Burgers, if you were competitive, your companies would actually sell goods that people in this world want to buy... and then you had not freaking trade deficit.
Trump BTFO once again
Verpiss dich Hans.
Ich hoffe du magst Tarife.
Kein BMW exporte fur dich.
*Keine *Exporte *für
What is the WTO, Burger?
Also, learn proper German, not that fucked up pleb Turk-German you are typing.
Bend over and pay your fucking
Of course its our fault for making shitty trade deals, and gutting our manufacturing so we can't compete overseas.
Is this guy aware that's what Trump has been saying???
You know a shit ton of your trade relies on the UK economy right?
You saw Trump hold hands with our PM and refused to shake the hand der furher frau right?
Unite States didn't have a significant trade deficit until nafta
Your only competitive due to the Euro, return to the deutsche mark and watch the deficit be eroded.
>My product failed because the consumer refused to buy it
looks like this is obama getting btfo
>Your only competitive due to the Euro, return to the deutsche mark and watch the deficit be eroded.
If we returned to the Deutschmark, we would be twice as rich as right now. Yes, exports would go down, but we were able to export at 1 Euro to 1.60 dollars, so we would be able to do that at 1.80 or 1.90 too.
When did Trump blame Germany for that? He always said the blame is on former governments
Red herring
An American controlled org.
>You know a shit ton of your trade relies on the UK economy right?
No, I do not know that.
Also, what is the WTO? Will you leave the WTO? IF not, who cares about Brexit?
And maybe if you had no Muslims in your country people would actually care about it
Stop acting like we're economic equals ... We're not, Hans.
That would probably be correct to a certain extent, but my point still stands - if it wasn't for the euro the defect would be significantly lower.
Not long till the Euro collapses anyway.
Pay NATO denbts Kraut.
Germans would fucking love to go back to the Deutsche Mark m8
Their exports would go down but they'd actually have financial stability again rather than getting sucked dry by the reverberations
A modern league of nations
Our (German here) retarded politicians worship Obama and fucking hate Trump. To them it doesn't matter that they are spouting bullshit, all that matters is that they could make another snappy remark into Trump's direction.
>if it wasn't for the euro the defect would be significantly lower.
>Not long till the Euro collapses anyway.
Maybe. But most of our exports are sophisticated machines which do not sell because of a cheap price point, but because of what they can do.
Or in other words, our companies are competitive on tech, this is why we have a trade surplus.
Exports are a huge amount of the German economy. They can handle a hit to this if they return, due to their huge surplus but I doubt they would be much better off.
This is the exact reason we elected Trump
Because Obama was bending over and opening up our asshole for every other country in the world to come have at.
Trump got elected because of our trade deficit which is caused because of fucktards like Obama and the Clintons.
Are Germans usually this dumb?
If France leaves and adopts their own currency (Which most likely would happen) then Greece would most likely default on their creditors. This would devalue the euro extremely causing the EU to look weak.
This will also cause other weaker nations that have outstanding debts/high unemployment to wish to default as well; Spain and Italy. This could cause a cascading affect which would wreck the German economy.
And most German exports aren't easily replaceable. It's fine chemicals, machinery and other sophisticated stuff, not something that you can just buy from the Chinks instead.
Also, I do think that even if the economy took a slight hit, Germany would profit from ditching the Euro and thus withdrawing from the EU to some degree. We wouldn't be plagued with having to worry about other countries economical instability as much anymore, the ECB couldn't fuck our savings by manipulating the currency and so on.
A growing economy is now everything, especially when all of that growth goes to a few selected.
you simply cant compete with us. So you need to put tariffs to mask your weakness.
>They can handle a hit to this if they return, due to their huge surplus but I doubt they would be much better off.
Sorry, but let's say a German currency would be worth more 60% than the Euro due to our competitiveness. This would mean our GDP per capita would go up from USD 41k to 66k - we would be close to Norway level wealth. Imports would be 60% cheaper, people would have way more wealth than now.
>A growing economy is now everything
*is not
True. Germans make very good products of high quality. However, a country can't run trade surpluses like this without causing problems for someone. If germany goes back ti the deutchmark, you would probably see alot of lower value industries leave and you would just import until everything balances out.
>If France leaves and adopts their own currency (Which most likely would happen)
>would requires a condition
What condition?
>Greece would most likely default on their creditors. This would devalue the euro extremely causing the EU to look weak.
If Greece defaults, then the Euro will actually strengthen in the mid-term. That is the reason Germany was arguing for a Grexit.
>Or in other words, our companies are competitive on tech, this is why we have a trade surplus.
but the market you could expand to would be significantly smaller. No India/China for your car manufacturers.
Der Merkel and Schulzlet would be forced to build up your domestic market.
if you were competitive AND had free trade it would be the ideal option, that's why USA spearheaded free trade post ww2 in the 1st place
At what point did Trump ever say that it WASN'T the US governments fault? He ran a campaign pointing out that it WAS their fault. It was a result of shit-tier leadership for decades.
This just proves Trump right.
>Der Merkel and Schulzlet would be forced to build up your domestic market.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Europe Union is a fucking MAFIA and only benefits Germany and their fucking industry
what do you expect about krauts, the need another WW
>At what point did Trump ever say that it WASN'T the US governments fault?
He said the German trade surplus with the US is Germany's fault. Which essentially means "the US trade deficit with Germany is Germany's fault".
>Not long till the Euro collapses anyway.
Keep on dreaming Nige, you're all alone on your inbred island
You would lose some amount of trade exporting due to the strong german deutchmark, but yeah, germans would be better off. Everyone would to be honest. The trade imbalances are causing a financial crisis in german banks and that is screwing gdp growth for the importing countries.
I can't even find an article about this in the German media so I assume it was some literally who who said it and the clickbait media picking it up.
thanks, Obama
aren't burger beemers made in spartanburg, burgerland?
no... just for (((German manufacturers)))
No, we have been forced by pussy dems to close down manufacturing. We dont make anything anymore, just consume.
If you categorise your exports, cars and car parts are the largest,roughly 20x the value of specialised machinery. Germany would be vulnerable upon the collapse of the Euro.
Haha this satire is great - please explain to me how reducing exports will increase the tax revenues Germany earns.
The Euro will collapse, the economic difference between northern Europe and the med is too great. Jim Mellon did a good speech on this.
>You would lose some amount of trade exporting due to the strong german deutchmark, but yeah, germans would be better off. Everyone would to be honest. The trade imbalances are causing a financial crisis in german banks and that is screwing gdp growth for the importing countries.
I am not denying any of that. We have a currency here in Germany which does not reflect the strength of the German economy. And the intergovernmental Euro-balance system is screwed, the Eurozone is built on a system that does not work like the US Dollarzone. In the US, states which have a negative balance in payments, have to put up collateral to receiver states... thus keeping weak states honest. In the Eurozone, you can just keep on building up debt towards the German Bundesbank under TARGET-2... currently approaching 1 trillion euro.
On the contrary many German investors wished for Greece to be beholden to Germany. Germany has helped a good deal of Greece's debt, which has made it a smart choice to invest in German Bonds. The longer you give Greece money, not let them default, the more money European investors make.
>Americans make WTO to keep the rest of the world in line with American trade policy
>American incompetence makes Americans lose under their own international trade system
>muh unfair trade
there is such a thing as poetic justice after all
No he didn't. Trump's entire message on trade was that our deals don't benefit us and that other countries leaders have been outsmarting ours for decades. If he mentioned Germany being responsible for the U.S.-Germany trade deficit, it would have been in the context of German leaders being smart and getting a good deal for their country while U.S. leaders were failing in that regard. Fault would be entirely placed on previous U.S. administrations. Trump is hyper-consistent on trade, he has had virtually the same exact message since the 80s.
>Haha this satire is great - please explain to me how reducing exports will increase the tax revenues Germany earns.
Am I supposed to answer? What does what I have said anything to do with tax revenues. You do understand how economies and trade work, right? You do understand how currency shift impact imports and exports and what this means for GDP and GDP per capita in USD, right?
outside of bmw, mercedes and volkswagen, i don't know of any other popular german "products" here in the US. speaking of those 3, i would never buy any of them. people would rather buy a japanese or american car over german. the only people who think german cars are nice are like 75 years old now.
The one strong proponent of Grexit in 2015 was Schaeuble. Look it up. Germany wanted Greece out of the Eurozone yesterday. For good economic reason. An Euro which is too low is actually bad for Germany long term.
If the US runs a deficit how can both China and Euro surplus - this doesn't work. Euro zone has a chastity belt on its vassal states which prevent them from running deficits, an ever shrinking pie. China is a totalitarian command economy which is now aged. The US dollar is a gun to your head demanding half of everything you produce in exchange for not shooting you in the head and some paper (yielding 1% a year).
Everything that everyone is doing is fucking retarded and you have to take responsibility for it all (even Erdogan).
Responsibility is needed at a large scale so we have -10070% chance of survival.
thank god we elected one of the richest businessmen in the world to sort out our economic mess. without all the MSM and liberal tears, you'd think it was an easy decision.
Your most exported car in the USA is BMW btw haha
TRump is going to make the US the enemy of the world.
>German leaders being smart and getting a good deal for their country
There is no trade deal between GErmany and the US. There is not even a trade deal between the EU and the US. Trump shut down the TTIP negotiations after all.
Trade is done on WTO terms between Germany and the US.
Germans make a few nice firearms.
Trump is just an autistic moron who does what feels good that day. He has no long term plan. Just day to day. He's going to fuck America up hard
>Democrat's incompetence makes Americans lose under their own international trade system
>i don't know of any other popular german "products" here in the US
Well, most of German products are used worldwide in things you as a consumer do not see. German companies are good at B2B sales, not so much at B2C. It is rather likely you have had a medical examination with a German medical device being used or that your local firetruck is German or that certain specialty chemicals used in Tesla's battery factory are German etc.
>implying the rest of you could stop us and Russia
I see nothing wrong here even if your concern shilling was reasonable.
No shit stupid faggots. That's why Trump is calling them out. This only proves what Trump is talking about.
they only make SUVs there. and it's still a german company, they are just building them here. so, it's not really the USA's "most exported car" if you're even referring to the SUVs.
There companies take there ideas/products and have them made in China/Mexico for cheaper to make more money. its not the lack of good products its the fact exporting the work to human rights shit holes/poor countries is cheaper then American labor.
Stupid fucking Americans and their cost adding pollution laws.
blanket statement with no facts. shame on you
c'mon guys who is it always behind financial fuckery?
>i don't know of any other popular german "products" here in the US
probably because outside of cars and arms, Germany does not produce a lot for the consumer market.
which is why it would be pretty hard to avoid importing German products, they are part of the production chain.
Carl Zeiss Lenses (and others), Kitchen knives, Razors... quality things that have to be made with precision machinery.
>dems and neocons royally fuck international trade for decades against the will of the majority of the private sector and its' own population
>terrible deals spearheaded by eurokikes lobbying through multinationals and bribery
>hurr durr its ur fault amerilards
You're not laughing now, you're actually terrified. Try acting smug when we finance your upcoming civil war :^)
It's almost like you removed the people most detrimental to your economy en masse around 70 years ago.
You're an idiot if you think Russia is in your side.
this is a scam
doesn't work
>This is what germans actually believe
Did you idiots already forget about the world wars
>TARGET-2... currently approaching 1 trillion euro.
no wonder absolutely no media is covering TARGET-2
you niggers are paying us 4 bil for lying about your damn cars emissions and making software that would be installed in those same cars to fool emissions test
you will be lucky to be allowed to sell cars here in a year if you want to play hard ball
my sides hurt
There are no trade deals between the US and Germany though, it's all going over the WTO
Yes, it is pretty fucked up. No idea why it is not covered in the press outside of the Frankfurter Allgemeine and the Financial Times.
>No idea why it is not covered in the press outside of the Frankfurter Allgemeine and the Financial Times.
Because it would immediately debunk the lie that the Euro crisis is currently somewhat under control.
It never fucking stopped, they just moved it elsewhere where people wouldn't see it.
>4 bil
Meanwhile, you folks are paying us 14 billion for defrauding Europe on taxes.
Shut the fuck up leaf considering you elected a fucking retarded drama teacher as your pm
bump for TARGET-2