Still hate black people?
Still hate black people?
Yes. Fuck niggers.
Nope just niggers, like the ones in brazil.
Why would I hate black people?
It's niggers I hate.
Only generally, not individually.
Holy shit he's blacker than the uniform. It looks like someone dumped tar on him. Even his lips are fucking black.
Jacob "Pull the trigger on every nigger" Mach
Yes, that little monkey is going to act like a chimp all through school while getting pampered by liberal cuck teachers, boosted into a university he doesn't deserve by affirmative action, and wind up securing some shitty job as a worthless admin in our 1984-esque bureaucracy
He probably stinks too
Fuck off
Blacks who recently left Africa are actually less niggerized than those in USA
Statistics teaches you this.
Seriously your post reeks of failures.
There is nothing wrong with black people. Just niggers.
That's usually what cucks and niggers say when anons point out the bullshit that is affirmative action. Which are you, a cuck or a nigger? Be honest
the only person I hate is myself.
Aslong as you don't live up to your stereotypes I have nothing against you.
no, i hate niggers
i'm not a stormfag
He is as black as his uniform. Good thing the criminals wouldn't see him coming.
>Respectable job
>Actually raising his son
>Clean and well dressed
>Black wife (i.e. not race mixing)
I see no problems here
Are we talking about a cultural thing here?
How about he emigrated from Sudan and has absolutely no right to be in this country, you fucking cuck? You civic nationalist faggots are just as bad as the liberals
Now what's wrong with race mixing?
Sudanese people are great. Lots of interesting tribes there. There really isn't one 'black people', they are mostly divided in genetically distinct groups.
Guy was born a silhouette, pulls you over roll down your tinted windows and somehow he's even darker, his ID picture looks like the default picture, he uses electrical tape as bandaids so they blend in, it looks like someone dumped tar on him
This nigger is pitch black
He's an immigrant that took a middle class job. It's not like he's a doctor or a scientist or something that this country has a shortage of. His job could have been filled by an American so I don't think he deserves to be in this country.
I wonder who's behind that phenomena?
If he did it legally than what's the problem? We should drastically reduce immigration absolutely, however how is a newcomer getting a stable career and raising his son to hopefully not be a filthy fucking nigger bad when he could've ended up a welfare leech instead?
I don't hate black people.
I'm wary of their motives
I have a general assumption that they're basically retarded.
But I don't hate them.
No, its genetic. Niggers are niggers because of genetics, not culture
Nothing when the skin tone is maintained.
hapas are ok
>lost boy of Sudan
You mean a former child soldier who mass murdered, terrorized, and raped his own country as a child is now a uniformed, armed "protector" of our American society?
the absolute state of nu/pol/
A newcomer who does what everyone else can do is only going to be a drain on the system. Immigrants need to be fucking extraordinary or they shouldn't be let in.
No, I don't hate black people. Just the ones that act like jiggaboos.
It's because they still have the colonial work ethic. US blacks used to have that too during reconstruction era and early 1900s. It's all gone now.
No we hate niggers. Real Africans ABSOLUTELY HATE American Blacks.
Civic nationalists aren't even for immigration controls. What a joke of an ideology. I bet they still believe in the magic dirt.
Sudan could've used him more than we could. I don't care how nice you are, stick to your homeland.
Black People =/= Niggers
Fun fact: in Peter Jackson's King Kong the natives were Sudanese actors. They are all dark as fuck. Like darker than black like the guy in the photo.
The ethnic stock of the US doesn't need to be diluted any further by African immigrants, whether they're scum-sucking Somali pirates, would-be cops, or doctors. Do you know what regression to the mean is? We want a white country, not Brazil. If Canada wants to be a multicultural dystopia, you're welcome to take all the Africans you can handle.
And by the way, with how many homeless vets there are in our cities and towns, it's fucking shameful that we bring in these Africans and such and then laud them as heros for doing something as trivial as getting a fucking job* (*with the help of affirmative action)
I've never hated black people. But I hate niggers with a holy fervor.
Exactly. Cuckservatives get so excited when they meet a nigger that doesn't chimp out.
Based black man! I hate niggers not blacks! Race isn't real, it's only cultural differences! Yada, yada, yada, I've heard enough of that shit from the Establishment GOP the past 50 years.
Sure there's no IQ requirement to be a cop but damn
Always have, always will
>nu-pol still pretending nigger and black man are any different
The person in the pic doesnt look like a nigger. He is a black man. Leanrn the difference.
Nigger = white trash
Productive white man = productive black person
>third worlder
>relevant opinion
choose 1
>Sup Forums thinks blacks and niggers are different
A man that black belongs nowhere but the equatorial zone. Natural law is going to sort this mess out fairly quickly me thinks.
Fuck mestizos
We will be third worlders soon too if cucks like you keep inviting more niggers into the country.
It's /nu pol/ and it's pretty gay. You can tell a large number of them are in their late teens and enjoy Fox News. Found some right here:
>Hahah he's ebin based black man can fuck my wife he has job :^)
t. nigger
another nigger cop in atlanta who will refuse to arrest other niggers wtf i love niggers now desu
dude that guy could be the ultimate ninja. if i was black, i would wanna be that black
Lol keep up your (((civic nationalist))) ideals for long and you will end up just like us, a shitty multicultural society where nobody has a national identity
This nigga burnt to a crisp
Nah. If he upholds his oath to serve and protect, then he's alright by me. If he acts like a nigger, he should fuck off back to Sudan.
How'd they get a police uniform and a child's suit to stand up like that? Just starch?
>Civic nationalists aren't even for immigration controls.
citation fucking needed
guarantee this nigger is gonna get fired for fucking someone up
Something I notice is that Africa immagrant children are so much more intelligent than our native negro
In HS we had an immigrant from Nigeria who ended up going to NYU, most blacks in the school didn't even go to college
This police officer has a special ability, he can blend with the darkness...... Every "thugga" is afraid of him, because they dont know when the sudan ninja will get them...
Plan A isn't even civic nationalism you retard. Don't know why you think your graphic proved anything.
Civic nationalists aren't even against immigration, they are just against illegal Mexicans and that's about it. Look at them all in this thread frothing at the mouth over this
"based black guy" from Sudan who is totally not a nigger.
he is about to become extremely redpilled dealing with american niggers, will soon be ourguy
Okay but I'm talking about the fact that the guy is already legally American and can't simply "go back" because he's an American citizen now. Would you rather he not get a good job and raise his kids in a better environment instead of being a welfare leech and popping out 12 niggers on the Obamadollar? Personally I don't want more fucking immigration and we should help our own citizens first and foremost, but he's still your fucking citizen so if he does well why wouldnt you be fucking happy that he didn't end up becoming a complete nigger like all the others? That doesn't mean that you can't not support bringing more people that the West can't support.
But in the long term won't he pay the investment back in taxes? Isnt that a basic macroeconomic idea?
Okay but he's American now not Sudanese, his origin is not the question his success is since its obvious you can't send him back now
on average, yes
So, the outliers define the pattern is what you're saying?
Did they give him the night shift or the day shift?
Where the fuck is your citation?
>Civic nationalists aren't even for immigration controls.
>Civic nationalists aren't even against immigration,
Mix races don't get along together. You can have one goverment with mutiple races under it. It never gets along. Look at the niggers in america moaning about the goverment constantly. Look at south african white under a black government. This shit just doesn't work.Importing Africans into a white government will always lead to despair. Its a story as old as time but people are to stupid to look at the evidence.
Actual Africans are usually much better than basketball Americans.
But yeah, fuck off, we're full.
Off topic but can someone explain why the Caribbean blacks are so much more productive, friendly, family oreinted than the African blacks?
>muh BASED nonwhites
How does this image make you feel op? Does this image I post give you more hope?
An Affirmative Action hire he will end up doing some stupid ass nigger shit in a few years like sexual assaulting someone guaranteed
Your average African immigrant is generally pretty cool. They hate American blacks more openly and more passionately than most whites will ever admit. They have an extended identity and, despite their collective societal incompetence, are more often than not good neighbors.They still have to go back, but I certainly like them more than man-monistic American niggers.
Look at all the civic nationalists who post here. All pro-diversity. All pro-immigration. Always talking about how much they love minorities and how America is for everyone who follows ARE VALUES, whatever that means. I guess all you have to do to be American is sign papers and speak English.
With friends like you, who needs liberals.
He is not even black, he is Night.
>Nope just niggers, like the ones in brazil.
Can't tell where the uniform ends and his face begins...
>look at my anecdotes
>look at my few post that i can't even fucking cite
>let me completely dodge your request to cite some evidence
It's the pitch black ones that really stink, wouldn't want to be within 10 meters of him.
Sup Forums hates niggers, not upstanding black folk
One of the fighters at my gym is one of the lost Boys from Sudan. Dude is pretty funny. Also he has the best name I have ever heard:
Kuchlong Kuchlong
Holy shit... Who told those jokes? Sounds like Greg Giraldo on Flavor Flav roast.
>The Lost Boys
>Reddit hates niggers, not upstanding black folk
He dindu nuthin, he was just making a prank and shieeet, also that cigarrette is tobacco
You posted a graphic that showed strategic ethnic nationalism and called it civic nationalism. There is nothing to dodge because your initial post was false.
Let me explain it again - civic nationalism is nationalism based on values, not race or ethnicity. Not what you posted at all.
African Americans =\= Africans.
There are many African ethnic groups that I respect. Since there's a lot of genetic and cultural variation within that continent, we shouldn't be putting them in the same bag.
Sudanese people are remarkably traditional and have resisted islamization and British colonialism for centuries...
Some of those tribes have the tallest people on Earth. They domesticated cattle and evolved a mission for lactose tolerance independently from Europeans.
Also: amazing scarification rituals. Pic related.
>He still can't provide evidence for his claims
Let me post them again for you!
>Civic nationalists aren't even for immigration controls.
>Civic nationalists aren't even against immigration,
Good job providing some fucking evidence, user!
Oh look another immigrant that's supposed to prove American blacks aren't shit tier.. let me know when a real "African"-american works just as hard or raises a black son for that matter
Could be the fuckers that pay many pennies to produce that music that glorifies being a complete nigger.
No just niggers. This is not a nigger