This is how AfD depicted Martin Schulz

Really makes you think

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100% accurate

By voting AfD you can cuck either Merkel or Schulz. On one side, the AfD prevents the RRG from getting the majority of the seats and on the other hand, they steal enough votes from the CDU to make the race competitive.

With no more refugee waves to cry about, the alt-right is finished.

>With no more refugee waves to cry about
kek, you think those ""refugees"" in Germany will suddenly disappear?

You do realize that the leftists can't actually form a government without the CDU even if the SPD were to become the strongest party, right?

Well but you actually dont notice a change in everyday life. like at all and i live in cologne and am frequently moving around the city due to work.

Even better if either the Greens or Die Linke drop below the 5% threshold because of Schulz's popularity and their roles as a filter for disillusioned SPD members since 2005. That's the real one that would be sides in orbit tier, when Schulz is so popular he destroys all his potential coalition partners.

I just dont understand WHY he is so popular.
Hes a extreme retard, in all things.

fine but some people are already worried for the future

germany is capable of this

you have to know that spd are social democrats since your in germany. they actually demanded that the cdu do more to help refugees early in the refugee crisis

it's extremely forced, even my grandmother thinks it's forced and she's left-wing

>germany is capable of this
it isn't anymore. It's under international scrutiny makes them hate themselves, this is why they have invited those Muslims in the first place


>germany is capable of this
you mean returning them to Austria after Mutti got all the praise and accolade for doing the right thing?

yes, they are capable of this

So am I. But theres no alternative in Germany, its fucking impossible.
The only thing that will happen in 10 years is white flight to the east.

No way SPD is gonna beat the CDU this election. There is a forced hype around Schulz, including very bad forced memes ("Gottkanzler"), trying to hop on the Trump-bandwagon.

Very pathetic.

My guess is: SPD will get around 22%, CDU will win and from a great coalition again. AfD will get 12-15%, depending on the amount of enrichment coming during the summer months maybe a tad more (and the cartel parties less).

Wählt AfD, Leute!! Hört nicht auf die Shills!!

i mean germany can't be moderate, if they do something they do it in an extreme way, nearly to perfection, and i guess or at least hope that the public meaning will flip

He promised to roll back some parts of the Agenda 2010.

That's a worthy goal.

Pfff, Bauernfängerei.
Ich wähl gar nicht und hoffe das alles zusammenbricht. Im Wiederaufbauen sind wir gut.

>rapes increase exponentially
>notice no changes
So your country was always a hellhole?

>Replace a Pro-EU Stasi agent on a suicide mission with a communist directly from the EU

Nothing worthwhile can come from this.

>and i guess or at least hope that the public meaning will flip
i actually hope it won't because they'd really flood Austria with their Neo-Germans

>Der Einsatzbefehl lag vor: Die Zurückweisung von Flüchtlingen scheiterte im Herbst 2015 nicht an mangelndem politischem Willen. In der entscheidenden Stunde wollte kein führender Politiker die Verantwortung übernehmen.

>Replace a Pro-EU Stasi agent
So who rules Germany? Stasi, BND and BfV? Or was Stasi recruited by the West Germany's secret services?

No surprises if ECC was just a soviet project designed to bring Europe into the USSR in time by doing exactly what it has been doing.
Likely rulers are just commie hold overs.

Junge, wegen Pennern wie dir hat Österreich jetzt einen Grünen an der Spitze. Beweg deinen fetten Arsch und wähl die AfD

Trotzwahl von BND honeypots hilft auch nicht.
Wählen ist sinnlos, Demokratie funktioniert nicht.

>That's a worthy goal.

Mal abgesehen von leichten erhöhten Sozialabgaben und der Praxisgebühr war die Agenda 2010 durchweg positiv. Insbesondere die Verschärfung der Voraussetzungen zur Leistungsgewährung für Arbeitssuchende erspart dem Staat Milliarden.

if i was austrian i'd hope that they just suddenly "disappear"

fuck martin and fuck leftist traitors

>ruin country
>move to new place

Why flight? You have a lot in common with mulsims.

>Ich werd einfach keinen Einfluss nehmen weil das System mir nicht passt.

Kannst Du die Honeypot-Hypothese belegen? Ich war von 2013 bis 2015 aktives Mitglied in der AfD und Jungen Alternative, aber kein BND-Mann. Ich möchte gar nicht behaupten, die AfD wäre frei von Vetternwirtschaft und Cliquenbildung, was die Teilhabe für Außenstehende etwas undurchdringlich macht, gerade in der Kommunalpolitik ist das sogar ein großes Problem. Das Ding ist doch aber, dass Du hier nen sehr bequemen Vorwand gebrauchst, um Dich aus der Verantwortung für die Entwicklungen in unserem Vaterlande zu flüchten. Grundsätzlich lässt sich in und mit der AfD was bewegen - für jeden.

Ich nehme an, Du hast das Wahlrecht? Dann triff die richtige Entschiedung. Am Ende trägst Du sonst die Mitschuld und darfst Dich irgendwann dafür verantworten.

SPD is leftist, yes?

So a vote for Schultz is a vote for more gibs for rapefugees

LMAO how are they polling this high?

Campaign journalism.
[spoiler]I hope[/spoiler]

The AfD is cucked though

it looks like everybody forgot about the rapefugees because they got a 5% payrise at work

Refugee flow will continue, there's millions of people who want to get here.

Wie engagiert man sich denn am besten bei der AFD oder politik allgemein wenn man etwas beitragen möchte? Ernsthafte Frage.

Let them all in, you bigot

This is why I voted Brexit. Look at the fertility rates in African and the middle east. A non-island white country will never be able to properly protect its borders, especially in a liberal democratic politics system where favouring your ethnic in-group is literally Hitler.

I'm playing the long game here.

Deine lokale AfD wird regelmäßig Stammtisch abhalten. Die finden meist in einer lockeren Atmosphäre in Gasthöfen und Restaurants statt. Ist eine Möglichkeit, den ersten Kontakt zu suchen, wenn Du Dir erst einmal einen Eindruck von Partei und Leuten machen willst. Interessierte sind dort ausdrücklich erwünscht!

Du kannst Dich per Email und Telefon an die Partei wenden. Ich weiß jetzt nicht, ob es bei Dir in der Gegend ein Parteibüro bzw. eine Geschäftsstelle gibt. Müsstest Du mal nachsehen. Dann kannste auch gleich persönlich vorbeischauen.

Ansonsten kannst Du den Weg über die Junge Alternative gehen. Auch die verantstaltet selbständig Stammtische und Info-Abende. Dabei musst Du nur beachten, dass eine Mitgliedschaft in der JA keine gleichzeitige Mitgliedschaft in der AfD bedeutet oder erfordert. Wird man Dir aber alles nochmal verdeutlichen.

Solltest Du studieren, gibt es an Deiner Uni möglicherweise eine Hochschulgruppe als Anlaufstelle. Der Weg geht dann auch über die Mutterpartei und/oder JA.

>Trump sets up his safe zones
>Syrians who on record hate European people, culture and climate start going home (someone upload the screencap with all the Syrians talking about how boring Sweden/Germany is)
>(((Chancellor Schulz))) thinks this is unacceptable
>starts offering to triple benefits for refugees to keep them in Germany longer

Mark my words

Well, he's a muslim, so figures

Germany is finished.

Jeder der nicht afd wählt wird hoffentlich von einem refugee tot geprügelt und vergewaltigt

Na, nicht in dem Ton. Gebe dir Recht, die AfD ist die einzige Partei, die in dieser Nation noch ein umsteuern bewirken kann und uns vor dem Untergang bewart.
Aber mit solch einer Sprache überzeugt man niemanden und schreckt nur ab.
Also, eloquente Ausdrucksweise, Argumente und auch eine ordentliche Portion Polemik sind die besseren Werkzeuge.
Man kann auch mal verbal scharf schießen, aber das sollte die Ausnahme sein. they said "fake news auf 2 beinen"

This is what I wondered too.

I sometimes see a refugee on a train station and sometimes they ask me how to get to the right train. Then there's that empty house on my street that has been empty for years, and they moved a Syrian man in there (nice guy actually), but that's the only thing I ever noticed of this refugee crisis.

I think this counts for a lot of people.

AfD = mongrelisation of Germany
German-speaking Lutheran-praying Turks are still Turks


I dont want a GroKo...

I want a leftist supremacist government, SPD, The Left and Greens coalition!

Down with the patriarchy!

(And it would be interesting to see what kind of opposition would form)

>(And it would be interesting to see what kind of opposition would form)

>(And it would be interesting to see what kind of opposition would form)
This is actually not a bad reason for wanting a red-red-green government. This outcome would mean that Merkel steps down and ultimately Jens Spahn takes over.
Being in the opposition together with AfD and a regrouped FDP, we could see a glorious government be elected in 4 years due to SPD fucking things up spectacularly.

Something Hype, something Content, something Candidate:
Fakenews an two something.

something something bad!
something Martin!

I can't decode Nazi runes.

Anything that makes you worry about the Leitbild here? No english translation, sorry

Staged hype, staged content, staged candidate

Fakenews on two legs.

Yes, especially since a GroKo means the same old shit, only with more parliamentary leverage.

Heck, if they add the greens to the mix they have a two thirds majority, and then nothing is going to stop the globalist shills

They really do. The african fertility rates are manufactured while they don't give to shits about their local sustainability because it would destroy their business. All this while people coutries like venezuela receive no help at all. Guess they have no way to generate profits there

>Breed them there
>Trade them all over the world

This is modern human trafficking for you.