Feminazi shit hanging on the wall
Feminazi shit hanging on the wall
pls rate my oc i'm fanatically distributing in hopes of saves
Are shorts ok for boys then ? otherwise they can't claim it's sexist.
they're ok with both. the feminists are mad that their shorts can't be higher than 5 inches above the knee. this is my school and I took that picture. heres a video of me tearing it down and putting it in the trash :
kek. saved
Sup Forums should meme third wave feminism into nazism. BTFO them with their own retoric
>Feminazi shit hanging on the wall
Commie Fucking Fist
cum on the poster
I posted it on my facebook page yesterday and its at 43k views so far and all the girls at my high school are pissed at me
>I'm a teenage boy, if you sexualize me stroking my penis then it is you who is wrong!
lol underageb&
but still amazing
im from a timeline where youtube only allowed 60fps for 720p and above
heres the amount of shares I have on facebook so far
I fee like I pissed off my classmates but I made Sup Forums proud and that's all that matters
Bring back gender segregation
Good job user
the solution is obvious
Boys don't wear booty shorts with half their ass out on display. If they did, they'd be in violation of the dress code too.
They are the ones describing female nature as unhuman. rly makes u think.
Being a boy is oppression.
I would like to point out that the only person who's sexualizing them is them.
somebody write "الله اكبر kuffar bitches beware" or something
print this and post it
How about some fuckin uniforms for everyone and you shut the fuck up? Students should study, not focus on sex.
Everyone has the same uniform it removes petty thinking about "what should I wear to drive x crazy". Don't even care if it is unconstitutional. China shows this policy works at creating a smarter and more disciplined population
be careful user, I got suspended in hs for throwing away a shitty class president campaign poster, you'll probably get more for this...
The funny part is they objectify themselves:
Much better
we're not allowed to put up posters without our principles permission and none of the girls at my school asked so my principal took them all down because he was pissed, so I cant get in trouble for throwing it away
4/10, apply yourself
>implying it wasn't a pedophile that put that flyer up
wew lad it's like you don't even know how to play chess.
Seriously though, please don't tell me that there are people in this thread stupid enough to believe little girls actually put that up.
Tfw my old high school is becoming a political battleground. Good job my old freshman.
It's called freedom you fucking twat. If you love the commie chinks so much why don't you move there, pinko
>you are discussing politics with literal children
Not all heroes wear capes.
they're not little girls, they're 15-17 year olds at my high school who are mad at my principal because they can't wear booty shorts, and they went into the boys bathroom to put it up which should result in suspension
hey Zach!
Welcome to the cult you autistic cunt. Do something because you want to not because of us. You're anonymous you little faggot.
You can be the proponent of an idea or system thereof without having to wear specific clothing (unless you're Orthodox Jewish or Sikh or -- gasp -- Muslim).
And those have stricter-than-normal dress, not looser.
god i hate women. this is ironically why they were always oppressed, because they are retarded
I wanted to do it, I didn't do it cause Sup Forums made me or anything.
Aren't bathrooms usually off-limits for posters anyhow?
how is "dehumanization" not the process of suppressing sexual feelings and other aspects of human nature??
If this is in the boys bathroom then some cuck put that up.
where are you from user?
If everyone had to go to school naked for a day, I bet no one would have a problem with wearing decent clothing.
yeah, freedom is awesome, but we are dumb as fuck in America. It needs fixing.
Remember, if someone gets in your face over this: closed fist for boys and some girls, open hand to humiliate weaker girls
What state are you in?
good job lad
Go do your schoolwork. Come back when you're 18.
>Wah just let me wear my short shorts so chad can look at my ass
>rules don't apply to me
What you've got here is a standard feminist infestation. You need to fumigate the school before it gets out of hand and they establish a colony. I've seen this before.
I am 18
ohio, why?
many high school students turn 18 their senior year
You're going to get suspended or expelled. t. chronic suspendee in high school
>ohio, why?
Because if you were in SoCal I was going to make myself available to apply pressure to the Administrators in case any backlash gets you
Your entire country is infested.
I cant get in trouble because they didn't have permission to put the posters up by my principal, and posters aren't allowed in the bathroom
well there are surprisingly a lot of females in my grade alone who are on my side in this so I feel like if the feminists in my school heard what theyre doing is wrong from them, they might change their feminist ways
Hmmm, you are very lucky then. My school was run by SJWs and I prolly would've been suspended anyways. Good on you user
Why do you think I'm such an expert?
stay Republican red user
Draw a dick over it.
top lad
The cover of civilization is a paper-thin veneer. Obviously it's time to poke a few holes.
>unicorn duck-tape
special snowflake located
Draw a penis on it user.
Ohiofag here, this is actually from my old high school. The dress code is fairly conservative (which is what you'd expect from a school that's literally in the middle of a corn field). The girls usually do this every few years because "muh feminism" even though it's finding an excuse to show off their new Tramp Stamp that their 21 year old dropout bf gave them. There's a few good folks in the school but overall it's fucking cancer. Glad to get out of there when I did.
Pic related: basically the entire school body but more rednecks.
They're the ones sexualizing themselves by dressing like hookers at school
Like yours is with Muslims?
>TFW gen z is alright
Wait, hang on. Are the clothes sexist for objectifying the womyn or are they an expression of sexual freedom? And what about Islamic women, who are forced to cover up? Don't they defend that? So what is it??? Should we free the nipple, or is that objectifying womyn????? IM SO CONFUSED FUCK
Thinking like that is fucking sexist, you pig. Check it.
This shit at wholefoods
God dammit.
Ah now you see why no one should ever take women seriously ever.
kek, i usually say "you guys" when referring to a group of people even female and mate when referring to a person
So a roundabout way to arrest males for looking at them when they know they are being provocative.
How about admit that you crave attention from the males that you desire. You know you will not get it vs. a girl who dresses provocatively. So you dress the same way to compete. Then you cry "eye rape" when men you are disgusted with stare at you.
That is the extent of female cleverness folks.
>and all the girls at my high school are pissed at me
Don't apologize or back down. Stay smug and confident. You are at the age where you start learning how girls never really become adults mentally. Basically, they just hew to the opinions of the influencers around them. If you stay upright you will be one of those influencers. They don't really have opinions of their own. Stick to it, and soon girls in your HS are going to think they believe what you believe, and will think they came up with it all their own.
>the pendulum swings to the right
Gen Z will solidly vote Republican. There is precedent.
>(((Whole Foods)))
hold on so it's sexist to not allow children to sexualise themselves?
>if you're sexualising us you are the problem
Would boys of that age not also be sexualizing the girls wearing short shorts? Isn't the dress code to avoid that distraction?
whats the problem with them wearing short shorts dude? are u gay or something?
Who the fuck has their balls hang lower than their dick? How tiny does your dick have to be for it to work like that?
Women are so fucking stupid. Walking around with half your ass hanging out your shorts is obviously trying to be sexual
This is how Trump wins with all of his "controversies" just act like you know something they don't (you do) and act smug like you're correct. Works every time.
>protests while wearing hijab
I'm surprised they don't object to the term "folk" since it implies they're actual people.
Draw a dick on it.
Well done.
But don't do it for us, and don't do it for attention, do it because fighting back against degenerates and sjw's is a cause worth fighting for.
>hello sir
what is a non gendered way to convey the same thing? "hello person"?
Print this off and post it in the bathrooms.
You're ok you beautiful bastard
>Blue and pink are gendered colors
Are you a grill?