Boogie browses /fit/ does he also browse Sup Forums?

boogie browses /fit/ does he also browse Sup Forums?

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he has been "trying" to lose weight for like a decade

just fucking die already you fat turd

Noone knows and noone cares.

what is this shit, and why is it constantly spammed here?

The fuck is WLS?

>Beta cucks over at fit.

Us /fit/ types love to see a fatty get in shape.
We love motivation and self discipline and support anyone trying honestly to change their life for the better.

We don't like people who eat a jar of mayonnaise, complain about not being able to lose weight and then resort to life threatening surgery.

I remember YEARS ago on /fit/ people were supporting Boogie after he posted a video about how he had resolved to lose weight.

Fuck this cunt. He'll still be gulping down mayo after they cut out 4 feet of intestine and pit a band around his stomach.

>this is the average american

weight loss surgery

stop posting this monstrosity no one cares.

Why the fuck did it take him ten years of e-fame to finally get lipo?



Also 15 seconds in to this
>I went to the bathroom, I need to be cleaned up
Put a bullet in him.


it's better than staying a massive fat fuck

This WLS will be the thing that kills him I reckon.

Why are all these Youtube "Stars" suddently lurk on Sup Forums?

when boogie dies his blood is gonna be on trumps hands! apologize now blumpftards!

He will gain all that weight back in a couple years, if his heart doesn't fail him before that. Mark my word.

Its fine, he has no idea what he's in for.

Once his stomach gets reduced, or tied (whichever they do) he will no longer be able to eat much of anything. He will only be able to have unsatisfying bites of food. Once the hunger gets to him, he'll resort to eating soups and stews to try to keep something down.

Then his body will remiss, at a dangerously low calorie level, his body will start eating the fat, as well as the little bit of muscle his massive weight developed. His skin, lacking any sort of nutrition will give way and sag completely. Like a human stack of butter melting slowly.

At the end of it all, he'll be left with a shapeless disgusting body covered in scars from skin removal surgeries. He'll never take off his shirt around anyone ever again, and live in the safe denial clothing will give him as he munches on his half stock of celery with a pinch of salt and water on it.

A man, who could never take responsibility for his weight, will be left in a irreversible state of mutilation. He'll never be truly happy with his body for the rest of his life, he'll never know what it feels like to have a functional strong physique, a body that can perform more than sitting.

I pity what his life is and will be until he dies.

>Us /fit/ types love to see a fatty get in shape.
Just take this guy for an example, /fit/ loves helping people

At the end of the day he'll still be fat "on the inside" after this surgery and will probably die within a decade.

What's a hate board?

>he actually thinks WLS will magically make him lose weight
he never had the discipline to strictly abide by a diet
what makes him think he can do that after the surgery? the finality of it? that morale is going to last for 1 month at most

he's just trying to find any possible excuse to wiggle himself out of doing the hard things, and he knows best of all that he has to do these things by himself, no person or surgery will help get him through this

it's a lethal contest of willpower, nothing more to it
that's what's hard about it, there is nothing more to it and no other way out but with your head against the wall day after day after day until either your skull cracks or the wall gives in
but not doing it means you get to keep staring at your own personal jailer

of course he knows all of this
but he is still looking for the easy way out all the time
but a wall is a wall

honestly hope for him that he starts doing the things he really needs to do and doesn't want to do at all

Guys this is great and we should wish him all the best. If he gets thin (definitely gonna thin out a bit from bypass gastro stuff) he will cost us less overall than the cost of the life of being 9,001 pounds.


Holy shit it did. Now look at those shitty normie comments left on the video by the non-channers.

He means a scale.

On a side note, I was thinking about Boogie this morning and I have a feeling something bad will happen before the procedure.

Kek willing.

the wrong side won

Not really. Hopefully he just dies during the surgery so the taxpayers don't have to cover his 1,000 follow ups fat pieces of shit like him need.