I am about to redpill my colleague on refugees, i would want some help from you guys since he is hard to redpill (yes he is a liberal and has commie ideals), i would appreciate pics, and some news articles, if you choose to say a belief of yours or a fact iw would also appreciate source.
>he believes that sweden is okay
>he believes that not all refugees are bad
>he believes that germany is also fine because it is wiping the bad refugees
I am about to redpill my colleague on refugees...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you waste time on retards?
How bad can refugees really be for Portugal? It's not like there's much left to ruin.
dumping what i have
kek true
>not necessarily
yeah, disregard and went full retard and upped the wrong ones
>he believes that sweden is okay
>he believes that not all refugees are bad
>he believes that germany is also fine because it is wiping the bad refugees
These videos should be enough to destroy their complete world view.
might help,
Also if OP is still in the thread you can ask me about how I experienced the cultural enrichment here. Hundreds of refugees have been housed in my area since 2014.
im here please go ahead
Guys i was not expecting this much replies, that´s loooads of help thanks a ton guys, i think that might be enough but if you want to continue sending videos or any other sort of stuff go ahead ^^
There have been a lot of robberies for example in stores close to where the migrants have been housed. On a few occasions they smashed in the glass and managed to cut themselves while doing so. Next day blood trials have been found leading to where the refugees live.
200 of them have been housed in a sports hall of a school where 16 year old children go to every day. They almost set the place on fire multiple times and started dealing drugs with the children. Still some more stories to go if you want to know them.
He needs to see this.
holy fuck thats terrbile also kek at the blood trails fucking stupid sandniggers, please do tell more stories
stopped being updated in may though..
There was one incident where a migrant pepper sprayed a 12 year old only to molest her. Some of them hijacked cars to rob the drivers or they broke into houses to steal from there. The refugees started mass beatings where police units from other cities were needed as support to handle the situation.
I seriously doubt 46% explicitly stated that they were afraid of getting raped by Muslims. A lot of women are afraid to go out after dark, but almost all of them claim that it has nothing to do with migrants.
There is also one for Germany. Keep in mid that these are only the public incidents. Most of them never get public or even reported.
Probably, "Jihad watch" sounds biased, but meh
and that's a good thing, aside from being in economic ruin our country is pretty good, and hey, our woman can leave the house alone without getting raped.
Lembrete que, se tivessemos uma invasão de refugiados, os comunas do Alentejo seriam os primeiros a votar PNR
And teel him to stop being a commie.
been there, tried that. good luck is all i can say..
my only advice: don't try to directly redpill them, instead go for subtle redpills, act like you're suprised as well.
for example: show rape statistics from Sweden and act like "omg i had no idea Sweden was like that, did you know this?" like its news to you too.
The stories almost get hillarious sometimes. Here are a few from other cities.
Migrants took metal bars to chase down boys playing football.
It is also really common that migrants grope women and children in water parks. These parks often have signs in arabic which explain that you aren't allowed to touch people against their will. Many cases are brought to court but they often get away with not even a prison sentence because and I am not joking "They didn't understood what no means".
The tensions between the refugees can be so high that they not only beat each other up but start stabbing their fellow "countrymen" or burn down their shelters if they don't get Nutella. When they are not fucking each other up they gather themselves in big groups at festivals to conduct mass rapes the most famous example here Cologne. Out of the 1000 rapists only 2 got sentenced and they didn't even need to go to prison.
can't argue with those digits.
you're still a shitty cuck country though, full of beta cucks and rapist sandniggers.
Redpilling is way easier if you don't engage in debates because people can simply refuse to accpet the results. However if you go on a subtle way and act like you are "on their side and have common goals" the change is going to be easier.
Pau nos comunas, Manuel.
Commies aren't worth saving...
Sempre, Derlei Jardel Givanildo Helton
fuck that´s hilarious, i do not even know if i should laugh or cry reading this
what do i do if i get confronted by them and they say that i believe in x while they don´t
>you're still a shitty cuck country though, full of beta cucks and rapist sandniggers.
True, but I'd still rather live here than in Portugal desu senpai.
and imagine they say how article x is wrong, how do i defend that point without looking like im against them
And why is that by the way?W have better weather,our country is way more beautifull,one of the safest countries to live in the world...you there only have snow and rapists
Commies deserve the lead pill not the red pill. Don't waste your time.
one way is to get a few sources of some subject instead of just one.
show them one and act surprised. when they say "no way that's true, that website must be fake" you just say "yeah i agree, its too awful to be true" and then a few moments later show them another source, maybe a few more even and act like "omg now im starting to doubt i mean.. so many different sources with the same information something must be wrong here"
if they still deny well, it takes time to redpill people so you just have to try again another day with a different subject.
reminder though: some people are just un-redpillable, they're so far in the blue pill its just impossible. pathetic really.
This is the point of it. It sounds so ridiculous yet it became something of our daily lives and people say that there is nothing wrong. Anyone telling you that the situation is fine here has never really seen it. Many leftists in Germany live in rich neighbourhoods where no mirgant center is ever going to be build. The "Nazi guilt" and Crusades are their goto arguments once they see some of the refugee crimes. Germany needs a real opposition in the public and the government. I doubt that the AfD will be part of the government but they need every single voice they can get. They are the ONLY party opposing mass immigration, Islam and the SJW agenda. Media is bought bybig companies or state funded by the taxpayers money and ends up being used to shill for Schulz. What we need would be a German version of Breitbart to have atleast the illusion of ballance in the media.
that's because you''re one of the cucks yourself that loves to suck ahmed dick or you're probably an ahmed yourself dunno which one is worse desu
We have jobs and are much richer. I prefer our climate too.
I don't really understand why you even bother with that. Just honestly ask why the fuck you want to import poor people because that is what the conversation will devolve to unless you want to be openly racist.
>Well, rapefugees are just prone to crime due to socio-economic factors!
>Why do you import people that have socio-economic issues? How does this benefit your country?
I'm neither desu senpai.
fuck thats awesome advice thanks based camarada
>what do i do if i get confronted by them and they say that i believe in x while they don´t
If they don't know your position then act neutral.
If they do know then say something like "Let's give each other a chance. We both explain our view on this topic and debate in a civilized way. You are a sane person I trust to properly debate but I want to show you the other side and you show me yours so that we will get a fairer statement for ourselves in the end." Aviod confrontation if possible but if it does happen then draw them into logic flaws like "If refugees are so good for our society then why do they come from countries where atleast 75% of the population wants to execute homosexuals. Aren't we a tolerant society?".
>would rather live in a cold country full of leftists, rapists, niggers and sandniggers than in a hot country only with some leftists
You deserve to suffer, Volvonigger
I can agree with you that Sweden is richer than Portugal,but in no way I can agree with you that Sweden is a better place to live than Portugal
>he believes that sweden is okay
Tell him to leave the white suburbs and into the places the multiculturisation is actually happening.
>he believes that not all refugees are bad
This is true and you shouldn't try to refute it.
Instead tell him that a large portion of refugees are from violent, radicalized and intolerant cultures. While not every refugee is automatically a bad person, the risk of moving in with a refugee is risky and therefore refugees should be avoided.
Tell him Trump is actually a good thing
Our crime rates are similar and you have a fuckton of leftists too, they're just not as deranged as ours yet. Hot weather is nice for vacations, but cold weather is more pleasant in the long term.
You think there’s a way to change the mind of those who hold views opposite of yours? How?
tell him many 'refugees' assigned to Portugal simply left and went back to northern europe an others refuse ot come which means that they couldnt care less about peace, what they want is free money
>cold weather is more pleasant in the long term
What the fuck is wrong with you!?