okay someone redpill me about the jews please
Okay someone redpill me about the jews please
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jews have irrational power over Western and global affairs. And are the main pushers of immigration into the West
Jews are awesome. Hug a jew.
>have irrational power
Hitler disliked them because atheist jews tended to be compassionate starry eyed intellectuals which communism is incredibly palatable to, and therefore they flocked to it.They are wrong to do so but the idea that there is some "perfectly fair" system is really agreeable to short sighted people with around a120IQ.
Zionist and religious jews are clannish and the talmud essentially dictates that they are to organize themselves in a fashion where they work as an enclave for their own benefit at the expense of other societies. Therefore they present a problem to any dogmatically individualist or nationalist state on a fundamental level, and are smart enough to actually impact and warp their host society.
Jews and Christians have a symbiotic relationship. wherever one goes, the other follows right behind it. this has been true going back 2000 years. christians get actively manipulated to do the jews bidding all the time. right now jews are intentionally pitting christians against muslims and atheists
Pic related:
There is no good jew. If someone tells you the opposite he's a jew, or stupid. All jews are bad. From a little bad to very evil but they're all bad. Kill them all.
jews love themselves above all, while hating evangelicals, who ironically love them unconditionally for some reason. its a master/slave dynamic with jews and christians.
jews have managed to become the most favorably viewed religion in the united states. while in the middle east, they are practically universally hated. Divide and conquer is real.
but y tho
Anti-Antisemitism is not funny. Stop OP.
no u
I commented something about Jews on youtube and I think I got a shadow ban. Didn't get banned when talking about indians or black people. I was a bad goy.
jew love transcends political affiliation. both parties have been compromised.
as long as there are christians in power, the jew will always sit at the top of the pyramid. europe is trying to uncuck itself and the jews are sending in hordes of muslims and promoting political correctness and degeneracy to curb the uncucking. this was the same thing they did to did to the roman empire.
Stop it.
Are Jews worse than Muslims though?
dont believe the hype
Sup Forums is Reactionary
>tfw not smart enough to transcend Reactionism
lurk moar
Disproportionate would be a better word than irrational. They run the show here.
>Sup Forums is reactionary
Ideology does not form my opinion about Jews
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Nigger time to get red pilled.
Jews rule the financial banking industry and media, this is how they're able to corrupt politicians and brainwash the masses.
How did this occur? Jews in Christian Europe were discriminated against for being Jews. Heathens. Such that Jews found it hard to get jobs. But they could loan out money which other Christians were not allowed to do (usury). So Jews found business in lending money on interest to people, noble and royalty. They essentially had a monopoly on the financial industry for hundreds and hundreds of years because Christians were not allowed to do it.
Jews then used their sizeable financial power to corrupt/blackmail kings and nobles to push whatever agenda they saw fit and Jews practically ran the local media publication (which most at the time came from landowners themselves).
Which is how they have come to have a ridiculous amount of power and history in media and finance which are the two things that make the world go round.
>being this new
>being this naive
It's up to us you guys!
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Spread the truth about Jews.
jews financed the bolshevik revolution as their first human experiment and when that failed developed the frankfurt school and ciritical theory the vessel with which they could conduct the 'long march' of degenerating western society by infesting the bureaucracy the media and the academia. now the cultural marxism manifests and feminism and political correctness and the degeneration of our social fabric because we are taught to disdain the nuclear family by hollywood when young liberal unmarried mothers are the ones who are producing the humans who become the indentured wage slaves of the jewish global elite and they harvest our blood through our taxes
the patriarchate nuclear family was one of the main reasons behind american success, and this is true of any society. stable families produce thoughtful balanced productive members of society for kids
Watch "Goy's Guide to World History" on youtube. Then watch "The Greatest Story Never Told"
After that, watch these:
>Did the Holocaust really happen?
>David cole: jewish holocaust revisionist
>Germanwomen denying holocaust with facts:
>Basically the red cross was active in all these camps and never reported any gassings.
>David Irving
>Ernst Zundel:
>"Leuchter Report"
And here is some stuff about American National Socialism
>If however you've opened your mind:
>Here is how American National Socialism works in America.
>George Lincoln Rockwell: Nazism Vs. Communism:
>George Lincoln Rockwell: Final speech before he was murdered:
>George Lincoln Rockwell: Canada interview:
>Who was George Lincoln Rockwell?:
I challenge ANYONE to do this and not become literally Hitler. It's impossible.
Reversed how? By more drugs?
I don't think you could jack up on testosterone to make up for a lost puberty
all these red pills and nobodys hungry :(
"Chosen people" meme:
that's the point, it's communist propaganda
Think all the shit they try to pin on Hitler; mass murder, satan worship etc..
That is the jew
jews look at anyone whos not them as literal dogs and believe they're meant to be supreme leaders. The pharisees crucified Jesus because he promised to take in the Gentiles as one of his own but the jews were butthurt about this new inclusive policy brought on by Jesus and did what they did. Fast forward to today and you'll notice that slimy greety leaders are overwhelmingly jews because a lot of them hold this way of thinking which can be seen in the Torah. The rejection of Christ and his sacrafice makes them perfect pawns for Satan himself, in fact the corrupt Jews ruling today is biblical when the bible describes as the devil ruling the world. I won't be surprised if the antichrist happened to be Jewish.
so jesus was jewish? was he trying to make everyone into a jew when you say he wanted to takin in the gentiiles as one of his own?