What is the most humane way to kill a communist?
What is the most humane way to kill a communist?
Commies aren't people so humane doesn't apply
Let them starve themselves.
We have humane ways to put down animals you know...
Standing back and watching them kill themselves.
Humane ( and non interventionalist ) method of killing commies is letting them starve
Hang them upside down in the town square
let them form their own commune so you can watch them slowly starve themselves to death and then having to resort to cannibalism and sawdust bread
What the fuck did you just say about animals?
why be humane when you can just follow tradition?
With kindness.
Gas chambers.
By not letting him live.
That implies communists are the same level as animals
The way you don't die sir
Yes, definitely with a stick
Pure carbon monoxide, made by heating a powdered mix of zinc and calcium carbonate. Put some kind of condom over the container to collect pure CO gas as it expands.
>cost effective
>commies aren't humans anyway
>animals have been killed with sticks for thousands of years
Seems like it to me.
You cant kill what is already dead
Not even
neck snap via bear hands or rope
Out of a helicopter, into the shark infested waters, failing that dump them off a boat in the arctic circle
sub humans should be grateful for being able to experience free-fall before they leave
Pinochet is a Saint
Shoot them in the head before tossing them out of a plane.
Life in prison with forced slave labor producing food for wounded and sick veterans until they drop dead or renounce communism.
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him from an airplane?
you don't have to they'll starve themselves to death
ikr it just gets blood on the carpet
Show them that they succeeded by showing them modern day Australia.
They'll top themselves after seeing that outcome.
Kek agrees, check those trips.
>commies less human than animals
Helicopter rides
Legalize drugs.
I can't argue with those trips.
Pinochet was a real human bean....
Parachute them into venezuela to starve to death in their paradise
Praise kek
>implyin commies are human
Beat me to it
Fpbp. Death to commies. Death to marxism.
The most humane thing to do is to make them suffer so that all the people they've ruined and oppressed get something to cheer about.
Make them live with the poor oppressed people they love so much.
Burn them all
Absolutely this
this, kek
ITT: countries with no communist killing experience
Nice holy trips brah
Disolve them into an acid bath.