Agree Sup Forums?
Agree Sup Forums?
ukraines white but russia isn't?
fuck off paki.
Russians are baboons
I am a white man.
I just accept the truth that pakis are white.
indians are not white though.
they drink cow piss.
K Muhammad
Thats some tasty bait you got there, slide thread
yes yes very Aryan
>Northen Italy, Canada and America
>Not white
They are white, just with a large black population
Not sure if this is bait or op is a massive retard.
But that's correct.
There may be loads of immigrants recently, but we're talking about the native population.
>tfw Greek ancestry
I'll never be part of the race war -_-
op is clearly an inbred paki
Who else would be white then, you fucking degenerate?
Do you live in a world where whites don't exist?
Everyone will be. Maybe you won't be in the right side
> Sweden
> white
> France
> white
> UK
> white
> Pakistan
> white
>Agree Sup Forums?
India nuke Pakistan when?
>tfw too white to be on the losing colored side
>tfw too dark to be on the winning white
I'll just hide in a cabin in Montana.
here's more accurate map
Western Europe should be painted black too
Pakis. White. Are niggers colorblind now, too?
Packistan white?
You can't be serious!
Literally a paki who made this
>be half asian
>still whiter than an anglo
makes you think huh?
More white than you Muhammad.
Delet this fgt
stupid cunts.
We are pashtun (PASHTUN) we are NOT shitskin like fucking indians.
many brits laid with natives when they conquered and we are descended from that.
typical pashtun paki is white.
I am very disappointed that you dont consider us white. Pekka you fucking homo.
Ok Finland
OP is Paki trying to trick whites into thinking Pakis are white and trying to reduce Paki hatred because he is Paki and desires to be white. he probably has an obsession with white people
Fuck off paki
>not black
Strange, all pakis i know are a lot darker than this.
This really spins my wheel
>finnish bants
so many newfags
Insane detective skills
indian muslims (14% of india's population) call themselves paki
lying is in the indian man's genes
like a boy-lovers from Pakistan and Afganistan ?
This has to be a fucking joke
literally paki divide and conquer
Dipping your cock into a 12 years old bong-girl doesn't make you white Ahmed.
>not a roach
Hue hue hue
if germany is white i am as well you anglocuck
much bait
Laughing so hard at these monkies like you and the paki trying to tell others who's white and whos not
as long as they are muslim, they are not white. Islam is a shitskin's religion; non-whites are drawn to it like moths to a flame.
>italians arent white
>but pakis totally are
Just bantz, guys... chill
kek confirms bad brazillian bantz
>Pakistan casually making an appearance
t. nigger
Native population of most Mediterranean countries is white you mongoloid
t. Cockhole immigrant
Me too ...
>pic related
Top kek
Only Northern Italians are white. Southerns are mostly mixed.
You damn Mongolian nigger, how do you dare to say that we are not white??
>native population
> australia, newzealand and pakistan
le ebin trol frm da us prxy
Oh my sides !
Attention at the uruguayan pothead eyes
Pakistan but no Canada, what's it like being retarded?
This fucking board sometimes
Paki spotted. Fuck off!
Literally looks like a tall Roman, the fuck are you talking about failed state?
>Uruguay is there for some reason
did she broke her ankle?
Bloody welcome fellow pothead
You're the stupidest brit i have seen today.
Djokovic N. is whiter than your teeth.
>A literal shitskin wants to tell others who's white
why do third worlders always have Arsenal shirts?
Seriously it's ALWAYS Arsenal.
There are other teams you know.
>These people are telling me I'm not white
Go home drunk fag, if France is white Iberia is too
> ???????
Why do redditors always have to space?
Seriously its ALWAYS the spacing
There are other newfags you know..
>it's a paki thinks he's white thread
the ones starting white threads are always some disgusting shitskins, fuck this board
guise xD am whit lmao
>any bantz about Romania
Nope sadly, you know nigger a lot. All the time.
Post pictures nigger, 99% chance your skin is darker than my dick.
How is Pakistan white?
well tht's was nice
OP's a paki
>Sup Forums does DNA ancestry
>Sup Forums does a meet
>mostly non-whites
First as a tragedy, then as a farce.
>not white
Are you fucking retarded?
cheap bait
this is correct
I thought people were just memeing but he actually is. Wtf!