How do you goys feel about Dave? He may be a nigger but he's hilarious and very redpilled. Thoughts?
How do you goys feel about Dave? He may be a nigger but he's hilarious and very redpilled. Thoughts?
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He's a Muslim. Fuck off.
I love Dave Chapelle. He has two new specials on Netflix that I need to check out. His show was always very good because he wasnt afraid to be racist as fuck, and because of that, it was funny as fuck. Just look at his black white supremacist skit. WHITE POWER
That means he wants to throw faggots off buildings
Hes also a crybaby faggot.
Prince on the other hand is so based he actually used that photo as a cover for one of his last singles.
For a muslim he's real chill actually.
I like him, he's redpilled on Hollywood and he's Sup Forumscore. One of the few niggers I tolerate, along with Patrice O'neal
he was killed and replaced by a double after he returned
Prince was a degenerate drug addict whose death got more media attention than Casious Clay's death.
This isn't based. He's debased.
Goebbels looks like such a kike
>He may be a nigger but he's hilarious and very redpilled.
Do you really think that was necessary? They're either going to like him or hate him, why would you throw that in?
Doesnt make any sense from an adults point of view, you sound like a kid seeking approval
I love Dave, his going to blue pill all of you fags
He may have been, he dated a Jewish girl. I usually get more gets by posting third reiche imagery, no offense intended.
None taken. So weird, if it was anyone else Sup Forums would have been certain that he's a Jew and he'd be hated based on looks alone.
His career followed the same route half of all black comics' careers do.
>grow up around niggers
>make redpill as fuck jokes at the expense of niggers and nigger culture
>get rich and move far, far away from the ghetto
>spend years having no unwanted contact with niggers, things you started your career joking about lose relevance to you, no immediacy
>start worrying about your legacy, and whether you're an uncle tom
>turn political, every public statement you make has to be about muh ray-cism, muh slavery
Black comics either do that shit, or they go soft and start making family movies. One of the two.
At least he never put on a dress like every other black comedian
>hating all black people just because they're black
sub-80 iq retard detected
>no offense intended
>Black comics either do that shit, or they go soft and start making family movies. One of the two
Or die right when they started making it big
I miss him so much
>second thread on dave chapelle this morning?
He wants to take care of his people in his native homeland
I want to do the same for me in mine.
We can shake hands through the fence.
His specials came out today retard
Also noteworthy
>tfw Patrice would have been a Sup Forumsack
The Jews are the primary reason you have a distaste for the Muslims faggot. Stop being a useful retard.
Just a reminder that Hitler was 1/4th Rothschild.
If Dave Chappelle is a crybaby faggot, Prince was his unwiped diaper rash asshole.
He was such a money grubbing retarded christfag fuck he took down a video of a baby dancing to his music.
Gib source
>Patrice would have been a Sup Forumsack
Oh most definitely
>For a muslim he's real chill actually.
Didn't know he was a Muslim and I don't care, fucking dropped.
he fled back to africa to escape the hollywood jew, he's redpilled lad
Most likely this. I miss chapelle :(
> I like chips
> I like Dave Chapelle
> I like soda
His mother was a maid for the Rothchilds, and had an illegitimate child from the head of the senpai.
Hitler was a crypto kike and tool
one of the greatest standups ever and one of my idols
fuck off netflix shill
The fact you didn't know should tell you a lot about what kind of a muzzie he is. I mean I am not pro Islam in any way they are literally my eternal enemy but he seems like a chill family man and nothing more.
Now that I think about it he died in 2011, so maybe he was, I wouldn't be surprised
Chapelle's a good dude. Not a messiah or some shit but he's a clever guy who worked hard to build what he has and he tells people what he thinks if it's funny or they need to hear it, even when others are afraid to do so.
His interview with Oprah, after he came back from Africa, was eerie. He said how really weird and fucked up shit was happening to him as he got more famous (and higher ups were trying to get him onto psychoactive drugs to "help" him, but more likely to control him), and as SOON as he mentions that he couldn't help but think it was being done deliberately, she cuts to commercial.
Not a source mate
He sussed out the kikes evil plans. He's a good lad
True. Prince was an incredible musician, and one of the best performers in the business, ever.
But he was a total cock. I agree with him fighting illegal downloading of his songs, but fucking cell phone concert vid? Ban on tribute bands and covers? Sorry prince, but fuck right off.
He went full aspergers when people posted video of his cover of Radiohead's "Creep" and had it all taken down. It wasn't even his fucking song; and again, he used to throw his lawyers at Prince Cover bands.
He's a genuinely hilarious guy and he is very aware of the jewish conspiracy
He actually fucked off to Africa for a few years after one season of his show because he learned all about it
did the CIA get him?
Being a cover band is the worst kind of cuckoldry
>2017 anno domini
>asking for a source
>search engines are difficult
>not ready to kys for having read this far
you know what to do lad
How does one get real approval here when everyone is anonymous?
consensus reinforcement
other than that there is no 'real approval' kid
crawl out of your basement. He had two specials come out today on netflix
He's hilarious idgaf.
Look at this black guy in a trump hat. Fucking based!
Feels like it
>it was a stroke guys he had diabetes so don't ask question :^)
>Looking for info about Hitler on the internet
>Not finding 500 conflicting articles
>Not finding another 500 propaganda pieces
Just say "I'm talking out my ass" you won't be judged
>what kind of a muzzie he is
A person that says they are Muslim, but that's where their religion ends?
How fucking dumb are you. Muslims conquered raped and enslaved Christians in Syria, Egypt, North Africa, turkey, Greece, Balkans, and Spain.
Stop being a literal fucking cuck inviting Muhammad over to rape your daughter
Sorry, gotta do the work just like everyone else here newfag.
look it up on YouTube, I'm in class. Last I checked it's been hard to find the full interview (it's about 50 minutes). They may have been cracking down on it for ((copyright))
Of course it is, but as an artist, when a band plays a cover of your song, it helps people hear your music, and it's totally not gonna cut into your profit.
My distaste for Muslims comes from their abhorrent godforsaken "culture" of lighting people on fire and fucking children.
>Feels like it
>>it was a stroke guys he had diabetes so don't ask question :^)
tfw I've had this thought too
RIP Patreeky
He tells it like it is
>At least he never put on a dress like every other black comedian
Oh, fuck that bit of Chapelle's philosophy, that rant was such bullshit. It's not a matter of Hollywood putting black comedians in dresses, it's a matter of Hollywood putting male comedians in dresses.
Robin Williams, Dana Carvey, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Louie Anderson, the entire casts of Monty Python and The Kids in the Hall, you could go on for days. It's harder to find examples of white comedians and comic actors who haven't been cast in drag. It's not a race thing, it's a "this is a ubiquitous comedy trope" thing.
Muslims share alot of views with many pol members but everyone hates the name attached to it.
Just because they hate the jews and have been used as a political chess piece by shills doesn't mean they're /ourguys/, faggot.
Views on conservative culture yes, but after that it gets weird.
Islam doesn't stop at keeping women in line and living a degeneracy-free life, it keeps going with running people over with tanks, throwing fags off buildings and keeping pet boys as fuck slaves.
Rational conservatism and Islam are worlds apart when it comes to moderation of beliefs.
Yea if you used the rules of "islam" and gave them the name "christianity", people would be all over them
jesus is referenced in the quran more than muhammed ffs
>hate fags
>hate drugs
>hate usury
>pro-big families
So that's the thing, if he doesn't push it down stranger's throats he probably just likes to have a spiritual reason to not drinking booze to drown his sorrow. That's the feel I get from him, that his personal belief ends there, and does not extend to sharia law and shit.
Calling people newfags is easy
You make baseless claims and go like "do your own research ;^)", that's a surefire way of knowing that someone is bullshitting
This. Specifically he was talking about rich blacks who dont like him "trivializing" racism
It's war mate, we would be doing similar if we didn't have global hegemony and almost perfect peace domestically. In America we haven't had a war domestically for the most part in 150 years.
You can't deny that we haven't totally fucked the middle East for our gain. I can't help but think I would be up in arms if I was a middle easterner--if I wasn't I rightly think I could be labeled a cuck.
Hey I don't disagree, but at least he had the dignity to refuse. I'm sure there are funny drag skits but man+drag isn't automatically funny like some idiots think
One of the best comedians of our generation. Dude is brilliant
he's not funny anymore
>anyone who tells you to look it up yourself is bullshitting you
Why is it always the biggest faggots that NEED to be spoonfed?
If you're just looking to attack any source you want to discredit, you're not doing a very good job at hiding it.
This is the only reason you would want someone to hand-feed you sources. How fucking new are you?
Lil Wayne is redpilled as fuck and thinks BLM is a load of bollocks
>have a spiritual reason to not drinking booze to drown his sorrow.
There are plenty of *good* reasons to stop drinking without having to drink child rapist kool aid.
Sure, their is no doubt the west benefits by siding with the Jews, that is not my contention. Instead, I am insinuating that their struggle is quite legitimate, and if one is going to claim to be redpilled, they should realize what their motivations are when warring with a people. Indeed, if we are to squander people into an evil caricature, we must consider why we are doing such.
>He may be a nigger
kys Cletus
>Rational conservatism and Islam are worlds apart when it comes to moderation of beliefs.
While that's true, 'rational conservatism' isn't exactly Sup Forums's traditional metier. Prior to 2017 we weren't a moderate conservative board, we were the "1488! WHO WILL WE EXTERMINATE?!? NIGGERS! JEWS, AND THE NIGGERS!" board.
Chappelle dropped a little half a redpill into his newest special. A lot of people will see it!
Thanks mate I'll go over it
Also it's fucking Hitler the most controversial man to ever live. I want to know on what YOU base your claims because when I google anything about him I get a million conflicting articles, as I already said. I'm not looking to attack anything that I have not read from top to bottom because I'm not the shill faggot you'd like me to be.
>You can't deny that we haven't totally fucked the middle East for our gain
Should have finished the job or not fucked with them in the first place.
By that line of thinking all Catholics are supporters of protectors of child pedophilia
Dave Chappell was a gibs me dat, ordinary nigger
Chappelle is in the upper 5th or 6th standard deviations of intelligence for black men and had his career semi-ruined by (((them))) because he became aware of Hollywood conspiracies and how they connected to the NWO and shit like that.
Look up the sketch on Chappelle's Show where Dave goes to see "(((Hollywood)))" and it's literally the fucking devil. He disappeared to Africa right after that.
So he's smart, really funny, and redpilled. I like him.
He also refused to criticize Trump and encouraged other black men to not be afraid about not shilling for Hillary like Chris Rock.
I'm not defending his moon desert cult, just saying that dave is redeemable
Exaggeration. The loudest voices are not representative of the majority, as Trump proves when he got elected despite most media outlets clamoring IM WITH HER.
Sup Forums is no different.
They are.
He didn't sell out to the jew with the Chapelle show, so he is OK.
Good answer.
yeah ok bud. at least proxy up if you're going to shitpost this hard.
he's old stuff is hilarious. he's new stuff is pretty good too.
Hey took a shot at keeye and peele for feeling his spot so i dont care for him their show isnt his idea so he cam fuck off
All you got are shitty strawmen lol what a surprise
You don't know me or my opinions about the Reich faggot
He's not shitposting, he's actually offering real discourse on the subject matter that may run contrary to your currently held beliefs. Shocking, I know.
He's funny but he's just a comedian. Nu/pol/ is fucking cancer trying to find models in popculture. If you gonna worship someone, at least try to restrict your search to politicians and genuine academics.
That's exectly what a muslim would say
Key and Peele is like the opposite of the Chappelle show, they are half white guys who feel completely out of place in both black and white culture, Chappelle's Show was about bringing them together. Or enabling racism, according to him.
Fucking Breitbart is another dude I really miss. I'll never forgive them for this kind of shit