I'm leaving for a 12 day roadtrip across the country. I need some Sup Forums related listening recommendations.
Caveat: no liberal commie leftist bullshit.
I'd like to hear lectures and talks about fascism, nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-diversity, etc. I've already downloaded some Rockwell from a previous thread. I have to drive an older vehicle (not mine) that only has a CD player, so files less than 80 minutes are preferred so I can burn them without hassle.
if you already believe in fascism, nationalism, anti-immigration, anti-diversity, etc. why do you need more content about it? listen to some music, loser.
Henry Richardson
80 minutes of uninterrupted autistic screeching
Nathaniel Gomez
I am bringing dozens of music discs, too.
I'd like to learn the intricacies of the political theories listed so I can be more informed when discussing them. Much like a devout Christian perhaps wanting to hear lectures on Christianity.
But good contribution, lardo.
Easton Campbell
Make sure to get the entire Initial D soundtrack as well.