if shit hits the fan in south africa, would you go and fight?
we could create a legion of Sup Forumsacks and /k/ommandos
if shit hits the fan in south africa, would you go and fight?
we could create a legion of Sup Forumsacks and /k/ommandos
Sons of Kek Foreign Legion
1st Division Marksman standing by
"Precision Shitposting for Rhodesia"
lol newfags
Nukes are the only answer.
I wish this wasn't a bullshit thread as situation in SA is very dire and once that powder keg goes off there will be a genocide of white people
Start at the 28min mark
Is there still time?
Is anti tank infantry needed?
Could be interesting, African militias/militaries have a really piss poor track record for combat capability so even the /k/ommandos and Sup Forumsacks could do it effectively.
Depends who in South Africa can retain primary control of the South African military equipment or not.
White people gonna get BTFO
If i get CG m2 i can just lob HE over walls
Why can't we have a logistics division and organize the troops through a thread. Hive mind can find isis strongholds for airstrikes. Why can't we just go and direct a race war.
Ideally if Sup Forums were to make a fighting force and create its own "PMC" we could see good combat success especially if we can manage to get the proper funding from the faction that Sup Forums would fight for. The biggest obstacle once in country is for Sup Forums to create an effective communications and command center where it can command its fighting forces, the next issue would be creating proper war strategy to finish the war soon and you can't do the simple meme "kill everybody" shit because the UN would intervene immediately. Sup Forums will probably be able to receive ammunition and small arms from the faction that Sup Forums and /k/ backs and much of the extra equipment can be acquired from the conflict in a form of "victors spoils" i.e., we can seize enemy equipment when we can and keep it for later campaigns that Sup Forums may embark on.
This is of course grossly simplified but this is an idea of what you would want to set out to accomplish.
>pic related
Its the current MBT of South Africa, its a modified Leopard 2A4
Where ever it goes down, and it will in our lifetime, I hope all these guys calling themselves white nationalists are ready to go throw down. I don't have high hopes for the Sup Forumssmokers given all these 'le kek legion" posts
Been waiting for this since I realized the Kurds will just put you in the middle of nowhere if you go fight for them.
Only if I get to confiscate valuable lands from Africans.
If we get 400 acres and a nigger I'd sign up.
Look at the big picture my man, Sup Forums can really make a name for itself as something liberals can't touch because we did something noble like help these oppressed South Africans.
Are they trying to make a white ethnostate in Africa?
fun time nigger hunting safary? Heck yea, count me in.
>if shit hits the fan in south africa
If? Where you been, lad? Shit hit the fan in South Africa in 1994.
Or we are seen as murderous criminals that helped perpetuate the imperialistic legacy in SA by being racist and shooting the dindus that are trying to legitimately carry out an ethnic cleansing.
Do foreign volunteers receive wages? Parcels of land too?
Are SA whites trying to establish a white ethnostate that will quadruple property values?
If we can march into battle singing THIS, I'm in
no its 90% black people the only way to get the country back would be to kill every last one of them and that would just turn the world vies against you. Added to the fact that its a land locked country with AFRICA. You would need a massive wall and minefield to protect your border from more trying to enter.
It would kind of be like jews making a country in the middle east among muslims who hate them. Oh wait that country exists.
>South Africa
>land locked
Okay you're a retard.
Kek mit uns
If we ignore the rules of engagement and just slaughter millions of niggers then I would go.
fighting foreigner wars is the most sjw thing you can do
>Ignore RoE
>"If it's white, it's all right."
Our ethnic kin are not "foreign", you South American jungle ape.
All we would have to do is be really noisy about atrocities committed by the black South Africans, remember, we are the Jews now.
Hello CTR
get rekt caliphate cuck
There would be so may honeypots we would need a US-sanctioned volunteer program
No. Although I wish them the best.
what do you mean, if? shit hit the fan decades ago.
Kinda hot over there
>chile can't understand ethnopreservation
This is what mongrelling do.
Probably not. I fought two wars in the Middle East and I'm not too keen on going back for one in Africa. However, for any that are forced out and come to Australia, I'd seriously consider offering a few of them a place to stay rent-free.
says the indian colony
>slaughter millions of niggers
good idea if you want the entire world to turn against you
white people are the victims of opression and violence, don't ruin the narrative. best thing to do would be to relocate the nigs east of the great fish river. trump is sympathetic to white south africans, so US backing is a possibility, but not if you murder people
Do we get paid in war trophies?
I mean with enough gold teeth it could be worthwhile, will I also get a free citizenship that is also Tax-free for life?
If I go out to the other side of the world to cap a few niggers, something has to make it worthwhile.
Otherwise I can just pull a 'Die Hard 3' in Chimpcago.
I would it would be good fighting experience as long as I could return home after and not be labeled a terrorist and thrown in some detainment camp for the rest of my life
How SJW are against war altogether, please think before you post, I know it must be difficult for you but please, please, try, for me? OK?
You guys get me emotional
>Short shorts
>In brush
Why? Seems like a great way to get your legs bitten by insects and scratched up by undergrowth.
My brother lives there
So, no
lol your country welcomes terrorists with open arms
we're here for you buddy
Sout africans should leave niggers so they can starve themselves to death
>less niggers
>less problems
>mama Merkel
>U.S. state department
>letting blacks die of starvation
yeah globalist won't let them starve
but if they were white they would do nothing for them
You're an idiot.
No one from Sup Forums is going to be running ops, the biggest challenge would be cobbling together enough physically capable men into a cohesive combat unit.
no but I'll laugh at all the white nationalist neckbeards and autists purge themselves while the news depicts the warlord dindus as heroes that obligatorily get to fuck the white women you're trying to "protect"
Yeah but they're not white are they
Guaranteed they'd lock me up for being a white male fighting as a white supremacist terrorist
if i get a free pair of short shorts im in
This . I fear ZOG would fuck over anyone who went to South Africa . Id still probably go tho enough is enough