The new Alliance between fascist Italy and Japan will come in form of anime girls
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This slut needs to get fucked.
Mi stai facendo il video? Bravo!
Italy is the cutest so It's natural.
That's a boy.
That's a boi
That only makes it better. WAY better.
what game is that?
Not really Weeb faggots
>cantoneposting has reached the US
>shitaly in charge of warfare
Almonds: activated
Even the name is cute as fuck
The symbol of Casapovnd and an anime girl?
>Ezra Pund
topkek Post this on /lit/
Just let the spaghettis make Italy great again in their own land and make no other expectations. They also have to agree to MIGA and remove niggas while not getting in the way of other efforts.
>implying they won't fuck it up again
they did it in both world wars.
in the first, they betrayed their allies AND were useless militarilly against them.
in the second, they were just as shit. but this time, they also decided to invade us for shits and giggles, only helping in slowing down the german invasion of the (((USSR))) and spreading the "fascists are vicious warmongerers" meme that is so often used as an argument against national socialism.
North Italy is rightful historic German clay.
please tell me that she is a cute girl(male)
mushroom's spaghetti
All Germany does is fuck up Europe. There was never even a full recovery from ww2. Now they're doing it again.
Germany should have as little power as possible for the protection of Europe.
>All Germany does is fuck up Europe. There was never even a full recovery from ww2
>going after the eternal bolshevik kike is fuck europe up
Fuck off, you're not even European, you don't have a say in these matters.
Fuck off Sven, we don't need any Germanic cuckoldry in Italia.
it's okay user
>i like being /d/ysfunctional too no joke
How the fuck do you figure? It was only ever semi controlled by the Austrians.
the lombards and HRE is enough
>going after the eternal bolshevik kike is fuck europe up
For anyone who hasn't heard of Ashkenazim Jews and the like, check this out. It's a huge part that helps to explain WW2. Bolshevism / Communism killed millions of people pre-WW2 and was a huge reason why Hitler was popular.
Thats rich coming from the denizen of a shitty Somalian colony.
Shit eating divide and conquer shill
Go prep your bull blonde bitchboy
>anime girls
that s a trap if I ever saw one
Please, we're like 84% white whilst you're 52% white and declining MASSIVELY.
>Shit eating divide and conquer shill
what is there to divide?
we're obviously not fucking united you dumb monkey.
also fuck off you're most likely a fucking spic or mongrel.
This is why I don't feel bad for Sweden
fuck this shit its GAME TIME
>go to Snapchat Y .me
>leak celeb
>post results
because you hate the fact that America is THE most cucked nation on earth and you try to convince yourself that Europe is lost and America is fine?
You're fucking pathetic, there's swarms of American gooks, shitskins, spics et.c on this board whilst there are literally no European shitskin posters except some British and German posters.
no thanks
For now. The difference is we've got a real leader in power and we're improving the place, throwing out illegals left and right and fighting to save our homeland.
Meanwhile you Svens are sitting on your hands while your leaders destroy your country bit by bit every day and the Mudslimes breed out of control.
Is she a retard like everyone in Casapound?
>real leader
He's a fucking kike puppet who doesnt truly give a shit.
He wont stop whites becoming a minority in your own country because you are entrenched in cuckery and faggotry.
At least European real nationalism is on the rise.
But webm related is from Sicily...
We still haven't won m8. Trump needs to be HARD on deportation programs. Texas is going blue for the democrats any year now and other places which will destroy any chance of peaceful reversal.
>The difference is we've got a real leader in power and we're improving the place
Yeah I respect you for that but you also gotta realize, Trump isn't a nationalist.
All his children are married to jews except Barron and Tiffany but Tiffany is dating one.
At best I'd call him a multiethnic nationalist but not even a civic nationalist.
>Meanwhile you Svens are sitting on your hands while your leaders destroy your country bit by bit every day
Our current nationalist party who has publicly said "Racism nowadays has become realism" and the leader playing music heavily associated with NatSoc movements in the 90s.
>Mudslimes breed out of control.
I live in Malmö, most muslims here only have 1-2 children, I've heard Somalis have a lot more though but they're up in Stockholm and it's been a few years since I last visited Stockholm.
The bred out meme is blown out of porportion in my opinion.
Oh lawdy, criticism from a britcuck. Last I checkd your capital was still New Pakistan and and theres no movement to remove the shitskins from your country, hell theres still a steady trickle in.
Meanwhile, people are being deported in droves from America. I live in a border state and I've seen the rise of deportations first hand. Its a beautiful thing.
got a sauce on that?
oh yeah btw, we've got a historic claim on that aswell.
Requesting a redpill/quick rundown on Casapound.
I read somewhere they're quasi-fascist squatters or some shit. Didn't make sense to me.
>Born in Catania
Catania is a Sicilian town
Did you really fall for the "muh south Italy moorish blood", did you know Italy and Finland are the only two genetic islands of Europe?
Please try to avoid the average retardation of Sup Forums
Really? Sardinia isn't?
Trump may not be a real nationalist but he's deporting the spics and yanking as much of the nigger-breeding welfare system as his office allows. Why do you think the niggers hate him so much? Because they rely on goverment gibs to survive and multiply. Trumps new budget will damage black population growth simply because Shaniqua isn't gonna get the full payout for shitting out 6 kids.
>Our current nationalist party who has publicly said "Racism nowadays has become realism" and the leader playing music heavily associated with NatSoc movements in the 90s.
Music is nice, mass deportations however are better.
>I live in Malmö, most muslims here only have 1-2 children, I've heard Somalis have a lot more though but they're up in Stockholm and it's been a few years since I last visited Stockholm.
And yet they've still got a better total population growth than Swedes. And just because they're in the big cities doesn't mean they won't spread. I'll admit we in the U.S. made a big mistake not nuking California when they opened the floodgates.
good job lads.
try not to fuck up next time tho.
>yanking as much of the nigger-breeding welfare system as his office allows
He's also removing the state funding from planned parenthood.
If abortion was never a thing, the nigger population would be double it's size.
Its 13% now and it's bad enough already, imagine it being up at 26%?
>Trumps new budget will damage black population growth simply because Shaniqua isn't gonna get the full payout for shitting out 6 kids.
no but now she will be shitting out 12 kids
have fun
>Music is nice, mass deportations however are better.
There will be plenty, do not worry.
>And yet they've still got a better total population growth than Swedes. And just because they're in the big cities doesn't mean they won't spread
you're right, but big boy Jimmie Åkesson will be minister of state by then and all of the riksdag will be his bitch.
I'll be honest, Titus and Caligula do look like their Sicilian counterparts, but the rest don't really look like their counterparts.
If I'm not wrong the Romans were ethniclly Tuscan, not too sure though.
>Implying that abortion>gibs.
Can't grow niggers without fried chicken, grape drank and malt liquor. Besides planned parenthood is mostly to enable white abortions, fucking niggers don't wear condoms, don't go to the abortion clinic and that goes doubly for catholic spics.
>you're right, but big boy Jimmie Åkesson will be minister of state by then and all of the riksdag will be his bitch.
I honestly wish you were right, but its iffy at best.
That's because the 9th Circuit Court more or less did that.
California passed a Proposition banning gibs to illegals, and the Court struck it down like Prop 8.
That's when Activist judges really started to go apeshit and the 9th Circuit crossed the Event Horizon.
Nobody has done shit on judicial overreach, ever.
>I honestly wish you were right, but its iffy at best.
It really isn't
even the bonnier owned media polls are pointing towards a SD landslide.
Almost every swedish family I know will be voting for SD.
What's to stop vote rigging?
Austria and the Netherlands polling looked encouraging too.
I still think there was something off about the results, Austria especially.
>What's to stop vote rigging?
Lots of things, like I said, most Swedish family are SD supporters and those families are also the people working.
>I still think there was something off about the results, Austria especially.
I believe the 2nd Austrian election was rigged but I don't think the 3rd one was.
Hofer had forced 3 elections and people got fed up with his EU-tier reelections.
Thing is, Austria and Holland is in a different boat then Sweden.
If fascism comes back Italy and Japan will probably be the ones to bring it back. Maybe without having Germany on board they might win this time.
Hey, i recognize that game.
Disgusting. Don't most Shimakaze (female) that's gross.
Never heard of romans-tuscans honestly
>In any event the Indo-European "Italians" are broken up into several groups by the time we see them in the historical record. The three main groupings were the Latins - from whom the Romans emerged - on the west coast of the peninsula, the Oscans in the south, and the Umbrians in central and east central Italy. These cultures were related but not identical and the early history of Rome was a mixture of cooperation and competition between the Latins and the other two groups. The final assimilation of these different groups only came about after long political struggles, ending in the Social War (90–88 BC). The historical "Roman" population is a the fusion of all these groups.
Fuck off pasta niggers
It's a boy
Boys can't be sluts who needs to get fucked?
What game is this?
Italy + Japan + anime = Eurobeat golden years
we runnin' in the 90s again boys.
Deutsches Reich wants to join the party.
Do you accept? Y/N
Fascism is evolving to the point where we may no longer be able to contain it.
right after spain japan is the greatest ally
>If I'm not wrong the Romans were ethniclly Tuscan, not too sure though.
Tuscan are the pure descendant of the etruscan people , who were aryan gods send by god
>tfw Fascism isn't returning any time soon
Amen to that.
>mfw tuscian, actual pureblooded etruscan unlike those tuscan pretenders
t. English teacher gaijin
Does this mean Tanya is Japan's fascist girl?
I love you, no homo
Italy + Spain is the greatest love story ever.
She is an imperialist.
We don't really see much of what the Empire consists of, but they seem to be fighting defensive wars and they have V-1's (which would indicate a correlation to Hitler's Germany)
>that webm
Stop posting this gif, it looks like sodapoppin went trans.
Shut up sushi nigger
>calling Europeans cucked when you're less than 60% white
Butthurt AMERILARDIANS, everyone.
Why here on pol we judge ourself for something happen 60+ years ago?
I want a futa right wing waifu senpaitachi...
Why not? What could possibly go wrong?
got sauce senpai?
Oh why? Are you hungry for some MAGA futas?
So is it now Germany,Italy,Japan?
If you don't have the sauce just say so.
Pls keep your trap fantasies to yourself bergjuden
Are you that Barbossa who posts futa on /pp/ and serves the army?