>can't even do pepe's eyes correctly
>literally in denial of reality
>live out their fantasyland through their echo chamber that reeks of cheese fondue and taint
>paid to be a sore loser
>muh right side of history
>muh fuck drumpfy
>muh cognitive dissonance
Why are shill memes so fucking awful?
OP has autism
>0.04 has been deposited to your account
its funny that they still use this whole drumpf thing. i mean its slightly annoying but it also completely blows their cover since no one else calls him that. i doubt even on the most anti trump subreddit they call him that. its really silly and doesnt accomplish anything.
They're ironic you autist. Made by Sup Forums fags to bait new autismos like you
>ShareBlue and CTR don't exist
9/10 times a slide/shill thread is started it is just a bored Sup Forumsack baiting for (You)s.
Our enemy is so digitally inept, that we play our own opposition for sport.
The "lost kid?" One isn't that bad
Because they aren't genuine
I didn't even say this. Lmao why are you saging your own thread?
Sage is not a downboat
not on Sup Forums you sperg
Yeah their shitty meme are just variations and borrowed material.
Honestly I love the cross eyed retarded Hilary Pepe.
Cut-and-paste mass-produced tripe.
Dems thought they could win with quantity over quality.
The cross-eyed ones may have been the trickle-down result of a saboteur in their ranks.
They're ironic. They're actually pretty funny, but some morons actually take them seriously. CTR post them unironically and Schulz shills do the same
Their value skyrocketed after the election. Whereas they would have crashed had Hillary one, since they are of objectively poor quality.
>not this one tho
They do but there are a lot of trolls two
Won* even
Yes, because they're useless if used unironically. Ironically though it's pretty funny.
They have a budget of Millions and millions of dollars and yet they cannot even get more then 300 subs.
>have to use an army of fake mimicking accounts to talk agreeing with each other posing as humans on social media.
They still have to die, every single one. And Brock must goto jail.
The guy jumping off a bridge did make me laugh
Organic memes are so much better than forced ones.
Any other rare Hilldawgs?
>people make Hilldawg memes to troll Sup Forums
>deliberately make them as shitty as possible
>Sup Forums still believes they're real
It's trolling you retard.
Hillfags on Sup Forums are all trolls because newfags always fall for their bait
>just cuck my shit up senpai
Someone went through a lot of work to make this meme template I know Malaysian Mike made the Hillary pepe out of sheer spite.
like the movies that sucks these days because of Jewish nepotism.
get the gas
That's all my Hilldawgs
>he doesn't baitpost with >DRUMPF BTFO for (you)s
>in 2017
Drumpf btfo
communists have no sense of humor
>he just wants to get pegged
So sad.
my fav
They were really bitter about not being able to turn Sup Forums. Even though Sup Forums colonizing Reddit and Twitter were much greater military defeats.
White nationalists like him are getting stabbed and publicly ousted on my campus while the cops do nothing about it.
Good thing every white nationalist on Sup Forums is safe because they're either too fat to exit their home or too greasy and will melt to death when exposed to the sun for too long.
But that's the fun thing, having such a weird word make its so easy to filter.
Like browsing Sup Forums without TRUMP or RUSSIA or something like that would be hard. Drumpf is so easy.
Hell, the worst part about cuck posting is that it's literally all commonly used words.
>How can white men even compete?
So, I end up filtering compete.
If i remember correctly, one of them said that it was part of their strategy to make really shit memes
How do you get paid?
There shitty pepes and wojaks are ironic you stupid cunts.
Sure, shilling exists but that shit was made by Sup Forumsacks
How the fuck can you be so spastic to not know/have realised this?
Yeah, it was a fundamentally poor strategy.
Actualy, Sup Forums was colonised by Reddit.
Probably half do the current Sup Forums has it's roots on the_donald
As I admitted, Presidential Hillary Pepe (the presentable one) was made by a Sup Forumslock, but the concerted shilling effort was not.
>saging your own thread
Can't bump your own thread on Sup Forums, actually.
>but the concerted shilling effort was not
It was made by Sup Forumsacks too.
The shilling was obviously ironic.
t. Former ironic Hillary shill
they are literally 100% fabricated by false flagging redcap trumpites and the fact that you fell for it is deeply disturbing.
Here you go brother. Kek wills it
Post your work.
It's not shilling, it's blatant shitposting, hence all the nonsensicale bullshit catchphrases.
"... but seriously though we cannot let him get the nuclear codes"
etc etc
There is shilling and spam but it takes the form of bullshit slide threads with controversial but easy to state opinions more than "DRUMPF IS FINISHED, IT'S OVER FOR HIM" bullshit
Would explain why there are no quality culture etc threads going on anymore. Those people all left when the politics babies moved in.
because they are all done by Sup Forums and they really find the idea funny of shitty hilldawgs failing at being shitlords.
Obviously a lot of the pasta was shitposting, but I've only seen one or two Hilldawg memes that were definitely created here.
Rare Hildawg on the ballot
Not so rare
In case people were looking for Gary memes
I always liked this one.
because I would say around 80 percent of them are ironically made by people here to mock shills, and shills unironically repost them thinking they are quality organic memes
Because they are paid to do it, meaning that their is no passion or intrinsic motivation behind their work. Same goes for corporate music, games, movies, YouTube channels etc etc.
lefties are conformists, not free thinkers
interesting, their main focus is to try and upset us through namecalling, whereas ours is to spread truth in a humerous way
hadn't thought of it like that
It's the soldiers that get me. Like the sheriff here
The ad hominems are starting to wear me down.
I'm not used to them.
>we play our own opposition for sport
Guilty of this lel
not sure how you could know that
coughing fit, pants of shit, how the hel will she handle it?
you poor dear, stay strong brah
I've been professionally trained to argue with facts, and that's what this board involved until election season.
Because they just try to steal the simplest of our memes then edit them in MS paint.
The reason liberals I'm general can't meme is because good memes are tied into reality, which liberals must reject to maintain their world view. Therefore they come off as forced and fake. This is the same problem Clinton had in campaigning, to say liberal viewpoints, she has to come off as fake and disingenuous.
This is also why SNL is so cringey. It's all so forced. (Also written by women).
me too, was always pretty good at logic, but learned a lot from Sup Forums about fallacies and such
also because ours are dedicated to exposing hidden truths, and theirs to rejecting truth
The best liberal memes are the ones that write themselves.
Pure comedy.
The safe space one is pretty kek tho.
Because they are just different pictures telling the same joke over and over.
>Drumpf is le racist, laugh at him
Stops being funny at the 275th time
These were 100% made by Sup Forums users just to troll other users.
I'm ambivalent when it comes to Horsey. Sometimes he hits it out of the park.
Sup Forumssters are so edgy, promote a medicore meme and they get their panties in a bunch
>hillary awoos
This is now a liberal memes thread.
Several reasons:
>They're created without sincerity; only made to meet a quota and receive shekels.
>They're not made to sway our opinions; only to excite butthurt and slide decent threads (therefor, the shittier and more irritating the better, as most plebbit newfags can't resist replying to tell shills how shitty their memes are).
>Libtards don't know how to meme
>Shills don't care about the memes themselves: they pay no respect to their memes and have no desire to create a decent meme collection.
>>They're unoriginal, merely stealing from Trump supporters, with no intention to appropriate them properly to make them their own (This is also done to irritate trump supporters and get them to respond)
>For all the reasons above, shills are despised by Kek, and thus, all their memes are blighted.
That was clearly the last straw.
They could have just hired someone with a basic knowledge of Photoshop.
They realized that they couldn't win any ideological battles, so they gave up on making decent memes and focused on trying to gather (You)s and slide threads.
>so they resorted to autistic screeching
>implying anyone would pay them that much for autistic shitposts
Literally this.
They finally got it through their dense skulls that it's not practical for them to try to sway Sup Forums's opinions, so they resorted to shitting-up the board try to retard our powers.
Have some /quacks/ instead
As I said in another thread: If this goes the way we all on the left would like it to. This investigation goes on for another 6 months. Trump admin impeachment process starts in around Sept/October. After hearings he's removed around March of 2018. Ryan steps in April. Flip every house and Senate seat we can in the fall. Watch Ryan squirm for 2 years and miserably to try and win a seat back he wasn't elected to in the first place. And with that, the dismantling of the tea party, and the death of his political career.