Should non-whites be christian
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But they keep to their non-white states
This. The Bible encourages nations to be separate but also to be one in Christ.
But why if christianity doesn't benefit them shouldn't they just abandon it
But if god encourages racism whats the point of worshipping him
How wouldn't Christianity benefit non-whites? Christianity isn't a religion just for whites, there's a lot of Arab Christians, and Hispanic Christians and Asian Christians
considering non-white started the whole thing and their savior is a non-white guy, I think the answer is pretty clear. The question is with all that non-whiteness around, should whites be christian?
It's a middle eastern religion
Living in separate countries is not racism.
The acknowledgment of separate nations is not racist. Look into the Tower of Babel story or the part in Deuteronomy where the Jews are cursed with invasion by other nations for not obeying God. Sounds a lot like what is going on in the more godless parts of Europe right now
30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof.
31 Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them.
32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long; and there shall be no might in thine hand.
33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway:
34 So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.
This. Ethhno-nations having cordial relationships with each other is the pinnacle of tolerance and anti-discrimination.
No one should. It's garbage. Should've been stamped put when it was first starting.
We can't risk minorities getting in to heaven and ruining our after life too.
Christianity is bullshit and is not a white religion in the fucking first place.
Christianity is one of the biggest reasons why whites arent barbarian scum like the arabs, spread the faith and maybe they will be less deserving of nuclear annihilation.
What offends you so much to love your neighbour?
They should be Catholics.
Yes, everyone should. We're all brothers in Christ.
God bless
Are we all brothers in christ though it just seems like one big meme just to control non-whites
Catholics and christians are the same
If ANY denomination ever excludes them (e. g., papal bull proclaiming that Christ's salvation is exclusively for White people) I will hang up my fedora for good.
The Desecration of Bethlehem.
And when calling us to love our enemies, He meant our personal enemies, not His enemies.
>What offends you so much to love your neighbour?
Why love your neighbor when they are Jews, Niggers and Arabs who destroy your nations?
Why the fuck would adopt such a morality that permits you to sit by and don't even protest in any fashion when they start taking control of your country leaf?
Not only this but Christianity is so pussfied nowadays that men are taught not to control their women (even when the bible clearly states it). If your white race has any chance of surviving you must dominant and control your cunt women by taking away all their rights but you now are just watching the Muslims do the natural cycle and take over.
Should whites be Christian?
Or Muslim?
Or Jewish?
They're all sand people religions.
Though Christianity is the most ideal of the 3, it's weak toward violent invaders.
Infinitely better than being Muslim.
Christianity is an inherently cross-racial religion that promotes tolerance for all shitskins.
Remember this when a Crusader LARPer on this board says he wants to end all atheists, pagans and other freethinking whites. He is actually promoting multiracial, multicultural globalism under the guise of a religion.
Technically yes, but non denominational Christian or any other Christian besides Eastern Orthodoxy or Catholic is not.
Those prime religion arches define Christianity. Blood and flesh of Christ administered through ritual symbolism as was the last supper is an act that "real Christians" partake in
Without it, according to the theological ideology, you're basically claiming to be a carnivore who has never eaten meat.
That's why there are so many disloyal and wicked "christians" of Presbyterian, Lutheran, or other minor-branch faiths.
Much like there's a big difference between a cross and a crucifix
My church had Indian missionaries speak last night. They brought up the fact that since India is trying to become a first world nation they are abandoning/destroying all orphanages. Poo's would rather their untouchables be put into sex trafficking than get an education and better their nation.
Why are poo's like this pol? Why?
Actually the ultimate enemy of christians is a unified world, a global ruler. Do please read up on the antichrist.
No moral fiber from The Living God.
Truth isn't limited to geography.
Non-whites shouldn't exist
This couldn't be more wrong ...
What retarded question is that.
Everybody should be Christian,but maintain their culture as best as possible.
This guy gets it!
I have seen several Christians on this very board who would prefer to side with Christian Congoid Africans, Mexicans and other shitskins over siding with white atheists and pagans.
Your love of Christianity supersedes your love of the white race, because you inherently think the white race is superior to others BECAUSE of Christianity.
But what if their culture goes directly against christianity like most non-whites do
Are you asking if non-whites should accept their creator as the Lord of their lives, to be reconciled with God and have their sins forgiven?
Yes of course...
"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."
(2 Peter 3:9)
Everyone should be Christian. Maintain their own cultures and mores, sure, but everyone needs to accept that there is but one God and Jesus is His son.
That is correct. As a tall white male blue eyed Christian, I have more in common with an Abo woman Christian than I do with a non-Christian white male blue eyed American. I would automatically love her, as she is my sister, while not having that same reaction for, say, you.
Then a lot of times they pay for their faith with their lives.
>Infinitely better than being Muslim.
>low IQ
>high psychopathy
>hypersensitive to ridicule
>high welfare dependency
>high time preference
>low impulse control
The problem is not what religion they are.
All Christians are monotheists.
Nothing more needs to be said. This post should be archived the next time any white nationalist thinks Christianity is a white man's religion.
Yes, what they should never be is Popes.
Do you think cults exist independent of something that's real and true? Or do you think cults spring off of other things that are real and true, but not under the cultist's control?
>And when calling us to love our enemies, He meant our personal enemies, not His enemies
Billshit. He said to not resist evil and pray for your ebe.irs instead of fighting them. And that's why his close followers did exactly as he said and got themselves killed.
I'd highly advise to visit school. Your attempt of being edgy is just pathetic, I'm sorry.
Yes I'd rather side with my Christian brothers or all possible colors than with atheists or pagans, because no matter what, the lack of God in ones' life invites the degeneracy in first palce.
This guy knows what I'm talking about.
Can you name some cults that are/were based around truth? Generally actual demonstrable truths do not need to be spread by manipulation, they stand on their own merits, can be independently verified and spread on their own because of that.
Should anyone believe in that garbage?
Roman Catholicism
Eastern Orthodoxy
Those are the big ones.
Islam is a pervasive ideology of psychological and physical warfare. Contra-intuitive to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism, Christianity, and some Hindu sects.
It perverts regardless of race.
Jesus was a non white Arab so I don't see why not. If anything white people are cucks for adopting a non white religion
>Yes I'd rather side with my Christian brothers or all possible colors than with atheists or pagans, because no matter what, the lack of God in ones' life invites the degeneracy in first palce.
Kek now it's two shitskin lovers.
I thought it was just a meme but, fuck, you people are actually serious that you would prefer a shitskin over a white if they were the same religion as you.
And they say Christianity is the last hope for Europe... lmao
Has Pol always had so much race b8? It is surpassing retarded levels now.
Those aren't true, though. Christ repeatedly predicted his return would take place within the lifetimes of his contemporaries. That did not occur.
1 John 2:18
Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.
Matthew 16:27-28
For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.
Matthew 24:34
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
Matthew 10:23
When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
Indeed, but the proper religion may set them on the road to recovery.
You think blacks and whites are two different races, and you think you know which one is superior.
We know Christians and non-Christians are actually two different races. And we know which one is superior.
The central prophet of the faith wasn't even white so uh... yeah.
Yes, because Jesus wasn't white.
This mutant is superior to Elon Musk...?
Jesus was a sand nigger, so yes non/whites should be christians! But whites should not be christians they should be pagan.
That explains why Bosnians are raping underage girls and Persians are blowing themselves up in airports and attacking train passengers with axes.
you know that it was atheism and paganism that brought for this deplorable state that the west is in right? the degeneracy is spread by fighting against christian values.
Yes of course, the superior Christian country of Uganda is a good example.
This is just pathetic. A white, espousing to fight degeneracy, not believing in racial differences. Your brain on Christianity.
>every movement in history is a cult
>every political ideology is a cult
>everything I dont like is a cult
>t.edgy idiot stuck on the level of a 12 y/o
God bless, may you see the light one day.
And what if in convincing you to follow him he shows you miracles only the Son of God could do
This argument is actually answered in the picture already at the bottom
Those are cults that spun off of the truth, a truth that stands on its own. as you asked for.
The truth that Jesus is God, and that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.
Your ignorance of the bible does not change objectively true things. For instance, you have conflated two different prophecies that have two different time fulfillments.
1.: Someone hearing him would see him come in glory. John saw him come in glory and wrote of it in the Revelation. John also picked up a rumor that he could not die. A rumor that appeared true when the Romans failed to boil him in oil, and had to exile him to Patmos instead.
2. this generation will not pass before they see all of these things come to be. This generation is the generation who witnesses the beginning of sorrows; that from the beginning of sorrows to the Second Coming will be less than one generation.
So no, the bible is not as you say it is, it speaks for itself, and has included with it a handy deity to explain things to the saved.
Do look up the name of Angela Merkel's pro-immigration party.
A person who ends up in heaven is superior to anyone who ends up in hell.
Handy rule of thumb.
Then you should be a Muslim, because according to the Hadiths, Muhammad once pointed to the Moon and it briefly split in two.
Of course there exist no sources outside of the Qur'an or Hadith corroborating this event, but there also exist no sources outside the Bible corroborating the miracles in it.
There are no "christian countries". Only Christians living in countries.
In the world, not of the world.
I hope you can see the light too when you are surrounded by shitskins you and other Christians like you let in your country under the guise of tolerance and compassion for all cultures.
Probably not because you will be a dismembered head on the street.
Good luck with your missionary work (in sandland, please).
Christianity gave whites the virtues that raised our ancestors out of the degeneracy of the pagan cults and their sexual depravities, which allowed us to become as powerful as we were... before the foolishness of the atheists brought back the degeneracy.
There are, actually. The Chinese recorded the long night, the time when the sun stood still for Joshua.
Among many others.
>The truth that Jesus is God, and that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.
Not according to any source from that time period outside of the Bible.
>Your ignorance of the bible does not change objectively true things.
I am not ignorant of the Bible. I was a Christian for most of my life and attended private Christian schools where morning Bible readings were mandatory. I have read it cover to cover many times and understand it better than you do.
>For instance, you have conflated two different prophecies that have two different time fulfillments.
Only according to Christian apologists, who set out to evade disproof by deceitful means.
>So no, the bible is not as you say it is, it speaks for itself, and has included with it a handy deity to explain things to the saved.
You are in a cult. You can either wake up from this, realize what you're in and leave, or be shot in the head and buried in a landfill.
Source please
>Among many others.
Such as?
yeah I looked, so what? are you telling me that the Democratic Peoples Republic or Korea is democratic? her party is choosing to disseminate a pagan religion that worshipers the moon god while undermining christian values, how is that in any way representative of Christianity?
Now you are suggesting Christianity is anti-nationalism too, kek.
I love it. I don't even have to make arguments, you people just destroy your own.
Nobody should be.
One thing you should really acknowledge is the fact that with Christs death and resurrection, he surpassed death and made him his bitch.
That means that whenever a Christian dies, he does not die in a sense of absolutely not existing anymore. Just the physical body rots.
>"Creationists are just a tiny but vocal fringe group"
46% of Americans hold creationist views. As Christians are 75-80% of Americans the subset of American Christians that hold creationist views is around 60~%. (The question was worded: “Do you believe that all life on Earth appeared in its present form some time within the last 10,000 years?”)
>”But that’s just Protestants and Baptists”
Catholicism: 35% creationists
>”Lol, stupid Americans!”
>"A majority of philosophers believe in God."
atheism 72.8%; theism 14.6%; other 12.6%.
>Christianity is the religion of the white man
83% of US blacks are Christians, 1% are atheists.
95% of US atheists are white:
Religiosity correlates strongly with low IQ, atheism correlates strongly with high IQ:
>Taking 3000 year old stories from the Bible at face value
How do you into this kind of delusion
Undermining Christian values?
Germany is majority Christian.
German Christians voted for Merkel to remain in power.
Are you saying they are all not "true" Christians? They're just following their beliefs which are rooted in your religion. Compassion for shitskins and love for your neighbor is one of them.
You are completely forgetting the fact that their was one who came before Jesus, John the Baptists and had already gathered a large following getting them ready for the Messiah.
Only if you refuse to look for them does it seem to be so.
>One thing you should really acknowledge is the fact that with Christs death and resurrection, he surpassed death and made him his bitch.
Sure, as soon as you show me any writings other than the Bible from that time period which corroborate that event.
>That means that whenever a Christian dies, he does not die in a sense of absolutely not existing anymore. Just the physical body rots.
>I was a Christian for most of my life
You are either a Christian now, or you were never a Christian and are not one now.
Your fundamental ignorance over what constitutes a Christian lends me to believe the former.
The two different prophecies could not be more different. And are just as I laid out above.
Read the verses. Eyes open this time.
How is that relevant to what I said? Do I have to completely describe everything about the Bible and Christianity any time I say anything on the topic? Also, it's "there" you inferior mongoloid.
1. This will never happen
2. If it actually happened, no single Christian is prohibited from defending himself and his surroundings.
Stop being edgy, because you're OBVIOUSLY arguing on something of which you have zero knowledge at all.