Are there any "hate facts" on people with different eye-colors or hair-colors?
Are there any "hate facts" on people with different eye-colors or hair-colors?
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huh ?
Yes. Eyes are a window to your soul. Shit colored eyes speak for themselves.
I second this
Blue eyes are scary.
t. shitskin/shit-eyes
Shut up you grey eyed faggot, your eyes were once black, but have faded to grey after becoming civilized you fucking barbarian.
t. a Potato Nigger
>all japs and chinese and asians are evil because they have dark eyes. my eyes are a different color
>does anyone have any pseudo science to back up my shitty world views!?
Sup Forums is extra shitty today
blue eyes best eyes
blue eyes poop eyes
you are so full of shit that your eyes are brown
How do people feel about green eyes?
>thread consensus is that blue eyes are best, and brown eyes are worse.
Is there any scientific data to back this up? Also, what about other eye colors, like Green or Hazel?
>hazel is just a lighter shade of brown
Hazel eye'd people can not have brown eyed children unless they marry a brown eyed person.
Blue eyed people can have brown eyed children because they both unknowingly carry the brown eye gene. Hazel eyes are the only eyes confirmed for not having nigger genes.
How is this politics.
seeGreen, Hazel, and Blue are all European tier.
This poor kraut is too traumatized to reply, he'l probably stay on Sup Forums for the next week, fucking faggot.
Clearly I'm a superior specimen of humanity.
Someone is tiggered
aside from how they look, no. any parallels drawn with race are wrong
Here are some facts: brown eyes = not white
Where can I read 'bout this?
lol wtf i have dark brown eyes and i'm KANKER dutch as fuck
A lot of people who met Hitler in person said that he had brown eyes. Does that mean Hitler was a self hating shitskin ?
Nah, you're just a dog born in a horse stall.
There were reports that Hitler had a jewish grandparent. These were unconfirmed, but they were startling enough to convince Hitler he needed to issue a public proclamation saying that regardless of genetic heritage, Hitler is not at all jewish, just as Jesus (son of the jew Mary) is not at all jewish.
green eye master race.
hazelfags kys
Green is more rare than blue. Also men prefer women with the same(ish) eye colour and women don't care about eye colour
Hitler had blue eyes BUT black hair
So he's a subhuman
>tfw hazel eyes
What am I?
A mountain Jew.
>being on Sup Forums
>prentend be Nat Soc
>shitposting on eyes/hair/skin.
>my cousin is a castizo
>she has hazel eyes
>mfw I have brown eyes
I was born in the Netherlands, as have my ancestors.. i only live here.
>be on Sup Forums
>recognize hatefacts about reliable statistical intellectual and behavioral differences between people with White skin, Black skin, and Yellow skin.
>investigate reliable statistical intellectual and behavioral differences between people with different eye or hair colors.
This, for some reason, is beyond the pale?
>men prefer women with the same eye color
Is this true? I have brown eyes and prefer colored eyes on girls. Most of my senpai has colored eyes though, I just got the light brown gene. Brown eyed girls can be truly beautiful though, so what you say does make sense
Only divisional Kikes post these kind of threads!
>it's okay to talk about skin color, but hair color, and eye color should be forbidden from discussion because it might hurt people's feelings and make people upset and unnecessarily divisive. OY VEY! :(
Did I spot the jew?
I do not doubt the fact that there are races, but I can not explain this hatred that some have vis a vis these differences, if we comes to put the feelings in the debate I wonder where is objectivity.
Monica belluci looks hand crafted by god himself, and has brown eyes. Any other color wouldn't work as good.
What does my eye tell you?
t. MI5
Well, if a discussion of skin-color differences (and their correlation to behavior and IQ) would be too emotionally volatile to maintain objectively, then it makes sense that a discussion of eye-color or hair-color differences (and their correlation to behavior and IQ) --that most people don't even notice-- should be significantly less emotionally volatile, and EASIER to examine and discuss objectively.
>tfw colored eyes will die out
Our only hope genetic engineering
Men with blue eyes find blue-eyed women irresistible
They tolerate pain well
They are good strategic thinkers
People with blue eyes get used to new things slowly
Some people don’t trust blue eyes
People with blue eyes have poor reflexes
Blue-eyed people are more attractive
They are hesitant
People with blue eyes are prone to suffer from diabetes
People with blue eyes are all related
They are more likely to be alcoholics
People with blue eyes are more likely to get cancer
Not a rochie, but an Arab rape baby, so close enough I guess.
It doesn't work the way you think it does. Detail in my iris is too poor to be used by it. Besides optical nerves cannot be accessed by it. My picture can't even fool Windows Hello.
>My picture can't even fool Windows Hello.
Why would you expect it too?
Should we demand school and workplace diversity training to include things to be considerate of when dealing with blue eyed people?
blue eyes/blonde hair reporting in.
how did nature make us white folk so fucking supreme?
>They are good strategic thinkers
>Some people don’t trust blue eyes
>People with blue eyes have poor reflexes
>People with blue eyes are prone to suffer from disease
>People with blue eyes are all related
Wow. I seeing a lot of familiar patterns between (((blue eyed people))) and a (((certain tribe)))
What does my eye tell you?
aruba must be dream
Because iris recognition systems were at one point deemed insecure because you could fool them with a high resolution image of your eyes. It's not longer the case with newer systems, including Windows Hello.
Blue eyes are the superior race
Hahaha brownshit kys
>Are there any "hate facts" on people with different eye-colors or hair-colors?
Yah that's easy.
If you have eye 'colour' other than brown/black you're
>At least 50% White
If you have hair 'colour' other than black you're
>At least 50% White
Non-Whites have (beyond albinism) no variety in hair or eye colour. Any variety present (other than albinism) is due to partial White ancestry.
Non-Whites=total lack of diversity.
>both parents have blue eyes
>i somehow ended up with brown eyes
>look noticeably more white when i wear blue contacts
i want off this ride
>Hazel eye'd people can not have brown eyed children unless they marry a brown eyed person.
Dunno about this. My mom was Hazel eyed, dad Blue eyed, resulted in 2x Blue eyed kids and 1x Green eye.
>Blue eyed people can have brown eyed children because they both unknowingly carry the brown eye gene.
Nope. Brown is dominant. If you have brown eyed gene you have Brown eyes.
People with black eyes tend to hate people with non-black eyes.
I think you see where I'm going with that.
I thought Hazel was a mix of brown and green. What am i?
Your father needs to get a paternity test done.
>i want off this ride
Effects of Sup Forums - One of my best mates (also distant cousin) met up with me for first time in years. I've started making a point of checking eye colour and saw his were brown. Immediately felt he was less White than me (Blue) simply cos of that. FML.
>Tfw black eyes
>tfw mulatto skin
How much longer until I'm gassed?
If you don't have green or blue eyes, you need to fuck off back to Africa desu
You look chunky
Mate, brown eyes are impossible from 2 blue eyed parents...
Mongolid and/or down syndrome.
>that black eye
Fuck im hard
>he doesn't have blue eyes and blonde hair
>If you don't have green or blue eyes, you need to fuck off back to Africa desu
Hazel gets a pass. Hazel gets a bad rap cos a huge number of Brown-eyed girls put themselves down as having Hazel on dating sites/social media. Hazel is variant on Green and compatible with Blue/Green in terms of providing variety in kids - whereas Brown Eyes + Any Other will result in Brown Eyed offspring.
no it isn't dumbass.
Genes are fucking annoying. I knew this one couple a the woman had a chestnut colored hair and the husband was italian heritage so he had tanner skin, black hair and brown eyes. I still consider him white though. But anyways they had 2 daughter, first one has brunette hair with blue eyes. The second daughter had the mom's chestnut hair and had greenish/gray eyes. Could easily see the dad in their faces no mom so no the wife didn't cheat.
My mom has blue eyes and dad had brown eyes. I got a mix of green and brown. I hope my kids get blue somehow.
Not really. Take a look at Gisele Büdchen and Tom Brady's son. Both parents are blue eyed, but their son Benjamin has brown eyes.
>tfw blue is my favorite color
no wonder my life is shit
I was blonde until 3yo and also carry red hair gene. Am also blue eyed. Am I White or worthless (adult) auburn mischling?
Hazel is light brown. Gtfo shitskin
my grandparents on both sides all have brown eyes
>Tfw blue eyes with central heterochromia in both eyes that is green
Is having grey eyes redpilled?
>My mom has blue eyes and dad had brown eyes. I got a mix of green and brown. I hope my kids get blue somehow.
Decent chance. You def got blue gene so mate with blue eyed girl you have good chance of blue eyed kids. Mix with green eyed girl and decent chance blue eyed kids, smaller (but realistic) chance of green eyed kids.
My dad has brown eyes and my mom has blue. I got green and brown which I always considered hazel but some people think hazel is a really light brown.
>tfw hazel eyes
You look like you're tired of the world, user.
Keep your head up, huebro.
show tetas
>Hazel is light brown. Gtfo shitskin
B-b-but I know my mom (Hazel eyes) is White back 300 years in terms of paper records, and 100% due to DNA analysis.
Admit it: You're an Abo LARPing as White.
It is near impossible for two blue or green eyed people to produce a brown eyed child. Any presence of a brown eyed gene would give you brown eyes, so it's impossible for a blue/green eyed parent to carry or pass on a brown eyed gene
How does that happen?
Just look up an article on Eye color (no clickb8 tier "what do your eyes say about you?" look in Google scholar or something.)
>carries the European gene which codes for eye color
The rest of you is whiter.
It's true mang.
Then brady got cucked
I thought I was hazel but my eyes are never that brown. They're more green.
The issue is that you consider West English and Welsh to be white.
>Black people can have blue eyes
blue eyed ppl confirmed for being niggers
I would hate to have to see the world through shitvision
Why do you need "hate facts," sick puppy?
So 80% of europeans aren't white?
Green and blue TOP. Rest meh.
>mfw E05