Was Hitler a Homo?

Serious replies only, faggots.

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What does the bog say ?


Hitler was a vegetarian.

ur a homo

Nope. I still find it hard to believe, but apparently he fucked Eva like an animal behind closed doors.

Who is this delightful rose?

>Serious replies
>Sup Forums
pick one

no chance

He was the scat man.


>all blondes

Absolutely glorious. This is truly the ideal man.


Whats the source on this and context? I have seen it but need a quick rundown.

Quick rundown?

That's not him, that's one of his body doubles.

In all actuality Hitler displayed all the signs of being an autist in regards to women. If he were around today, I don't doubt he'd be posting on /r9k/

lots of quick rundows are needed in this thread.

can we summon them somehow?

By the power of PEK

>Liberals call Hitler an incestuous pedo for his female cousin
>Liberals call him homo





He has a kind of autism and purity that make sex somewhat of an oddity beyond reproduction to him. An advanced being.

>scientific evidence that he was a heavy drug addict
>despite no found corpse and no mention of it in texts.

Why lie about some obviously fake shit?

Hitler fucked Goebels right in the pussy


Slide thread
Sage goes in all fields

I'm trying to make baby with that every night.

How dare you desecrate European traditional dress and women by posting this degenerate image and question?
You better not be white because if you are your forefathers are scorning you from the grave, Hitler was a god among men, a man against time and the National Socialists would have ovened you for this transgression you ingrate.

What does that even mean. I come here for shit like this.

I agree with some of that but no.

It means this is a slide thread, a thread not relevant to politics or any goings on today.
I fell for it, you should not come here for it.

You speak for /pol? This is a NATSOC Board motherfucker. Anything to do with Hitler is relevant. I asked a question. So far, not so much substance. You got a serious, well researched answer?

No but the prophet Mohammad is! And so is ISIS "Baca Bazi"



probably not.he was either sexually impotent or he was banging eva braun without anyone knowing. probably the latter.

Sauce on the bitch?

You Americans and your hubris will be the downfall of us all I swear it.

NatSoc isn't about suggesting Hitler was homosexual, I'm not the only one here who has realised this is a slide thread.
If you aren't intentionally sliding then you're just posting useless threads, I will provide no sources, Hitler was not a homosexual and that's that, to try and use your supposed status as a "le real natsoc" to shut me down is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy and not a well thought out attempt at sophistry as you have no credibility.
Fix yourself.

>or he was banging eva braun without anyone knowing.
Literally everyone close to him suspected this is what was happening.

Easter celebration in the Reich.

OP trying to act like he's king NatSoc and doesn't know this and that Hitler was Married to Eva before they died (rest in peace)


haha fag

Not gay but certainly degenerate in his own ways.


Yes, that's even worst. I'm with Goebbels now

My double sevens say otherwise Leaf.

I agree with this but I have a book I'm about to read and the whole thing is about how he and the SA leadership were fags "hidden hitler." I don't believe it but thought I would ask the experts.

He buttfucked Ernst Rohm then killed him to hide the affair.

He's also a Jew.

Delete this.

You're not funny.

Even kek cant meme the gay out of you.

Ok. You seem like a very serious, engaged person for the cause. I respect that. My question was not in jest. The photo....well, its a nice photo.

>Using the paper Jew
Reading is for rice niggers, go and live in the forest and you will know the truth.

why? does it make you want to racial mix?

My digits already confirmed the boy lover here is you leaf.

this is true

Read the book Pink Swastikas. Homosexuality in the upper echelons of the third Reich.

Takes one to know one bro.

refer to these trips

No it makes no sense to make idols out of asian women and it's an annoying meme.
That and young betas are being led astray believing anything good comes from adulterating their blood and having hapa children.

Could you figure the meetings if he lived today
Hitler: Good mornig Mr Trump
Trump : Mornig Mr Hitler
Hitler : Did I told you that I'm vegetarian? I have some delicious tofu bratwurst recipe that I would like to share with you


Kek, you have a point but I come from a family of racist vegetarians we're good people it's the vegan perverts you have to worry about.

its seriously Rose something, I can't remember