Natural afros are only found in people with Sub Saharan ancestry
If the Jews weren't originally black, why do they have naturally black hair?
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There are multiple causes for curly hair. The holes the hairs come out of can be crescent shaped making the hair bend, or extra proteins are present making it curly.
There are also instances of blonde hair mutations appearing independently in other races.
Black hairs are much thicken than white peoples.
Jewfro != Afro
t. 1/16 jew with curly as fuck hair.
>white peoples.
and jews
An appendage found on plants!
Jews aren't white or black or brown.
they're mongrels.
Jews are tribal and they have accepted many to the tribes and breed with other people.
oh also there is only a 95% correlation between genes and curly hair, you can lose your hair from cancer treatments and then when it grows back it can change from straight to curly.
> 1 post by this id
> Roman and Greek statues
kys leaf shill
Well they were enslaved by Egyptian kangz.
I'm not saying Jews have purely black genes but hair curly and kinky enough to project into an afro is only found in people who are partly African. The other genes Jews have must also soften the hair, but they retain the African protusion. If it could happen with a rare mutation you woulf see it in other populations, not to mention the Jew-Fro is too common to be an incredibly rare thing like that
They've had no country to call their own. They hide in the belly of a ship and gleefully drill holes in the bottom of it as it sails along.
>but hair curly and kinky enough to project into an afro is only found in people who are partly African
You are simply making this up.
> If it could happen with a rare mutation you woulf see it in other populations, not to mention the Jew-Fro is too common to be an incredibly rare thing like that
Do you not know how genetics work?
Geneticists think Ashkenazis started out with a population of 300 members, if one family of those people had curly hair then that population would have higher than average levels of curly hair.
Pic related is an example to illustrate this. The Udmurt people are a group of people who are something like 90% ginger. Does that mean all gingers are descendants of the Udmurt? Of course not!
Why are attractive gingers so rare
>If it could happen with a rare mutation you woulf see it in other populations
Oh also you can be white and not Jewish and have curly hair.
Not to mention curly hair is recessive in whites and dominant in Africans, so obviously they are two different mutations.
Left one is pretty good.
shes ugly as fuck
she has those wide set hippo eyes like a fat black lady and a big chin, big mouth
I dont see that.
They bred with african slaves in egypt
its probably because my original statement set you off, and you don't like the idea that being a ginger (something only white people can be) tends to make people ugly. now that I've said that nobody will be on my side, but fuck you guys its pathetic that race politics are so important to you you deny the obvious like an sjw
The rare good looking ginger is great but most are ugly
no id really fuck the one on the left.
I agree gingers look weird.
It's your turn America.
maybe you just have low standards
If blacks aren't animals why do they have naturally wooly hair? Checkmate atheists