>driving through siberia
>50 foot bear attacks car
Maybe a railway but nobody would want to drive that.
Doesn't really make sense while we are still pretty much a banana republic with arms as the only worthy export
If London can ship to the US by land then Russia would want this to happen because they can collect taxes on everything that cross their territory and control over a trade route.
Sign me up for the Jew-York to Moscow motorcycle road trip
Makes more sense if it was a blue democratic party man reeeeing because it connects us to Russia.
>no roads
>teachers can into business
>tfw you realise russia is ancap
Fuck that dude.. I'd drive the shit out of that with a few people.
Stop being a faggot and pack.
i want pol bf to cum on my face and slap me with his huge dick
Great, an unncessary road so more migrants can shit up our lands
This is why an-caps are right, private property means they can tell people to fuck off, but under public government we are at the mercy of anyone they let in
nuff said
Most of the road would be
I think fp is bp
What happens when you transition from left hand to right hand traffic and vice versa?
Tbh i would too. Just listen to some books on tape and chill the fuck out.
I dont think yuppie fags taking road trips to find themselves justifies a trillion dollar road.
>driving through hundreds of km of wasteland
>days of driving through nothing
Ask an aussie what happens to people who try driving straight through australia. If you don't die you might wish you had.
Oh stop you silly Russian. What you wearing cutie pie?
TFW Didn't realise these continents were connected that closely.
You switch what side of the road you are on.
Also you wouldn't anyway.
>chill the fuck out.
You definitely will when your car breaks down in Siberia.
Why not wait for more global warming and then build super rail tunnels over the north pole?
It connects to London, you would but it would be a prettyinsignificant proportion of the whole jouney,
The natives used to paddle across the Bering strait.
>what is northern texas
>what is nevada
>what is eastern montana/dakotas/northern MN
>what is the ALCAN highway
>what is fucking dozens of hours of cornfields in nebraska/kansas/midwest
.....yeah I think we'd be ok, honestly. I've driven coast to coast 15 or 20 times and it isn't that bad no matter how fucking boring the route is. Put your music on. Chain smoke (if you can), plan out your lunch stops, get a motel room when you get tired/do not try to drive straight through
p.s. i40 across the USA is by FAR the worst route, and the absolute worst part of that is the texas panhandle especially east of amarillo to the OK border. Fuck that area. proof god doesnt exist.
nobody wants to go to london
Wrong. I would plan a trip for next summer just to do that if it existed. That would be fuckin awesome to drive siberia if the road was ok. The alcan to alaska used to be pretty shitty in the 80's with dirt and potholes, and that sucked, but now that it's paved it is dope. Now imagine siberia!
It would be a fucking nightmare in reality.
How many migrants would fuck up the borders by jumping on lorrys as they wait in a queue to pass the border?
Add in 3rd world drivers who cause crashes and traffic queues.
Bonus is we hopefully export niggers from london but the reality is we would just get more coming in.
Be fun for Alaska.
>paddled accross 50 miles of water
What's the point tho? Who's gonna drive for weeks to travel New York to Moscow?
>spend a gorillion shekels on gas and drive through literally nothing for weeks
>buy a plane ticket and spend your vacation at your destination with spending money
Make them get a real drivers license problem solved holy shit.
As for 3rd worlders getting in isnt this the same problem we have at every single road crossing in the world? seems like a non issue.
>mfw a gang of nignogs crash in the middle of russia, block the path completely for tens of hours
>mfw angry drivers from different countries start attacking each other
>mfw 3rd world war happens because of a fucking road
This road would be impractical for that kind of travel
If they did that Britain would probably just stick to the sea route. It's shorter and by sea is faster.
you do realize that a railway such as that would cut transportation costs by a shitton, all over the modern world.
also as a bonus it would be fossil-fuel free
I dunno though maybe the currents were different or they actually had sails or something. I paddled 11 miles of sea once and I'm just a casual
I would. I hope it gets completed in my lifetime
>wanting easy movement of muslims from europe and niggers from the USA
b-best of both worlds!
>I-35W/E through MN
yea i did fag
Fair enough I guess. But don't you like to see your country and know what the various areas are like? Hell, it can be cheaper to drive than fly....if you have the time, why not drive and check it out? Its a big fuckin country we live in, and it's good to have some perspective on various parts of it. I mean if someone talks about the south, and you've never been...how the fuck can you have an opinion on it? You don't. Same with alaska, the rocky mountains, new england....everywhere.
I dunno, I like to travel I guess. Sometimes more fun to drive.
oh nevermind i though it was a railway not a roadway
why do we need a new super highway for that?
on paper it looks awesome, dang now ill be able to drive my car up to usa without dealing with shitty boats. import export of vehicles would be real easy, me gusta.
i would.
>pol bf
>huge dick
Are you behind a proxy? Road tripping is a very American hobby. A road that connects NY to London is a road trippers dream.
We can build an orbital ring for half that price.
Correction, nobody who actually need to be someplace would want to drive that.
>in a country of hundreds of millions there is no way this guy disagrees with me
>p.s. i40 across the USA is by FAR the worst route, and the absolute worst part of that is the texas panhandle especially east of amarillo to the OK border. Fuck that area. proof god doesnt exist.
what did you mean by this?
>massive wear and tear on vehicle
>monumental fuel/lodging/food costs
>thousands of kilos of wilderness filled with 500lb boars and 2 ton bears jumping out in front of you constantly
What a dream.
Why would a cap object to this?
Who pays for the roads
yup, would still go for it,
ill even have the chance to taste bear meat, epic.
You're talking to people that are pretty far disconnected from how real life works
It just hit me as I hit refresh lol
Its like you meeting a brit who hates holidays, soccer/football, tea, etc. Road tripping is a very American pasttime. Load up the vehicle, and drive far away. Where? Who cares? That's why it's surprising to read the "bah nobody would want to drive that."
How about some kind of high speed train instead?
Yall are retarded I swear.
>200 sometimes 300 miles between gas stations
>Nearest police an hour away
>No reststops
>Freezing nighttime temperatures
>Roads would get swamped during rain season and wouldn't be paved during winter
It's like driving on a highway that suddenly appeared on Earth 3000 years ago. THERE'S NOTHING there. And it would end up being cheaper to take a damn plane.
Oh and I almost forgot the best part.....
TEN THOUSAND MILES LONG. You wouldn't be able to drive that far without having to stop to get an oil change.
I probably would too, but I'd prefer the railway.
You're a fucking faggot and I know you live in the south or at least wish you did
if you cant do all repairs/maintenance on your car by yourself,
get in a taxi.
But 3rd world countries have piss poor drivers anyway and will ignore it unless you have a mass of cameras picking up registrations and police to track em down.
Would happen
and gas stations
it's the most boring, god forsaken stretch of interstate in the lower 48. And I've been on most of them and been across and over every state in the lower 48. i40 east of amarillo sucks. Flat as a fucking board, absolutely NOTHING to look at. Nothing but bare dirt. No trees, shrubs, CACTUS, corn, produce/crops...NOTHING. At most you might see a cow. It's the most god forsaken drive ever. Try google mapping it, go to the i-40 east of amarillo. you will see a small town called "Groom" texas. Go halfway between that town and highway 70which runs north from i40. Hit street view and take a look. Its terrible and seems to never end when you drive it.
>having to change you're oil a minimum of 4 times to drive to london
That's like saying there are Britons in the UK that don't know how to queue.
i'm ok with that, tho im near london so basically would go to new-york ^^ but i get it & dont mind it.
route 66 was just like that when it opened. It didn't take long for services to appear along it. People worried about indian attacks and shit when route 66 opened, and every concern you mentioned.
>But 3rd world countries have piss poor drivers anyway and will ignore it unless you have a mass of cameras picking up registrations and police to track em down.
More like a normal density of highway patrolmen at speed traps. 3rd world drivers are only shit because nobody gives a fuck.
semi trucks deliver shit, maybe more effiecient then cargo ships with electric vehicles some day
Many people are perfectly capable of getting oil changes on the way, I'm certain Alaska would have a few stops for that. Pull into a service station, wait a few hours, done, then just get to Europe on a 5k mile minimum oil service. I'm certain they would have fueling stations if they propose it... It would likely be a major trucking route, they build massive service stations for those. Are you saying Russia is incapable of providing gas for a car?
>remember train trips in Russia
>imagine 3+ weeks of this torture
You're gonna need some cushy ass trains to endure this, let alone travel with comfort
i can finally drive my 87 grand marquis to pick up my russian bride too
yes but normal travelers actually had a use for route 66. Nobody with any sense would use this as transportation except for freight.
Trains are better.
id rather ride a train in general anyway, probably alot safer, but a roadway beside it would be nice too i guess
Nothing "superior" about this route
Fuck right, kill left, marry owl.
It's nowhere in the same stadium as route 66. Hell it ain't even the same sport.
>1/5th the size
>you aren't that far from the nearest person or community
>still in the same country
>don't need to worry about freezing to death
And before you get into heat vs cold, realize that one can fuck you up in more ways then you realize. Imagine traveling on a highway and it start snowing and you are 200 miles from the nearest lodge or gas station.
Hell look up Dalton Highway. That shit gets shut down for months after being flooded. That's more or less what you are up against.
>giving foreigners even more access to America
>giving European and Asian Muslims one more thing to terrorize
No thanks.
I'm not sure I would want to stop at any Siberian rest stops. The Bering bridge would be kinda scary too.
You realize the distance between cuba and florida is 90 miles and people paddle across that on floating pieces of driftwood right?
sounds ok to me.
>Chill the fuck out
Faggot without a drivers license would say.
>driving from New York to London
Something worth saving up for. It would be cool to drive basically around the world over a year or so
Sadly it will probably not happen for at least a couple decades
It would be shorter to drive west from London straight to New York.
There already is a dope road across almost all Siberia. Just lacks several hundred kilometers until the coast and the bridge and it would be done.
I drove across a decent chunk of Siberia, was kinda cool.
Is this an actual proposed road or just a meme?
t. alaska user