DO NOT Tweet Jordan Peterson memes at Jordan Peterson

He will have you banned from Twitter within minutes if you question anything he says. Key words are:

His own words. Not made up words. Not imagined words, Words that came out of his own mouth.

I tweet pic at Peterson saying "You teach BLOODY GOOD BULLSHIT" and I was redirected to a ban page.

Peterson reported me and had me banned.
Champion of Free Speech am I right??

Let's hear the mental gymnastics Peterson fuccbois.

what the fuck are you talking about leaf

Are you mentally retarded?? How do you navigate the internet?? Seriously??
What the fuck do you not understand in the OP??

What the fuck are you talking about?

>autistic screeching

Do you see the picture retard?
A picture is a colored square that looks likes things :O Wow!
I sent that picture to Jordan Peterson over Twitter
Still following retard??
"Supposition" means "not clear". He basically teaches made up facts
I said "You teach bloody good bullshit" and that hurt his fees fees and he reported me to Antia Sarkeesian and had my account shut down for 12 hours

Okay fuccboi, can you explain why he is allowed to shut down my account over his hurt feelings??

What the fuck are you talking about?

Van tou shut the fuck up you massive faggot?

No one cares that he's blocked your dumbass.

Can you*

Poor Poofter Peterson needs a safe space on Twitter.
He gets hurt fees fees easily.
He needs a hugbox on Twitter.

>autistic screeching from his fuccbois

Sort yourself out faggot

>posts memes instead of the actual tweet that got banned
Nice source you fucking leaf.

you're acting pretty autistic OP.

However I did tweet something to him and that tweet disappeared somehow. I'm not banned but where did the tweet go LOL

Can you explain why it's okay for him to ban me for 12 hours over his hurt vagina and asshole that got blown out by his own meme??
He's 55 years old and can't handle some bantz??
What a pussy cunt boi
That's your hero??
You're a faggot

Come on fuccboi, answer

>samefaggin this hard


Tried to
He took them down right away cause he can't handle it.
He had to call Anita Sarkeensia to
>Ss-s-s-s-ort me out

>"Supposition" means "not clear". He basically teaches made up facts


Your actions have consequences and he has the ability to block you, leaf.

Learn to play the game properly and other people will want to play with you, little Timmy.

That mentally retarded on the internet huh??
Why are you even allowed on Sup Forums or /pol or the computer alone??
It's called replying to someone

Are you that autistic you can't even recognize a conversation online??

Wow, you fuccboi Peterson fans are like mental fucking retards

He didnt' block me
He had my account banned for 12 hours. Can't use twitter unless I give a real phone number
He didn't block anyone, he BANNED me.

You know the difference, right retard??

Canada doesn't have free speech

>Daaarrrr don't talk bad about Peterson and he won't have you banned

Okay commie
Can you explain how that works??

>Its another anti-peterson episode

Why user?


If somebody is saying shit to me in the street I have the right to walk away and stop listening.

That's what he's doing by blocking you.

He's not banning you from the internet.

He hasn't cut your tongue out.

He simply stopped your messages appearing on his twitter feed.

This, you're freedumbs are no good here leaf.

So you'll have another try in 12 hours. Seriously, calm you tits down.

Had my account suspended 12 hours
Beyond a block you dumb fuck. I can't use that account for 12 hours to tweet to anyone
Try again retard

Thought you had bed, cuntface

No faggot, he's NOT allowed to deny me access cause his cunt hurts.
You'd whine too if some feminist had you banned
STFU you hypocrite cunt loser.

Cause he's a loser and so are his fans. Like (you)
He's a cunt commie too.

>explain the game to me
First of all you lost the game by needing others to explain it to you. Second don't heuristically match abusive account patterns and then get yourself reported. Have fun on the bottom of the dominance hierarchy bucko.

Lmao, this butthurt fucking autist.
I'm sure you are just as concerned about George "All I want for Christmas is White Genocide" Maher.
Not. Didn't hear some autistic fucking Canadian sperging out about it when that happened. Dead silence. Because you are a massive faggot.

White people don't give a shit about your hatred of a guy who supports white people, okay? Just like you don't care about our hatred of a guy who wants to genocide them.

He can have anyone in the world banned by reporting them for "unsafe speech that threatens his online safe experience"

You cunt losers went through gamergate didn't you??

Fucking fuccboi shills

how many times are you going to make this thread

He did and I'm sure hell do it again. Try and take a hint.

Spouting parroted garbage from a 55 year old beta cunt leaf who can't handle internets
Get rekt you beta cunt loser

>leaf calling a leaf a leaf
What a time to be alive.

He says he's a Champion of Free Speech
Silences people cause his asshole got blown out by a tweet.
Keep it coming you Aussie faggot.
Are you paid to defend him?? You're in each thread
Are you autism??
He's a 55 year old beta cunt faggot who can't handle internet bantz
He's a little bitch
I won't even call him a "man". He's not

I stand my ground day after day with you fuccbois
3 tweets and Peterson is running for Antia to press the shut down button

Come on cunt, what's your next line of bullshit??

He's a Dick who supports Holocaust denial Laws(putting people in jail for simple questioning what happened during the war over sixty years ago) Then bitches when the same lefty faggots come at him trying to force gender labels. He's a hypocrite

Did you tweet at him from a legitimate account with non abusive unrelated tweets or not? Did you make the twitter handle JordanMemerson or whatever and tweet three times all aimed at him and all at least semi abusive? If he really reported an active twitter user for harmless bants he was in the wrong, but that's not what happened.

>He thinks i'm a peterson fan


Peterson is a jewish agent

his hero is Solzhenitsyn but not once has he mentioned
>200 years together
>role of jews and wall street in Bolshevik revolution

>the validity of the concept of anti-Semitism
>meanwhile criticises islamophobia

>no mention of jewish origins in most of the theories he so passionately battles

I know he will. He's a weak minded pussy faggot loser who needs a hugbox for his Junggina and feelings.
He's a beta cunt
He's 55 years old and can't handle 3 tweets
What a loser beta cunt

He posts this shit every day, many times. In a thread earlier today he admitted this

This shit is legit disconcerting. How the fuck can someone be this obsessive and yet this void of quality input?

Taking bets on how long this leaf keeps this autistic vendetta going.

I bet this rare pepe that he gives up by Friday

Keep making excuses for a total faggot hypocrite loser faggot
He's 55 year old bitch boi who can't handle some bantz
What a loser cunt.

Total hypocrite faggot loser and his fuccboi fans on Sup Forums are proof they follow their mommy.

They why are you here loser??
Why are you in this thread, defending someone your not a fan of?
How did you survive so long, being that fucking dumb?? Im not joking

He's something, that's for sure. 8 months ago no one knows him, know beta faggots come out of the wood work to defend him
It's fucked up.

How the fuck can someone not like what I like?
It's concerning am I right??
You should die faggot. I mean it. I'd pull the trigger myself

I give up when he fist fights me on live stream so you fuccbois can see him get Muay Thaied to a bloody pulp.

Ugh man you have the tact of insane person. Try and be more effective with your life.

Justin Trudy steps in the ring to defend his honor

Wow, Justin Trudeau is more of man, than Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson is King Cuck

i dunno, fish poster posted that fish every day for years until we liked it

Ugh man, you have the tact of a brain washed fuccboi
You won't amount to anything. Trust me

Are you asian?

The screencap just got 2000 pixels wider!

Not even memeing you mate, sort yourself out

You're doing God's work, user

why do leafs have AIDS

Oi lads, hate to bump the retarded leafs thread

But I just got a password for self authoring and it directed me to the login page.

Which one do I start with? Future, past or present?

Why are leafs so fucked in the head

I'm willing to bet this specific leaf is asian, putting a frustrated asian beta voice to the posts works perfectly. The weird sort of high energy patterns of speech seem asian. Maybe a form of Elliot Rodgers syndrome?

What the fuck am I looking at here?

sage and report for spamming kingnig loving leaf trying to get another name.

This site has a huge problem with kiddos creating spam threads i bet that like 70% of the threats are created by 10 persons