The Earth is flat. The sooner you ignorant globeheads realise that, the closer we get to revealing the truth about the world we live on.
Flat Earth General
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post your top 3 proofs.
i used to enjoy the flat earth but it seems to far fetched to go full retard. i nearly did but i didn't, thank kek.
great job OP
if the sun is not going beneath the curve of the earth, why is only half of it visible? according to you retards the whole thing should be visible until it disappears as a tiny point of light. yet anyone who has ever watched the sunset over the ocean sees this.
>flath earth retards BTFO
fuck off cia. take your "9/11 planes were cgi" crackpot theory with you too.
How can you only sea Polaris on the northern hemisphere?
0.9 steel beams have been deposited in your account you sneaky sneaky shill
Why would only the Earth be flat when other planets aren't?
Is the round moon just like a fake green screen shot then? Some Truman show shit?
But niggers who would profit from hiding the truth and why?
haven't you heard? it's the jews and the masons trying to make us believe that god isn't real and we aren't the center of the universe. as if!
because this guy thinks it's a sphere
According to....what NASA shows you??
Look through a telescope. See how stars "Twinkle"? They're under water. You can literally look up with your own naked-eye and see stars twinkling.... now go watch a light source underwater.
CGI pictures, all of them. You play vidya? Use your eyes and just focus ... you can start to tell what's all CGI looking
Then how the fuck did ancient civilizations see it?
i mean we seen the earth its damn round. k e k
Stars twinkle due to space dust moving around.
Hey OP.....yeah you there faggot.....
if you go into the desert or to a mountain top with a telescope the stars don't twinkle. the twinkling is because of water vapor in the atmosphere.
This is my favorite
JPHertz: Love it
>1. If Earth were round, airplane pilots would have to dip the nose of their plane down every 20 minutes or fly in a straight line into space (pic related)
>2. No NASA photograph of the entire Earth has ever been released outside of the fraudulent Apollo missions
>3. If gravity existed in the Round Earth Theory manner, all the water on Earth would be sucked into the core of the planet instead of sitting on the surface
Globers always have a big fucking mouth but always fail to provide any evidence for their beliefs. The fact that the (((government))) wants us to think it's a globe is an obvious red flag.
What evidence would you accept that would falsify your idea?
1. But because the Earth is rotating, rotation in conserved. It's just physics. It's like if you run and throw something up in the air while you are running, it won't fly backwards, it will fly up and forward with the same velocity as you. Rotation is conserved.
2. I agree that they need to do this, but this isn't proof of a flat earth, it's lack of proof of a round Earth.
3. There are different layers of the Earth.
You guys make these threads with no proof
nice bait chippo man
Real questions -
1) How do the seasons work, and why are they predictable?
2) What is gravity?
3) Anyone got a picture of the edge?
Haha, oh Christians. :)
Truth be told.
Why can't I get a direct flight between Bueno Aires and Melbourne?
It's flaaat, baby!
balltardoid (read: paid obese shills) always come with the same old debunked shit
Had to be an inbred brit
oh my god, please exit via the nearest edge of the earth
the mysterious shrinking Sun. How is that even possible on a spinning testicle?
>Shill: Don't worry, user, just Apollo 11 was staged by Stanley Kubrick because we couldn't afford to lose face against the ruskies... durr durr
Reality: This pic comes from Apollo 17, the last fake apollo mission
Nobody ever walked on the Moon, nobody ever will.
The Earth is flat.
If the Earth is flat, why do planes fly across the pacific ocean to get from say Moscow to LA?
If the Earth was flat, would they not have to go all the way around? If you calculate the times taken to fly from say Moscow to LA, it more or less is in line with modern airplane speeds and the amount of time rougly covers the distance from say Moscow to LA taking the shorter route, as opposed to going across Asia and Europe then across the atlantic.
Honestly the easiest way to prove this would be to rent a private plane (wont cost THAT much for one ride) and hire them to fly around the world nonstop.
The first one is blatantly retarded. Gravity keeps the plane from flying off into space, you low-IQ mong. Have you never studied actual physics in your life?
My evidence for the plane reason is that they can't fly above a specific height because the air is too thin and if you look at early airplane models they all have to be tilted up slightly at all times to stay in the air because air needs to almost cushion it as it flies
Christians don't believe in a flat earth, only conspiracy theorists who want to feel "woke"
Gravity? you mean Density?
If the earth and sun are both hurtling through space thousands of miles each hour how come 10,000 years ago people saw the exact same constellations we still see today. It has to be flat with a firmament and the stars fixed in the firmament.
>If Earth were round, airplane pilots would have to dip the nose of their plane down every 20 minutes or fly in a straight line into space (pic related)
Angle is calculated relative to the ground, as is flight trajectory, ergo, thats already being done.
>2. No NASA photograph of the entire Earth has ever been released outside of the fraudulent Apollo missions
You have literally zero proof of this.
>3. If gravity existed in the Round Earth Theory manner, all the water on Earth would be sucked into the core of the planet instead of sitting on the surface
Water cannot pass through most solid materials.
You're literally retarded. Satellites, GPS, triangulation, all based on theories which necessitate a (roughly) spherical Earth. Thousands of years ago, Eratosthenes proved the Earth is round and roughly calculated the circumference, and you're too idiotic to figure out the same shit yourself.
For the sake of humanity, please sterilize yourself.
Flat earth is retarded. Every modern army in the world knows how to account for the rotation of the earth
>Christians don't believe in a flat earth, only conspiracy theorists who want to feel "woke"
It's in the Bible though.
What no proofs?