are "Blue-pilled" are blissfully unaware of this simple, but altruistic truth.

>1 post by this id

The problem with that picture is that it's bullshit. Hominid remains much more than 20,00 years old have been found in a number of places outside apefirca.


Based .
b a s e d

globalist propaganda discarded
different species breed together le lion + tiger


If you fail to understand this simplistic concept, then prepare for great hardships.

Gnostic Protestant Israelite