This Meme Ends Today

Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.

Pro tip: YOU CAN'T.

If you need proof, look at the very industry that spews the most vile of this exceedingly moronic drech: the tech industry. The internet is a completely even playing field, where only the quality of your ideas and technical skill matter. SURPRISE: intelligent nobodies became billionaires.

I don't know how the concept of getting a job, saving money, maintaining good credit, getting a loan, starting an LLC, registering a business and producing something people want is so fucking unfathomable to some of you entitled little shits.

"WAAAH the heirs of millionaire businessmen don't have to work to build their business, everything is just handed to them"

70% of heirs fail because they aren't as smart as their forebearers (

"B-BUT ITS NOT FAAAIIR. Why should they start on third base when I can't even hit a pitch"

Equality, fairness and morality mean equal OPPORTUNITY for success. There is no legal or social barrier to becoming successful in the United States. If you have a good product or perform a service well, you will do well economically.

"It's NOT RIGHT. People who haven't worked as hard as me SHOULDN'T be allowed to inherit businesses. FUCK THE ELITE!"

If you spent your entire life building an empire, would you want to reserve the right to give your private property to whoever you want for whatever reason you want? Oh, that's right - your beliefs necessitate the abolition of private property.


Other urls found in this thread:

"Excuse me? What the FUCK do you mean there 'are no social barriers'? Systematic - sometimes unconscious - oppression is rampant among the heteronormative patriarchal white-privilege laden business class. LGBTBBQ, trans people and people of color are discriminated against and denied opportunity at EVERY turn, you fucking racist homophobe"

1.) You are beyond hope. Drink bleach.
2.)Do you SERIOUSLY believe that in a market that runs on EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY, anyone gives a single shit what gender the trans-black feminist who made the valves on their washing machine identifies as? The beauty of a free market is that it makes IRRELEVANT all of your special-snowflake identity poker chips.
In fact, according to the transgender community, most trannies decide they are another gender at around the same time they are expected to produce and be an asset to the market ( Could it be because some people do shitty work, and their search for a scapegoat leads them to the Communi-- er... Democrat Party?
If you are an excellent engineer and are denied employment because of your female penis, get your revenge by going to any of the other multitudes of companies that hire excellent engineers. You would only scream "oppression" and beg Big Daddy Government to wield power on your behalf if you SUCK AT BEING AN ENGINEER, you fucking retarded leftist cucks.

Face it, commies. You're only salty because you aren't smart, hard working, or innovative enough to be successful, so you blame great men and their successors for your own "oppression" - aka retardation.

Get a fucking job and apply yourself for once, you whiny fucking cunts.

You're not wrong but you're also really wrong.
It's true that most people can't turn a small loan of a million dollars into a billion, but the overwhelming
majority of the population is not eligible for a million dollar loan and especially not from their parents.

NOW the thing is this is ok. Life isn't fair, not everyone is gonna start at the same platform THAT'S THAT.
The only thing one can do is to make sure society does not have artificial barriers, and much to the
dismay of leftists, yes fucking high taxes is a thing that's keeping the lower class down.

Privilege does fucking exist.. but here's the kicker... It's totally OK. As long as it isn't artificial privilege where one isn't allowed by LAW
to become one's true potential self.

You're okay this time, Sweden

Only thing I would add is that by age 35, a college educated man in the US with a STEM career and a decent work ethic is usually eligible for a $1mil loan. Shit, I was evaluated two years ago and was offered a $200k loan

I've realized now that Sweden have gone too far in the wrong direction. The only enterprising
that can be expected to thrive here is big corp or lucky unicorn miracles(Notch). The only
sane path for everyone else is wagecucking for big corp, because independent enterprising
is very expensive and with barely any benefits or protections (We don't have LLC but a much shittier system).

This path won't last for very long as the system is drained by the increasing unrest and violence, and larger companies will eventually start to move out of here.
I'm mentally preparing myself for an economical dystopia in 5 years time, state debt through the roof, 100% taxes.

Come to America swedebro. Legal immigration is easy if you can afford a lawyer and pass a history test

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.

One day I hope, but part of me wants to stay and fight the shit that's happening.

>muh connections

There will never, ever be a market without nepotism. But in America, it's actually illegal.

Try harder pls

Best of luck if you decide to stay. Shits gonna get bad

BAIT Thread Sage this retard

>No one can be this stupid
fact is 99% in America don't upgrade out of their social economic class

Bring some Swedish hotties too you cuck king


They made joke in futurama, that modern college is day care for adults, but that`s not a joke. School is even worse, especially nigger schools.

If you want to have education in mandatory schooling system, you have to pay for additional tutors, or have violent power over teachers.

They keep majority in mental-inducing daycare, but really about 4-7 years is enough to teach a kid everything he needs to know in life. How economy works. How society works. How to rule people. How to be part of society. Who is your enemy. What is nature. What is simulacra. What is natural sciences.

>fact is 99% in America don't upgrade out of their social economic class


Also if successful people have successful children and losers have loser children isn't the more logical hypothesis that such traits are largely genetic?

Oh, and how many people upgrade their "social economic class" over there in Europe?

Education for one. I know a kid who was never that bright and only received Ds in high school. He was then sent to a private school with classes of 10 and much better teaching and he came out with all As.
This leads onto the next issue. The UK has a class system unlike the US. Those who go to these public schools (They're actually posh private schools which we call public) develop an air of superiority. They form a clique that lives on through into University. It is a very hard clique to break into. Essentially impossible if you aren't privately educated as well. These people are the ones who get their dad's mates to give them a job.A lot of them aren't even that bright.
Naturally there are some people who just do not like learning, but those who are from poorer backgrounds and are willing to put in the effort should be able to.
Having wealth already is extremely important. If you want to gain a new qualification in IT you will need to pay for the examinations at least if not a tutor as well. You can pay to go to conferences to network and gain further knowledge. Attending an £800 conference is much easier when you are the son of someone rich than someone less well off or even middle class.

calm down
start again
please try to present yourself concisely and clearly
because right now, all I'm getting from you is autism.

>70% of heirs fail because they aren't as smart as their forebearers

most of them just sit there while sharks manage their money

this is relevant to your thread

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business
Umm... Millions of dollars as a head start? Are you an idiot?
Inheritance is inherently dysgenic and unmeritocratic as it rewards people based on nothing but their family name.

>Bill Gates has billions of dollars
it's great because he's an innovator and pushes humanity forward

>some old cunt inherits her husband's billions and has all that economic power just because she was married to him
Fucking awful. The money should be in the hands of those who can use it the best (i.e. those who can earn it).

Didn't read the rest of the post since you're clearly retarded.


>>Bill Gates has billions of dollars
>it's great because he's an innovator and pushes humanity forward

yeah he's married to a Dupont you dipshit

all his great business acumen was nothing more than his father in law pulling strings for him


they can fail,fail,fail,fail,fail,fail and then try again

Connections in higher places.
Access to better learning facilities.
Access to successful business/investment strategies from their parents.

Stupid thread.

Not a legal or social barrier When a Russian starts a sentence with "the money should be in the hands of.." either shoot him or run away
Not talking about England

I knew a kid who went to college with me in Boston.
When his Dad realized how insane rent was he bought the building. While I paid rent, he became the landlord. He certainly had an (((advantage))). I could never had found an investor that would take all the risk and let me keep all the profit.

that's a cute snek :P

Think there aren't artificial barriers? Try doing your own start up ISP since that is an area where people actually want competitive choices. You will be buried under lawsuits before you can even get out of the door to start talking to banks for a loan.

>Also if successful people have successful children
But they don't. The kids just inherit the money and slowly lose the wealth in a couple generations since they ARE NOT the ones who earned it. It's just a waste to give it to them in the first place.

I just used him as an example, I don't really care, pick some other self-made rich guy

Nice argument. What do you need explained exactly?

When the money is in the hands of an intelligent person - he makes smart investments and it advances the economy.
When it's a dumb kid whose advisers run the biz for him - it's just poor and inefficient management. Instead you could just put the inheritance in the government budget and cut taxes which redistributes it to those who actually produce shit.

>person with millions in investment capital is worth the same as someone with no investment capital
Are you literally fucking retarded? Then what's the point of families fighting, generation after generation, to give their kids an advantage the previous generations never enjoyed?

Fuck off cuckservative loser.

Fuck off, freedom hater
>misunderstanding my argument this much

Obviously the wealthy are better off. They do not, however, have any legal or social privileges that anyone else doesn't.

>pick some other self-made rich guy

none exist, even if you have money it doesn't mean you have power to back it up

the system is closed for now

>When the money is in the hands of an intelligent person - he makes smart investments and it advances the economy.

no, wen the money is in the hands of anyone it must flow in the direction that the owners of the markets choose to be profitable, no exceptions

watch those vids by the Johnson and Johnson brat, a whole new world will be open to you

did you know the US subsidizes sugar to enrich two spics in florida to the tune of billions? all from tax money, propping up the price of sugar to 10x the global value

those rich people will tell you, being rich is about being a scam artist criminal

fucking Rockefeller's grandfather was a snake oil salesman, that tells you everything you need to know

name a single thing this famous person did besides come from a family that is worth millions

>They do not, however, have any legal or social privileges that anyone else doesn't.
lol of course they do -- do you think reputation and purchasing power are meaningless? Are you some kind of fucking commie? The more money I have, the more legal fees I can pay. THe more money I have, the more political patronage I can purchase. If I have enough money, I become too big to fail, and banks will finance me no matter what. Politicians will have my back. No one will dare sue me. I'll obviously be a celebrity at that point.

Are you literally fucking retarded?

This must be some bait.

As a dude from a rich family, I can say wholeheartedly that I have had many advantages and real privilege. From better education, to not being strung by student loans, to having a huge network of other rich folks that have power in business, government and society in general, to just having money to pursue whatever I would like to without regard for needing to make ends meet. There's not some rich peoples conspiracy to keep the working man down (aside from perhaps mainstream economic conservatism), but there is a whole lot of advantages baked into the system. And as far as I can tell, the best ways to level the playing field are more progressive taxes that dont favor passive income over earned income and a higher estate tax. strangely, these are the very things that so many poor conservative folks rail against, not sure why tho.

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.
>Pro tip: YOU CAN'T.

Pro tip: OP, you are an idiot.

Funding. Most people can't even get a loan to open any business they want and can't afford to fail on their first try (Look at how many failures a guy like Trump had to go through before he found the pattern). There is a lot of costs involved with running a business and how competitive you can be with your pricing is directly tied to how much capital you got backing you. Etc.

>be normal person, get caught with small amount of drugs
Go to jail

>be spoiled brat, get caught with huge amount of drugs
Go to rehab

No privileges at all goy...

Not to mention the courts never want to condemn a young rich guy, whose father knows the judge personally. I have seen several of my rich friends get off of charges that wouldve tanked the lives of most ordinary Murricans

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.
Good connections, which are the hardest part of any business.

>the only thing one can do is to make sure society does not have artificial barriers
I disagree, I think a few highly intelligent proles should be sacrificed to a life of misery and missed potential for the greater good of the rest. The illusion of opportunity is leading to a feeling of perpetual unfulfillment.

Much better if people just accept that no, you can't do anything you want. Make do with what you have.

>the best ways to level the playing field are more progressive taxes that dont favor passive income over earned income and a higher estate tax.

what would you think of a move towards a more Georgist approach to taxation, basically by only taxing land Henry George claimed he had discovered the only moral way to tax

>The illusion of opportunity is leading to a feeling of perpetual unfulfillment.

the rich people feel the same way though

Sup Forums autists don't like to consider the deeper psychology or complexity of the issue and prefer to just assume we're all perfectly rational beings who can make decisions entirely independent of the limitations of our environment.

She's a woman, she wouldn't have to do shit anyway.

Yes and a few of them will no doubt wish they could just live the life of an irresponsible bum but will have to suck it up. It applies the same to any social strata I was just using the lower end as an example.

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.

poor people take pride in their parent's opinions and habits and generally dont learn how to maintain finances well, and generally do not receive as much disciplining as rich kids do.

successful parents raise their kids different.

I think its an interesting approach but that in practice, it would be very regressive compared to what we have today. Rents and food prices would skyrocket. It would be harder for poor folks to make ends meet while rich folks would benefit even more from unearned income that would escape taxes.
If Murrica really had a golden age of large middle class and all that in the 50-60s - and we want to recreate that, I think the starting point should be returning to the tax structure we had then, with much more taxes on the higher income brackets. This would suck for me, of course, but I think its prolly best for the country

My millionaire ex boss got a bunch of interest free loans from all of her dads Korean business associates. took loans from like 50 different people. Sometimes it isn't what you know, it's who you know. But you are right that without the hard work and dedication, no amount of startup advantage will help maintain their business.

You can destroy Western civilization and Christianity and manipulate the White race into it's own genocide and cheering it on.

>A private school education
>Most likely responsible parents
>Parents may have business connections or experience
Not to say the average person can't be a business man or that it is easy to be a business man. Also you have to understand that half the world basically lives in poverty and to compare really rich people and people in poverty is like comparing people Rich people today with peasants 1000 years ago

t. boomer out of touch with the modern marketplace

>Name a single advantage that someone whose family is worth millions has that a normal, everyday joe doesn't when it comes to becoming successful in business.

With millions of dollars you don't even need a bank loan to start a business.

>SURPRISE: intelligent nobodies became billionaires

Tech is a stupid example. The winners there got in on the ground floor and got lucky. They didn't claw their way up against stiff competition. This is the same lack of self-awareness that leads boomers to think that you can start a family on minimum wage just because they could 60 years ago.

>""Excuse me? What the FUCK do you mean there 'are no social barriers'?"

I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about at this point. Who the fuck are you quoting?

>Face it, commies.

Holy shit this guy has no idea where he is.

>Get a fucking job and apply yourself for once

Sure just gimme a small loan of one million dollars first.

>Rents and food prices would skyrocket.

you don't understand how he applies the tax though, the land that is most used gets taxed most, basically if a true georgist tax system came into play

this is basically the same as what you describe but rather than target the wealthy because of their wealth it targets the land where wealth changes hands the most, ultimately this leads to trading floors paying all of the tax because that is where the most value in trade accrues on land, so property tax on trading floors is sky high until stock trading is normalized and we proceed from there, I like your system but it is still immoral, the Georgist land tax approach takes the revenue from the same place but through a more moral idea, that because a piece of land attracts more activity is it worth more and must be taxed more

I'd need to read up more on it to give a more educated answer I guess. I have only really heard of this tax scheme years ago. But one thing I have learned as a landlord is that landlords dont really end up paying their real estate tax, that is just passed along in the rent. For example, I have a rental property with a tax abatement - when the tax abatement expired, I had to raise my rents or be underwater. So I raised rents, exactly as much as my tax increased. And I would imagine its the same for farmers - they will need to recoup their tax outlays on the land by selling their goods for higher prices.

But I will check it out, seems like an interesting way to deal with taxes - which are always unfair, I agree.

If you have money you have distinct advantages. You likely have connections, can buy access, can afford the best legal advice, the best business advice, preferential treatment by local government, and a host of other things.



The distribution of wealth in the world resembles the observed distribution of energy in the universe: We tend to see large concentrations of it accumulating where there were already large concentrations.

Having enough wealth - that is, more than any person will ever need - is akin to enough energy concentrating in one place to gradually create a gas giant or a star. Some stars go through a supernova (trust-busting), leave behind a neutron core (Soros), or a black hole (Rockefeller) that, due to the sheer concentration of energy, continues to influence a significant area around it.

It is all happenstance. Pragmatic opportunism was just a catalyst, and can be implemented by any predator.

Poverty is not only discouraging, the stress can cause permanent damage. The impoverished aren't likely to do much to pull themselves out of their situation. Spontaneous influx of wealth for them, no matter how large, is really a cheap bandage over a permanent wound: When someone is confronted with death or meeting their basic needs, they are often reduced to animals. Such examples include even the apparently "successful": Bankers, politicians, etc... and on low end of the bell curve we have everything from used car salesmen to payday loan bankers, drug dealers, and other career criminals.

The key concept here is: Enough stress can cause a person to become a sociopath. Poverty is stress, and the resulting sociopathy can be as mild as making someone suicidal to something as intense as a deep, vengeful blood-lust.


In any case, the result isn't a desirable one: Society gets another case of cancer or a parasite.

On the other hand, this concept of abolishing private property or re-distributing wealth is again just another source of stress: The owner of that property ("property" here meaning something of substantial value) likely aquired it as part of acting out their survival instinct, and appropriation thereof would only worsen their convictions about the society they already despise.

For that reason among others, I'm a big proponent of voluntary euthenasia.

You'd be surprised at how many physically healthy people would line up to have their lives ended painlessly. Considering, among other things, the worsening organ shortage, I can't imagine a better solution to so many problems.

Of course many of those "nasty captialist pigs" would stay alive just to set fire to the world, I believe that problem would be short-lived, say a generation or two, as there would be a much reduced probability of some other sociopath emerging from similar circumstances - they would more likely just stop playing this stupid game instead of continuing to live only to inflict their personal injuries upon others.

You can afford to network. Join the right clubs, make the right friends. Business is about connections, and the better the connections, the better chance you have at success.

shouldn't you be posting this on facebook you vapid cunt

anime name`?

Does that include this woman too?