My wife is 1% black, wat do

So this is dead serious - my wife did a DNA test and found out she was 1% African, 99% European. I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, I married a nignog. Need srs advice. I mean I jest I love the woman but I am serious my wife is 1% black and sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out. Pic somewhat related.

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There's no other option user, leave as soon as you can and ask divorce by mail.
Don't tell her you're leaving not ask her directly for the divorce because she may chimp out.


Wash her pussy out

> not taming the wild negro
A long and prosperous marriage is the only option


There's a reason why one droppers gotta go.

Those DNA tests don't actually work that way.

ask her to transition to a male and grow a BBC for you to suckle


Put your penis in her. I hear that is fun.

1% black is more likely to be an error than actual nigger blood OP

don't be stupid m8

Call her a nigger while pointing and laughing at her

sage for low IQ agree and amplify

The only good thing about nig nog wives is their loyalty. So there's a bright side. Pic unrelated.

I feel like I've read this on here before, hard deja vu

Cut her open and dig that 1% out. Should be pretty easy because it's only 1%

Oh and by the way we got her grandfather to do a DNA test and he was legit 4% African, so we know where the shit came from in the family tree. He grew up as a poor farmer in rural Mississippi.

23andMe or AncestryDNA? It's probably just what's referred to as "noise", and not legitimate ancestry.

Source: I study/obsess over this shit.

This shit is also relevant because she wants to interbreed and therefore we could create little .5% black niglets. This is of deep concern to me.


It's not nigger DNA stupid. It's genetic noise. It's pretty much a glitch if it's at a low percentage like that.

1% black means about 200 years ago someone in your family married a black person or half black person .

That means it probably isn't noise. There are a few SNPs you should check her genotype for... off the top of my head

[rs1805086] (Causes Muscle Hypertrophy, part of what makes Niggers so good at sports)

[rs1018381] (Causes Impaired Intelligence/Attention Span—part of what makes Niggers so dumb)

[rs5848] (Increases risk for Dementia, much more common in Niggers)

[rs429358] (Greatly increases risk of Alzheimer's, much more common in Niggers)

[rs1426654] (Part responsible for the difference in skin color between whites and blacks)

Fuck it. Who cares? No one.

Aim it at her head when she isn't looking user...


Literally nothing.

>I can see the black coming out
You probably see the black coming in your wife too

You do realize that if your family owned slaves there's a pretty good chance that your wife is your cousin.

Yeah you better be careful, OP. Just one drop of that ravenous hot nigger blood is enough to cause someone to go absolutely bananas in an instant

Fire up the oven user.

If we accept 1% black, what's next? 2%? 3%? What's the limit?

can you recommend resources for me to learn what you know about dna and genealogy?

Nigger there's a million more factors involved than just those
>niggers are genetically better at sports meme

Oh, fuck. Imagine how many things she must have stolen from you behind your back.

Exactly.. where does it end?
Better to ask for an annulment on the grounds that you married her based on false pretenses. Find yourself a nice Norwegian girl

divorce, do not procreate, one drop rule

Are you fucking kidding?

Pic related.

>What's the limit?

it is nigger dna

Hey man, I think you lucked out. Best sex I ever had was with a Mulatto chick.

Perform a niggercism on her. See if the evil DNA leaves.

but that's for Jews,

blacks are even more toxic

Hey it's cool. We already had a mulatto mongrel president.
Maybe your son did Djohn Rufus Smith will be president too!

Why did he do that to the nice lady?

I'd give OP advice but feel gross talking to a race mixer.

and hang OP for being a dirty nigger fucker

Damnit what episode was that from?

It's a very common mutation in Africans that fucks up their Myostatin gene, so their body's aren't able to prevent the growth of muscle as well—causing muscle hypertrophy. It's extrememly well documented.

Click on the PMID articles and read them if you don't believe me.

Run the data through Promethease. 'SNP' just means a somewhat common mutation. SNPs are designated as such 'rs#####'. Just using Promethease, SNPedia, and googling shit/reading the scientific articles will get you to a better level of understanding. Click the 1000Genomes links on the SNPedia entries to determine how common the mutation is in certain populations.

There's a 99%chance your kid will be 100%black

Well we all make mistakes. If you find value in a racially pure life then you would leave her. If you're fine with a nog up the line then that's up to you, but can't say I envy you. She should know how you feel already and already be packing her bags.

Sterilize her


Looks like you got yourself a case of nigger love Dr. Schultz

I believe you're then obligated to put it in her butt.

Sell her into slavery.

Hack her into pieces and hide the parts around your state.

pol has got to you dude
you are a fucking idiot for caring

>I don't mind eating shit