Explain to me why Germany lost the first World War in the words of Sup Forums.
Explain to me why Germany lost the first World War in the words of Sup Forums
Bit off more than they could chew.
Daily reminder ww2 was over a fucking city
Ask and post it with something WWI related, not Band of Brothers.
Betrayed by the USA.
Oi. No idea what the pic was from. Looked like a good shot so I saved it.
jews jewed america into the war through britain for the promises of gaining palestine
heres a jew telling the gods honest truth:
he even says germany and hitler did NOTHING wrong
>still have the will to fight
>but (((government))) doesn't want to pay for it anymore
>unconditional surrender despite having the only ground taken on the western front
>austria-hungary disassembled but otherwise punished lightly
>germany blamed for while war and basically starts paying welfare for all of europe
Outfought, outsmarted and just simply outmatched by the us, the British.
whole war*
They lost because they were betrayed by the Jews. History took a predictable turn after that.
If you cock-toothed bastards didn't suck our dicks for help you'd be speaking German now.
You're welcome.
>asking commun/his/ts anything history related
>Objective statement
Pick one.
>m-m-muh Jews
Do you Nazi cucks ever listen to yourselves sometimes? You sound exactly like a nigger
Shut the fuck up with your jewed up little cock. Bow down before your superior masters you filthy yank cunt
>"Please America! Give us a billion dollars to fund our shit war machine! Oh yes please, spread my cheeks tighter and stick it in deeper!"
It's been labeled as a "myth" ever since the internet has been around.
You're in 20 trillion debt. Your barely 52% white and of that 52% white half of them hate your guts. Lmao
Prove it's not true Mohammed
Germany really didn't, they surrendered before the war tipped against them. If the war had dragged on for a few more years they would likely have lost but honestly the jews at the controls gave in way to early.
Retarded aggression like the Lusitania sinking and the Zimmerman telegram gave war hawks in the US the justification they needed to go to war and that spelled the end for them.
If they had been smart about they'd have negotiated a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds after 6 years of war with no US intervention and kept their land gains in Eastern Europe. There is no other way Germany would have gotten out of that war favorably.
Declared war on USA because of their meme ally; Japan
Didn't hit the Soviets hard and fast enough before they finally got their shit together
Didn't form an alliance with the emu battalions to force British forces to help Australia
How are those "innocent refugees" you let flood into your country, hm? Your women are now slaves to shit-skinned dicks.
World War ONE you dumbass.
Backstabbing (((November Criminals))).
Perfidious Albion
>implying I give a shit
Isn't the nation of Britain a few trillion in debt, but considering how small of a country it is, it's way worse than the United States?
Their strategy was almost completely based on the schlieffen plan. the plan was to Zerg rush france was get a foothold in the event of a world war. It was a high risk plan becuse if it failed, Germany would have no chance to win.
The plan failed pretty early on and the German advanced was halted by the French, dooming them to defeat.
Funny enough becuse hitler used the same plan and won
The burden of proof is on you, Nazi cuck. Oh that's right, you can't prove it. You morons are a joke.
You have 40+ million nigs and around 100 million spics. Oh yes, a few refugees are worse than that shithole you call a country.
America took a proactive stance at the end of the war. It could have taken 6 months or even a year longer to completely wear down German industrial capacity if America maintained its isolationist policy.
There lies the answer.
Are you even white?
The edge doesn't make you a sharper person, does it?
>It was a high risk plan becuse if it failed, Germany would have no chance to win.
Why is that exactly?
Get out of my country
>Be Eurofag
>Wake up in shithole flat paying 350 pound a month.
>Hear friendly Muslim refugee raping my female neighbor, yell through the wall that I respect his religion
>Jack off to free porn sounds, cum when he does
>Eat slice of stale toast and call it a biscuit, drink shit water that I dipped leaves in
>Brush teeth with a pipe cleaner
>Bathe in garbage water
>Go to shit eurofag job, pass by Muslim refugees raping two women in an alley
>stop by and tell them all that I respect their religion
>Get to work making less than minimum wage
>Thanks brexit, clock out 10 hours later
>Friendly refugee comes in and stabs one of the cashiers, rapes the female manager, robs all of us, I shake his hand and tell him that I respect his religion
>Stabs me in the leg
>Thank him
>Pass by same Muslim men raping more women, tell them I respect their religion and how I admire their stamina
>Hear a bus explode two blocks over
>Shout out that I respect his dedication to his religion
>Get back to shithole flat
>Same woman in the other flat being raped, sounds like multiple men this time
>Begin fapping again, moan out how I respect their religion and cum when they do
>Eat whole loaf of stale bread with grass
>Get on Sup Forums
>hahahah Americans are so fucking fat wtf you shit-clogged arseholes need to eat healthier your country is such shit you all need to get back under parliament yankee fucks hahahahah
Nope. I don't class myself as "white". You see, I'm not a filthy mudblood mo grel that doesn't fit in anywhere thus has to create a whole new category for me and my mongrel brethren. I'm English, shitskin.
What city?
Jewish Communists on the streets and the banking warlords in the shadows who desired to profit from Germany's defeat so they could buy up its properties & resources on the cheap.
It also lacked competent allies.
>F I F T Y T W O P E R C E N T W H I T E
Woulda worked if it weren't for the belgians
ITT: People who haven't take a single history class.
Two words: Two fronts.
>the (failed) revolution that happened after the war was over is somehow responsible for losing germany the war
This is what antisemites actually fucking believe.
Automatic loss because they were siding with T*RKS.
This. Fuck that board. The only difference between this board and that one is the no raycism rule. /leftypol/ central over there.
English isn't a color. What color is your skin?
imagine if they were actually excised from Germany
no needless spending on accommodation for the useless eaters during
Germany would not have to pay them for that grand hoax
Germany could still be nationalistic and carry an air of "no jews allowed" afterwards
Germany (and Europe) would not be as fucked as they are now
Israel might still exist but it wouldn't be backed so strongly by (savior) America
America would also not be as fucked as it is today
but South America would be a greater cesspool though
fucking kikes
Precisely because of what the goal of the plan was to prevent: prolonged British involvement in the war. The goal was to defeat France in 6 weeks and deter Britain from mobilizing their forces for a campaign to hold the line in France. After 6 weeks a French surrender would allow Germany to relocate their forces using their industrialized railway system to the eastern front and mop up the Russian forces.
Unfortunately, the battle of the marne fucked up the advance and Britain used the invasion of Belgium as a justification to intervene, effectively defeating the point of the invasion
Germany only had one front at the end of ww1 you tard.
losing a war physically often means you won the war spiritually. because people who fight for the truth despite the odds are true warriors.
a coward only fights when he knows he will win.
It is an ethnicity. Something you'd know little about seeing as how you're all filthy mongrels.
Lmao, whatever. I hoped you enjoy your little moment of triumph yank cuck. Every other election from now on will be decided by the Hispanics.
The plan was to take rush take and France very quickly (a matter of weeks or less so enemies don't have time to prepare) so in the cause of a fuck huge war, Germany isn't surrounded on 3 sides.
The fench held the line at verdun (or was it Somme? Can't remember the name) and the Germans got fucked
Where should we flee to in 30 years? Ireland or New Zealand? Which one of their economies is more worthy of benefitting from our wealth?
Based frogs.
>Trump had an overwhelming majority of his vote come from Hispanics
Care to try again you donkey-toothed ball sucker?
Should have stayed out of Belgium.
>at the end
Gee for a single year.
Heard they have good ice cream or some shit.
Got news for you m8
WWI. Disturbing how many responses are for WWII. Really hoping this because of misread of OP's question.
WWI and WWII ultimately lost for the same reason, Germany could not sustain the same level of attrition to men and materials as the allies. The side that can just keep throwing shit into the fray.(and have the willingness to do it, see Vietnam) is going to win no matter how stupid their strategy.
>Funny enough becuse hitler used the same plan and won
Except that he didn't. In WW2 Germany feinted into Belgium, mimicking their actions at the beginning of WW1, and the Allies rushed forwards to meet them so that they wouldn't get Belgium and Northern France's industrial areas and coal deposits like they had in the previous war. Then the main German thrust broke through in the south, at Sedan, through terrain which was thought to be impassable to a large force and hence was lightly defended.
The main Allied forces, still heading towards the Germans advancing into Belgium, were cut off.
Ethnicity... soooo.... Juden?
Serious question for anyone... do Jews even live in the UK? Are there big Jewish communities there like in NYC and DC?
Because with the advance stalled trench warfare set in and Germany couldn't afford to lose as many troops as the Allies. As losses mounted experienced units were destroyed.
Ever wonder why Alvin York and Todger Jones captured so many Krauts? It's because their morale wasn't the same as in 1914. The Kikes didn't do that, English, French and later US bombardment did that.
Sup Forumsfags are so obsessed with politics they tend to forget about the actual wars. /k/ are much more war literate.
As usual the best reply in the thread gets no recognition. Good on you user.
>austria-hungary disassembled but otherwise punished lightly
>lost hungary
>lost balcãs
>lost even their ground in italy
I'd be so down to change my name to Wang when I enter the country as a refugee
Same as WW2. They were fighting everyone else
No, they all moved to your shithole. You're all so easy manipulated. Just look at your kosher cocks.
It's not our fault we don't all have the same last name
Wrong world war, Discount Australia.
USA joined on the side of the British, tipping the stalemate.
Had we joined in on the side of the Germans they likely would have won.
PLEASE. HAVE MERCY. Too full for whites?
Pretty hard to maintain war material production when the Jews are organizing communist revolutions and strikes on the homefront isn't it?
Kek. Touché... but you didn't answer my question. What's your ethnicity?
That didn't matter much since those weren't industrialized areas. Peasants a shit.
>they should have negotiated peace
>they dhouldn't have made diplomatic overatures to potential allies in case of US intervention
>they should have allowed free shipping into the UK
Fucking pure naivity. This is what you think when you read Wikipedia and skip actual books.
Why would they accept the cancer that has ruined the US? Are you daft?
They never thought Britain would enter the war if they attacked France.
We could do swapsies, swap our asians and indians for whites.
Otherwise we're full.
USA joined the battle
Ha tea bro I'm white I promise. What are you?
Go to sleep Wilhelm.
English you stupid fucking cunt. Believe it or not but in Europe there are people that are pure bred Europeans whose lineage can be traced back hundreds of years.
That's a fair trade. Promise an Indian who could actually contribute to the economy to live in a country full of coal burners.
Their industrial base wasn't near that of the Allies in the first place. Unrest came LATE in the war after enormous casualties in battle.
WWI and WWII have two things in common. Terrible German economic and industrial management, and failure to build enough U-boats to strangle England. The German navy should never have built anything heavier than a cruiser, and spent all resources saved on submarine warfare.
The most successful submarine war was the US vs. Japs. American fucked the Nips completely while they wasted their sub fleet.
>be Indian
>"full bred English"
>No reason
>What is Pearl Harbor?
So you have white skin then? I'm not trying to be mean I'm just curious.
They did negotiate peace. Wilson offered them like 20 points that they agreed to and then went back on every single one and raped them at Versailles and the rest is history
because a dirty zionist came along and somehow got america to join the British team in return for the Balfour Declaration